This is a variation on problem number 10 on page 107 in the textbook. Your task is to prompt the user for three test scores. You should then compute the average of the test scores and display the average. The difference between the book’s description and this assignment is that I would like for you to use JOptionPane dialog boxes.This will also require that you parse a String object into a floating point type. You should be using the double type for test scores and averages. As a reminder, the JOptionPane will only return values as String objects. The slides on the course website and Chapter 2 of the textbook will have example code on how to parse String objects into other types.Name your project FirstnameLastnameAssignment5Have your program do the following.Notes:Your source code must include the following documentation:Not yet, but this should be enough to go on.To turn in your application, find the folder containing your entire project (not the folder with the “java” file), zip it up, and turn it in.
Assignment, Averages, CS2070, solved, Test
[SOLVED] Cs2070 assignment 5: test averages
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