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[SOLVED] Cs211 the n queens problem


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By the “n queens problem” we mean the problem of placing n queens on an nXn “chessboard”
in such a way that no queen can capture any other on the next move. In class we solved the “8
queens” problem.Write a function that inputs an integer n and returns the number of solutions to the “n
queens” problem. Your function should use the one dimensional representation for the board,
the algorithm we discussed in class, and no gotos.Test your function with a main program that prompts the user for an integer n. The main
program then calls the function n times, once for each number from 1 – n, and then prints the
number of solutions to each of these problems, one on a line.For example, if you enter n=5 your program should output:
1. There are _____ solutions to the 1 queens problem.
2. There are _____ solutions to the 2 queens problem.
3. There are _____ solutions to the 3 queens problem.
4. There are _____ solutions to the 4 queens problem.
5. There are _____ solutions to the 5 queens problem.Now, since each time through the loop you will need an array q of a different length, you will
need to allocate the array off of the heap (which we mentioned in class) and not the run-time
stack. To do this you use the “new operator” to request the heap to dynamically allocate the
memory for you.For example, to get a one dimensional array of integers of size n and called q, we use the
following syntax:
int* q = new int[n];This allocates the array for us dynamically, at run-time. After this we can use the array q just
as if it had been declared “normally” and it has n elements denoted q[0] through q[n-1].When we no longer need the memory that was allocated to the array, we write:
delete [ ] q;For this problem, you pass the required length for the array q to your function, which then
allocates q dynamically (using “new”) and uses it to hold the solutions for the given size. Each
time the function exits, you must deallocate q by calling delete [ ] q.For this problem, test your program for n=8.For some more details on how to use new and delete, go to the
video section of the course web site and see the video called
“Dynamically allocated arrays.”


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[SOLVED] Cs211 the n queens problem