[SOLVED] CS2124 Data Structures Project 2: Simulating Traffic


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CS2124 Data Structures
Project 2: Simulating Trac
Reminder: This project is like an exam. The program you submit should be the
work of only you and, optionally, one other partner. You are not allowed to read,
copy, or rewrite the solutions written by anyone other than your partner (including
solutions from previous terms or from other sources such as the internet). Copying
another persons code, writing code for someone else, or allowing another to copy
your code are cheating, and can result in a grade of zero for all parties. If you are
in doubt whether an activity is permitted collaboration or cheating, ask the instructor.
Every instance of cheating will be reported to UTSAs Student Conduct and Com-
munity Standards oce (SCCS). At minimum, this will result in a zero for the
project/exam and at most a grade of a C for the course.
1 Project les
For this project youll be simulating trac in city. Specically you need to complete tracSimu-
lator.c. The places where you need to change the code are marked with TODOs. It is not recom-
mended but, if you really want, you can change any of the les (other than driver.c) or create
new les but you will need to also submit them as well as your updated makele.
2 Overview
The program youre writing will simulate cars traveling in a road network. Here is a quick overview
of the road network:
The road network is represented using a graph.
Roads are represented as edges in your graph (see Section 3). Roads connect pairs of intersec-
tions. All roads are one way and have only a single lane (i.e. the cars all travel in the same
direction and cannot pass each other). Each road has a trac light associated with it. The
trac lights cycle between red and green (i.e. no yellow lights).
Intersections are represented as vertices in your graph (see Section 3).
Cars always take the shortest path to their destination (based on length of the roads it tra-
verses). Cars are added to a starting road with Add Car Events (see Section 4).
Your ultimate goal is to nd the average number of steps it takes for a car to reach its destination in
the road network as well as the maximum number of steps it took for a car to reach its destination.
These numbers are a measure of the quality of the road network. This allows a user to quickly test
the eects of building a new road on quality the road network.
3 Intersections, Cars, and Trac Lights
Intersections and Roads
Intersections are the vertices of your graph.
Each vertex is represented by a unique integer value.
These range from 0 to size 1 where size is the number of vertices.
The roads connecting them are edges of graph.
Each directed edge is represented by a triple of integers.
The rst integer is the starting vertex.
The second integer is the ending vertex.
The third integer is the weight of the edge (i.e, the length of this road).
Cars traverse the edge based on order of arrival (i.e., no passing). You should use an array to
represents the current contents of the road. During each time step every car with an empty
space in front of it moves forward one position. Example:
Suppose that is an empty space on the road and the numbers represent 3 cars on the road.
1 2 3
After one time step only cars 1 and 2 are able to move forward. Car 3 is blocked from moving due
to car 2.
1 2 3
Trac Lights and Road Length
An intersection permits cars from its adjacent roads to pass through it.
Each road has trac light associated with it. When the light is green, the car on the front of
the road may attempt to pass through the intersection towards its destination.
The times in which the light is green/red and allows trac through is specied in the input
(we omit yellow lights for the sake of simplicity). The light operates on a time step and repeats
the specied pattern for the duration of the simulation. This is specied with the following
three int inputs (see also Section 6):
<green on> – The light turns green after this many time steps (light starts as red)
<green off> – The light turns back to red after this many time steps
<cycle resets> – The light cycle resets (i.e. repeat the above checks).
Example light cycle for GreenOn = 1, GreenOff = 4, and CycleReset = 5:
Time Step: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . . .
Light State: R G G G R R G G G R R G G . . .
The order the roads should be processed in is same as the order in which they were added to
the graph. Hint: It will be useful to store the roads in an array based on this order.
The length of a road also denotes the maximum number of cars which can be on it.
A car can only pass through the intersection if the next road on its shortest path has an empty
space on the end of its car array. Otherwise, it remains at the front of its current road.
The destination of each car is an intersection.
A car is removed from the simulator once it moves o the front of the road at its destination.
As with any move through an intersection this requires the trac light to be green.




