The software you will be using for this assignment and all future circuit based assignments is called CircuitSim.
You can get a copy of CircuitSim from
Note that you must have Java 8u152, Java 9, or Java 10 installed for CicuitSim to work probably. If you have an older version of Java (even Java 8u151), you will encounter several annoying JavaFX bugs. You have been warned.
1 Assignment
CircuitSim is an interactive circuit simulation package. We will be using this program for the next couple of homework assignments. Before you start please ensure that you have at least Java 8u152 (JDK) installed on your computer. This may be a problem if you installed Java during CS 1331 last semester and never updated. Make sure you update to the latest version of Java 8! CircuitSim will only run on machines with at least Java 8 installed. Your next homework will involve programming in Java so make sure you have the JDK installed as well.
CircuitSim is a powerful simulation tool designed for educational use. This gives it the advantage of being a little more forgiving than some of the more commercial simulators. However, it still requires some time and effort to be able to use the program efficiently. With this in mind, we present you with the following assignment:
1.1 Part 1 Read Resources
Read through the following resources
- CircuitSim Wires Documentation
- Tutorial 1: My First Circuit
1.2 Part 2 Complete Tutorial 2
Complete Tutorial 2 Instead of saving your file as xor.sim, save your file as part1.sim.
1.3 Part 3 Complete Tutorial 3
Complete Tutorial 3 Name the subcircuit umbrella, the input in, and the output out. Save your file as part2.sim.
2 Checker
To run the checker, run
$ java -jar hw01-tester.jar
at a command prompt in the same directory as part1.sim and part2.sim. Gradescope uses this same checker to evaluate your work.
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