Estimating Pi using Monte Carlo Method
The Monte Carlo method for estimating the value of pi is asfollows. We have a square of width 2r, and within it, acircle with a radius of r.
We randomly generate k points within the square. We counthow many points fall within the circle. Suppose n pointsout of k fall within the circle.
Since the area of the square is 4r^2 and the area of thecircle is pi r^2, the ratio between them is pi/4. The ration/k should therefore be pi/4, and pi can be estimated as4n/k.
### Background: Random Number Generator
To estimate pi using the method above, we need to use arandom number generation. A random number generator is anentity that spews up one random number after another. We,however, cannot generate a truly random numberalgorithmically. We can only generate a pseudo-randomnumber. A pseudo-random number generator can be initializedwith a seed. A pseudo-random number generator, wheninitialized with the same seed, always produces the samesequence of (seemingly random) numbers.
Java provides a class `java.util.Random` that encapsulates apseudo-random number generator. We can create a randomnumber generator with a seed:
`Random rng = new Random(1);`
We can then call `rng.nextDouble()` repeatedly to generaterandom numbers between 0 and 1.
Using a fixed seed is important for testing since theexecution of the program will be deterministic, even whenrandom numbers are involved.
## Files Provided
In this directory, you should see the following files:
Skeleton Java files: ``, ``,``, ``
Inputs and outputs for `Lab0`: `inputs/` and`outputs/Lab0.k.out` for different values of k.
Bash script: `` for testing `Lab0` if it estimatespi correctly, by comparing the output when running `Lab0` on`inputs/` to the expected output in`outputs/Lab0.k.out`
Unit tests for Java classes: ``. This file testsindividual classes to check if they have the expectedbehavior
## Your Task
A skeleton code has been given. Your task is to completethe implementation of the classes `Point`, `RandomPoint`,`Circle`, and `Lab0`, according to the OO principles thatwere taught: abstraction, encapsulation, information hiding,inheritance, tell-dont-ask.
Another client class `Test` is given to test the behavior ofyour code. You are required to pass the test cases given in`Test`.
## `Circle`
Most of the `Circle` class has been written for you. Youneed to complete the method `contains`.
## `Point`
You need to fill in the class `Point` with the constructor,`toString`, and any other methods necessary.
## `RandomPoint`
`RandomPoint` is a subclass of `Point` that represents arandomly generated point. The random number generator thatgenerates a random point has a default seed of 1. There isa public method `setSeed()` that we can use to update theseed.
This is how it can be used.
To generate a new point,`Point p = new RandomPoint(minX, maxX, minY, maxY);`
`minX`, `minY`, `maxX`, `maxY` represent the minimum andmaximum possible x and y values respectively, for eachrandomly generated point.
To set the random seed,`RandomPoint.setSeed(10);`
Tips: What are the fields and methods that should beassociated with the class `RandomPoint` instead of aninstance of `RandomPoint`?
### Lab0
`Lab0` is the main program to solve the problem above. The`main` method is provided. It includes the method to readin the number of points and the seed from the standard inputand to print the estimated pi value.
The method `estimatePi` is incomplete. Determine how youshould declare `estimatePi`, then complete the body bygenerating random points and count how many fall under thegiven circle.
Use r = 0.5 and use `long` and `double` within `estimatePi`to ensure you have the right precision.
To run `Lab0` and enter the input manually, run`java Lab0`
The program will pause, waiting for inputs from keyboards.Enter two numbers. The first is the number of points. Thesecond is the seed.
You can enter the two numbers into a text file, say, `TEST`,and then run`java Lab0 < TEST`
Sample inputs and outputs have been provided and can befound under the `inputs` and `outputs` directory.
## Testing
You should test your classes individually before testing`Lab0`. A simple `` is given. You can run it with`java Test`
To test your implementation of `Lab0`, automatically againstthe test data given in `inputs` and `outputs`,
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