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[SOLVED] Cs2070 assignment 8: word length


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In two of the videos currently on the course website, the procedure on how to open a file for both reading and writing is done. In this assignment, you should prompt the user for a filename to read and a filename to write. You should then read from the file for reading (an example will be provided along with this assignment) and then you should write to the file for writing these contents:Each word and word length should be printed on a line all by itself.The libraries used to open a file for reading are:The libraries used to open a file for writing are:Please watch the videos and read Chapter 4 for a detailed look at how to use the libraries. The libraries also require that you throw certain exceptions. The NetBeans “Fix Code” feature will properly throw these errors in your code. You are always encouraged to learn the features of NetBeans to make your programming life easier.Once you begin reading from the input file, you’ll have to loop while (hint, hint) there is another token in the file to read. The method hasNext will detect if there is another token to read in a file. See the example in the book on page 241 and 242. You’ll read in the book’s example about how to read an entire line using nextLine. I don’t want you to do that for this assignment. I want you to read in a single word. This can be accomplished using the next method. The next method returns a String object.Once you have your word, you need to print that word and the word’s length. You can determine the length of a String object using “word.length()”.The input file provided in this assignment is the text of the Gettysburg Address. The file contains only lowercase letters and one space per word and no punctuation. There are several lines in the file representing the paragraphs of the original speech. That should not impact your program. Here are the first ten words of the file:four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forthName your project FirstnameLastnameAssignment8Have your program do the following.My solution (not including the required documentation) was 37 lines of code. If you go over 50, you should probably ask questions in the discussion or send an email to your instructor.Your source code must include the following documentation:The example run is kinda boring since it only displays a few prompts and then quits.Welcome to Dr. Church’s Sentence Splitter.
Enter a file to read: gettysburg.txt
Enter a file to output: out.txtThe contents of out.txt will be each word and that word length. Here are the first 10 entries.four 4
score 5
and 3
seven 5
years 5
ago 3
our 3
fathers 7
brought 7
forth 5To turn in your application, find the folder containing your entire project (not the folder with the “java” file), zip it up, and turn it in.

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[SOLVED] Cs2070 assignment 8: word length