Cars always follow a shortest path to their destination.
Note that this shortest path is based on the lengths of the roads and not on how many
cars are currently on the roads.
You should call the graph.c function getNextOnShortestPath to nd the next intersection
on a shortest path.
You will want to track the number of time steps the car took to reach its destination in order
to report your results at the end of the simulation.
4 Events
It is recommended that you store the events in a priority queue based on the time step it is supposed
to occur on.
Event – Adding Cars
The input le will also specify time steps in which more cars should enter the simulation.
Initially, those cars should be stored in the queue of the event struct.
Once the specied time step occurs, these cars should be added to the end of a waiting queue
associated with the specied edge (Hint: the mergeQueues function in queue.c may come in
handy here). For each time step remove the rst car in the queue and place it at the end of
the road array of the edge if possible.
Print the following on the time step this event occurs:
ADD CAR EVENT – Cars enqueued on road from Y to Z
The road of the event is from Y to Z.
Event – Closing Roads due to an Unresolved Accident
The input le will specify a time step, a road, and a duration. Along with creating a
ROAD ACCIDENT EVENT you will also create a ROAD RESOLVED EVENT which
will occur after the specied time duration has passed since the time step of this event.
Once the specied time step occurs, an unresolved accident is added to the road. As long as
the number of unresolved accidents on a road is > 0, no car can make a move involving that
road (including moving onto/o of that road).
Print the following on the time step this event occurs:
ROAD ACCIDENT EVENT – Adding accident to road from Y to Z
The road of the event is from Y to Z.
Event – Resolving an Accident
This event will be created a companion to a ROAD ACCIDENT EVENT. It represents the
time at which that accident on the road is resolved.
Once the specied time step occurs, an unresolved accident is removed from the road.
Print the following on the time step this event occurs:
ROAD RESOLVED EVENT – Removing accident from road from Y to Z
The road of the event is from Y to Z.


5 Output
As you read the input le, print out the roads and events (example for data-Merge2.txt):
The roads:
Created road from 1 to 0 with length 6 (green=1; red=4; reset=5).
Cycle number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 …
Light state : R G G G R R G G G R R G G G R R G G G R R G G G R …
Created road from 2 to 1 with length 3 (green=0; red=5; reset=10).
Cycle number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 …
Light state : G G G G G R R R R R G G G G G R R R R R G G G G G …
Created road from 3 to 1 with length 3 (green=5; red=9; reset=10).
Cycle number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 …
Light state : R R R R R G G G G R R R R R R G G G G R R R R R R …
Created road from 4 to 1 with length 3 (green=0; red=9; reset=10).
Cycle number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 …
Light state : G G G G G G G G G R G G G G G G G G G R G G G G G …
Created road from 0 to 5 with length 3 (green=8; red=9; reset=10).
Cycle number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 …
Light state : R R R R R R R R G R R R R R R R R R G R R R R R R …
Created road from 0 to 6 with length 3 (green=8; red=9; reset=10).
Cycle number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 …
Light state : R R R R R R R R G R R R R R R R R R G R R R R R R …
Created road from 0 to 7 with length 3 (green=8; red=9; reset=10).
Cycle number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 …
Light state : R R R R R R R R G R R R R R R R R R G R R R R R R …
The add car events:
ADD_CAR_EVENT for time step 0 on road from 2 to 1.
Destinations of added cars: 5, 5, 5
ADD_CAR_EVENT for time step 0 on road from 3 to 1.
Destinations of added cars: 6, 6, 6
ADD_CAR_EVENT for time step 0 on road from 4 to 1.
Destinations of added cars: 7, 7, 7
ADD_CAR_EVENT for time step 5 on road from 1 to 0.
Destinations of added cars: 0, 0, 0
The road accident/resolved events:
ROAD_ACCIDENT_EVENT for time step 23 on road from 1 to 0.
ROAD_RESOLVED_EVENT for time step 27 on road from 1 to 0.
ROAD_ACCIDENT_EVENT for time step 25 on road from 1 to 0.
ROAD_RESOLVED_EVENT for time step 28 on road from 1 to 0.
ROAD_ACCIDENT_EVENT for time step 13 on road from 0 to 5.


