In this lab, youll be completing several different TODOs, which will, piece by piece displaymultiple, simultaneously appearing, scrollable backgrounds in Mode 0. This is an example ofhow you can find a background image on a site like OpenGameArt to create a dynamicbackground! In this case, separate images (one of grass, and one of clouds) were used. Yourcode may not compile until you complete an entire TODO block, at which point the gameshould compile with a new component of the final outcome (unless otherwise specified).TODO 1 Exporting clouds.bmpLets set up one background first before moving on to any others. This will be the furtherbackground. TODO 1.0CS 2261 Fall 2020 Open clouds.bmp in Usenti TODO 1.1 The palette and image have been set up for you (the palette is reduced to asingle row of colors, the transparent color is at index 0, and the image is anappropriate size). Go to Image > Export, keep the default name, and make sure the type is GBAsource. Make sure that it is exporting to your Lab08 folder. TODO 1.2 Since we are using multiple backgrounds in this lab, the easiest way to do thisis by using: 4BPP tiles (so that their individual palettes can fit onto a single masterpalette, the key here is that we are utilizing the transparent color foreach row) Your export settings should be as follows: 4BPP Map is checked, sbb selected Pal is checkedTODO 2.0 Setting up Mode 0 and displaying cloudsNow we are going to set up the background so that we can actually see it. TODO 2.0 At the top of main.c, #include the .h file for the image you just exported TODO 2.1 In the initialize function, set up the Display Control Register (REG_DISPCTL) We want to use Mode 0 Enable background 1 We are not enabling background 0 since we want this image tobe behind the next background we will load in later. Look at myLib.h for macros to help you set this up TODO 2.2 Load your tiles palette (which was exported along with it) into the PALETTE TODO 2.3 Set up background 1s control register The background is 512160 pixels (think about what size to tell theGBA that it is and where to put the tiles and map) Remember, we need to set up the charblock to tell the tileswhere to go and screenblocks to tell where the map will go Look at myLib.h for the necessary macros for background sizes,background registers, and background charblock andscreenblock TODO 2.4CS 2261 Fall 2020 Use DMANow to load the tiles into the correct character block.Make sure it is the SAME character block that you told background 1 to findthem in the previous TODO. This is referring to the actual CHARBLOCK struct Check myLib.h under // Character and Screen Blocks TODO 2.5 Use DMANow to load the map into the correct screenblock. Make sure it is thesame screenblock you told background 1 to find it in TODO 2.3. This is referring to the actual SCREENBLOCK struct Check myLib.h under // Character and Screen Blocks Build and run. You should see your clouds map, and be able to scroll it with theleft and right arrow keys (the map should loop as you move in one direction).If not, fix this before continuing.TODO 3.0 Exporting grass.bmpLets set up the closer background now. TODO 3.0 Open grass.bmp in Usenti TODO 3.1 This background will appear at the same time as the other background, so theyhave to share the same master palette. First, we want to get these colors onto the palette of the one that we havealready loaded in (the palette of clouds). Go to Image > Export and save the type as Palette (.pal). You can export just the 16 colors that you need (start: 0, count 16) TODO 3.2 Now, we need to tell grass.bmp to use the second row of the master palettesince we know that the other background is using the first row. Go to Palette > Swap Swap the first row of 16 colors with the second row of 16 colors First Index: beginning of the first row (0 in this case) Second Index: beginning of the second row (16 in this case) Count: number of colors being swapped (16 since each row has16 colors) When you hit swap, you should see the entire row of colors thisbackground image is using move to the second row. TODO 3.3 Export this image the same way you exported the last one: Image > ExportCS 2261 Fall 2020 GBA source 4BPP Map is checked, sbb selected Palette checked TODO 3.4 Now, weve told this new background image to use the second row of colorswithin a master palette. In order to create this palette, we need to merge thecolors into our previous backgrounds palette. Open clouds.bmp again and go to Image > Import Import the palette (.pal) we exported in TODO 3.1 Remember, this is just the set of 16 colors that the backgroundwas using We want to put them on the second row of the clouds.bmp palette Source: 0 (from this palette we are importing, start at index 0) Destination: 16 (to this palette we are importing to, startplacing it at index 16 first spot of the 2nd row) Count: 16 (16 colors) Note: You should see both rows have their OWN transparentcolor at the first index of their rows (magenta). This is necessaryin order to be able to see layered backgrounds. For the GBA to get these changes, we need to re-export. Export as: GBA source, with the same export settings as before. The new colors will now be a part of the palette we were DMAingbefore. If you build and run right now, you should not see any changes. If you see thatyour image is using different colors now, then you have not merged thepalettes correctly. Fix this before continuing.TODO 4 Displaying grassWe want to be able to actually see the new background, so lets set that up. TODO 4.0 At the top of main.c, #include the .h file for the grass TODO 4.1 In the initialize function, tell the Display Control Register to also enablebackground 0 for our new map. TODO 4.2 Set up background 0s control register. The BG will display a 256160 pixelbackground, so think about what size this translates to and where to put thetiles and map (save enough room for them, but waste no space, and make sureit doesnt overwrite background 1). TODO 4.3CS 2261 Fall 2020 Use DMANow to load the tiles into the correct character block. Makesure it is the same character block where you told background 0 to find them. TODO 4.4 Use DMANow to load the map into the correct screen block. Make sure it is thesame screenblock where you told background 0 to find it. Build and run. You should see both the grass and clouds maps (grass layeredon top of clouds) and be able to scroll both with the left and right keys. Theywill move together. If not, fix this before continuing.TODO 5 ParallaxThe clouds image should look like its farther away. However, we arent currently creatingthat illusion. In real life, when you move, the things that are farther away look like they aremoving more slowly. Implement that here. TODO 5.0 At the bottom of game(), find where the background offset registers arebeing updated. Change the line that updates the offset for the cloudsbackground so that it moves more slowly. HINT: for every 4 pixelsthat grass moves, clouds should only move one (cloudsmoves a quarter as fast as grass) Use your Pre-algebra skills. Build and run. When you scroll, clouds should move more slowly, and create theillusion of depth (motion parallax).You will know if it runs correctly if you: Can see both backgrounds simultaneously. DO NOT see the transparent color on either background (magenta). Can scroll the backgrounds using the left/right keys and see the illusion of cloudsmoving slower than grass
[Solved] CS2261 LAB8-Backgrounds
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