[SOLVED] CS220 Homework 10: Jack – Square Dance


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CS220 HW10
Homework 10: Jack Square Dance
Build the Square Dance application, in Jack, per the instructions and guidance covered in class.
Grading method:
As usual with programming assignments, we look for elegance, clarity, reasonable documentation, and neatness.
Follow the instructions in lecture as far the classes and methods to build, as well as allowing command-line arguments as instructed. Document each method (description, precondition, postcondition) and add author information on each file. Provide an algorithm for your main method that drives the Square Dance application.
What do you turn in?
Create one Word document (or PDF) with the following in order:
1. The Square.jack source code (documented)
2. The SquareGame.jack source code (documented)
3. The Main.jack (with main function) source code (documented)
4. Create a screen shot of the application running in the VM Emulator (from the Nand2Tetris software package). The square should be somewhere other than the top-left (x=0, y=0) portion of the screen.
Square Dance
Well built?
CS220 HW10
Below is the API documentation depicting the high-level details of the Square Dance
CS220 HW10
The SquareGame class should have methods to:
SquareGame constructor – initializes the Square to x=0, y=0,
size=30, direction = 0
void incSize() increments the square size by 2 pixels
void decSize() decrements the square size by 2 pixels
void run() waits for a key to be pressed, then responds to the
If key is q, exit the game
If key is z, decrement the size of the square
If key is x, increase the size of the square
If key is up arrow, move up
If key is down arrow, move down
If key is left arrow, move left
If key is right arrow, move right
void moveSquare() moves the square according to its direction
and delays for 5 ms.
void dispose() disposes of the Square and de-allocates this.

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[SOLVED] CS220 Homework 10: Jack – Square Dance