ROAD_RESOLVED_EVENT for time step 21 on road from 0 to 5.
Each time step, you should print the contents of each road using the provided function print-
Once a car reaches its destination you should print the following:
Car successfully traveled from X to Y in Z time steps.
X and Y are respectively the starting intersection and destination of this car. Z is the
number of time steps since the car was added to the simulation.
The simulation ends once all of the cars reach their destination and there are no more events
left to process. You should print the following:
Average number of time steps to the reach their destination is X.
Maximum number of time steps to the reach their destination is Y .
X is average number of time steps taken by the cars to reach their destination. Y is
maximum time steps taken by any car to reach its destination.
The above time step calculations is based on when the car entered the waiting queue from the
add car event. It will be handy to store this time step in the cars associated with the event.
6 Input File Format
<size = # of vertices> <# of edges>
//1st road
<FROM: vertex> <TO: vertex> <length> <green on> <green off> <cycle resets>
//2nd road
<FROM: vertex> <TO: vertex> <length> <green on> <green off> <cycle resets>
//last road (one for each edge in the graph)
<FROM: vertex> <TO: vertex> <length> <green on> <green off> <cycle resets>
<# of “ADD_CAR_EVENT” events>
//1st add car event
<“from” of edge> <“to” of edge> <time step to perform “add car” on>
<number of cars to add to this edge>
<dest. vertex of 1st car> <dest. vertex of 2nd car> … <dest. vertex of last car>
//2nd add car event
<“from” of edge> <“to” of edge> <time step to perform “add car” on>
<number of cars to add to this edge>
<dest. vertex of 1st car> <dest. vertex of 2nd car> … <dest. vertex of last car>
//last add car event
<“from” of edge> <“to” of edge> <time step to perform “add car” on>
<number of cars to add to this edge>
<dest. vertex of 1st car> <dest. vertex of 2nd car> … <dest. vertex of last car>


<# of “ROAD_ACCIDENT_EVENT” events>
//1st road accident event
<“from” of edge> <“to” of edge> <time step to add accident on> <duration of accident>
//2nd road accident event
<“from” of edge> <“to” of edge> <time step to add accident on> <duration of accident>
//last road accident event
<“from” of edge> <“to” of edge> <time step to add accident on> <duration of accident>
Fig. 1. Explanation of the le data-Merge2.txt


7 Simulation
Below is the order of operations that your program should go through for each time step:
(1) Dequeue and execute any and all events associated with the current time step.
(2) Print the contents of each road (use the provided function printRoadContents)
(3) For each road, Attempt to move a car from the add car queue for that road onto the last
position on the road.
(4) For each road, cars which had empty spaces in front of them move forward one space.
(5) For each road, attempt to move the car on the front of the road through the intersection and
to the end of the next road on its shortest path. Cars that have reached their destination
intersection are removed from the simulation. (do not move cars which were just moved in the
previous steps)
Repeat the above until all events have nished and all cars have reached their destination.
8 Deliverables:
Your solution should be submitted as tracSimulator.c. If you created any other les to solve the
problem be sure to submit them (including possibly a new makele). Do not zip your les. Be
sure to double check the materials you submitted are the correct versions.
To receive full credit, your code must compile and execute. You should use valgrind to ensure that
you do not have any memory leaks.
9 Grading Notes:
The project graded out of 20 points. Heres a rough breakdown of points awarded (each higher
grade assumes all prior criteria are met):
10/20 – Correctly reading, printing, and storing all of the values in the input le
12/20 – Processing and printing the events
14/20 – Cars are correctly moving on their original roads
16/20 – Cars are correctly reaching their destinations
18/20 – Cars obey trac lights
20/20 – Correctly printing summary
Additional deductions applied to the above scores:
Code that does not compile on the CS Linux lab machines will receive a deduction of at least
Code that does not compile with usually receive very few points (e.g. < 5pts).
This because I cannot test your code.
Be sure to check your code!
Not mallocing your data will receive a deduction of at least 2pts.
Memory leaks will cause a reduction of grade by 1pt to 2pts.
Memory errors will cause a reduction of grade by 1pt to 2pts.
Be sure to look for these when you run Valgrind!


Examples: invalid reads, invalid writes, Conditional jump based on uninitiallized value,
If your worked with a partner, remember that both you and your partner should submit your
solution (even if they are completely the same).


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[SOLVED] CS2124 Data Structures Project 2: Simulating Traffic