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[SOLVED] CS152 Lab Exercise 5 Representing Elephants as ListsR


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Lab Exercise 5: Representing Elephants as Lists

The purpose of this project is to practice modular design of code with a larger, slightly more complex simulation than the penguin simulation. We will be making use of nested lists–lists of lists–in order to manage more complex data.

This is the first of a two-part project where we will be simulating the elephant population in Kruger National Park, South Africa. The carrying capacity of the park is approximately 7000 elephants (1 elephant per square mile of park). Previous efforts to manage the population involved culling approximately 400 animals per year. After the development of an elephant contraceptive, the current effort to manage the population involves using a contraceptive dart on adult female elephants to limit the birth rate.

The elephant population simulation will be more detailed than the penguin simulation, because there will be more characteristics of each animal which need to be accounted for.

Lab Tasks (L1-L6)

L1. Setup and problem description

Make a folder called Project_05 where you keep your current work. Because the code you write for the lab will also be used in the project we will dispense with the lab folder this week. Create a new file, elephant.py, and save it in your Project_05 folder. Because we will need to calculate some statistics in this project (e.g., the mean), copy your stats.py file into your Project_05 folder. Make sure to test your statistics functions to assure you that they are working properly.

The design of the simulation this week will be similar to the penguin simulation in the last project. The main function (that serves as the conductor of your program) will handle setting parameters, calling the function that runs the simulation, and summarizing the results. The diagram below shows the hierarchical relationship of all of the functions you will be writing.

Recall that last week we represented penguins using only a variable for the animal’s sex. This week we will represent elephants using sex, age, and the breeding status of each individual animal in order to more accurately model the number of births each year and the effects of using a contraceptive dart.

Here are some of the assumptions we will make about the elephant population. READ them carefully because there are important details that you will need to accurately represent your elephant model. Make sure that you understand the boundaries between categories and the differences for males and females, calves, adults and seniors.

1.   Elephants live about 60 years.

2.   Female elephants over age 12 and less than or equal to 60 can become pregnant.

3.   The gestation period is 22 months.

4.   Elephants over age 60 (seniors) have a survival rate of only 20% per year (it is unlikely, but not impossible to live beyond 60).

5.   For adult elephants ages 2 through 60, the survival rate is very high: 99.6%.

6.   The survival rate of a calf (age == 1), is 85%.

7.   The average time between births for an adult female is 3.1 years. Since the gestation period is 22 months, that means that when a female is not already pregnant, the chance, per month, of getting pregnant is 1.0 / (3.1*12 – 22), if she is not on contraceptive.

8.  A contraceptive dart ends any existing pregnancy and prevents the elephant from getting pregnant for the next 22 months.

For this simulation, we’re going to model gestation and contraception on a per month basis. However, we’ll model survival and darting on a per year basis. We do this because gestation and contraception don’t follow simple yearly intervals, but survival rates are easier to compute per year.

As with last week, you’ll employ modular design and start building your program incrementally one function at a time. After you have written each function you will test it carefully to make sure that it works as specified. Note: Not following this advice is guaranteed to lead you down a path of pain! Understand that this is a two-part project and that next week’s project depends on this week’s project working properly!

New this week: Unlike last week, where we gave each function many, many parameters, we’re  going to collect all of the parameters for the simulation in a list and pass the list as an argument into our functions. For this to work, we have to invest a little time into setting up a connection between a variable and its index in the parameter list. The benefit is that our function definitions will be simpler (one composite parameter instead of many individual parameters) and more uniform. It is important that we set up the list of parameters carefully and use the same location in the list for the same parameter throughout the code.

The following list shows all of the parameters of the simulation and their initial default values.

Note: The darting probability parameter is set to 0.0. This will be updated via a parameter provided by the user on the command line.

Calving Interval


Darting Probability


Juvenile Age


Maximum Age


Calf Survival Probability


Adult Survival Probability


Senior Survival Probability


Carrying Capacity


Number of Years


L2. Create a list of parameters

In order to pass all of the parameters at once, we’re going to use a list. One method of setting  up the list is to just make a list of numbers. This has the benefit that we can look at the variable names in the list to tell us the meaning of each position in the list.

Using the template below, make a test function in your elephant.py file that creates the parameter list and then prints it to the console.

Note: The order of the parameters must match that given in this document. Changing it will break the testing scripts.

def test():

# assign each parameter from the list above to a variable using the

following names:

calvingInt = 3.1

dartingProb = 0.0

juvenileAge = 12

maxAge = 60

calfSurvivalProb = 0.85

adultSurvivalProb = 0.996

seniorSurvivalProb = 0.20

carryingCap = 7000

numYears = 200

# create the parameters variable and assign it all the values

parameters = [calvingInt, dartingProb,. . . ]

# print the parameter list

if __name__ == “__main__”:


First, verify that the parameter list does in fact contain all the parameters and that they are in the correct order. For now, we will leave darting probability at 0.0, but later on we will add the ability  to get that parameter value from the command line.

Second, notice that while working with the parameters as a list is an ok solution, there might be problems with this approach. Can you anticipate any problems? For example, if we write a function that needs to access a specific parameter, we will have to remember that parameter’s  index in the list. So, for example, the calving interval parameter will be parameters[0] if you set up the parameter list with that value in the first position and parameters[5] will be for the adult survival probability. Then realize that there are nine parameters in this list and we could add more in the future!

Using this arrangement means it is easy to make mistakes when you have to remember

whether a given value is in position 4 or position 5. It also makes it hard to modify your code if you happen to change the order of the values in the parameter list or even add new ones. If you did make changes, it would mean you would have to go through all of your code and change all  the indexes wherever you were accessing a parameter value. That’s a lot of changes and it creates a lot of opportunities to make mistakes.

Our solution will be to create a system of indexes that relates the position to the item in the parameter list using a mnemonic-like naming strategy. This provides flexibility for changes  without changing our code everywhere an index is used. To do this we will declare a set of variables with a specific naming style. and assign the appropriate index number which corresponds to where in the parameter list the value is located. For example, by assigning to variable IDXCalvingInt the value 0 (the index of the calving interval in the parameter list) we can access that value in our code as follows:

IDXCalvingInt = 0

probabilityPregnant = 1 / parameters [IDXCalvingInt]

In the elephant.py file, add variables for all the simulation parameters (after module import statements at the top of your file) and assign appropriate values for each of the parameters in the simulation (like you did for IDXCalvingInt). When naming index variables, begin each name with IDX to indicate the value is an index, then use a name that indicates the field.

L3. Representing an elephant as a list

Because we will be representing individual elephants with such detail, we will be modeling each elephant as a list with four features. We have to keep track of an elephant’s sex and age. For females, we also have to keep track of whether an adult female is pregnant, and whether she has been injected via contraceptive dart, and, if so, how many months are left on the contraception. The following table gives the attributes and their types.







Months pregnant


Months contraceptive remaining


Use the same IDX design as above. Create a separate set of top-level variables with indexes to keep track of which entry in the elephant list is storing information about which field. Write the four assignment statements necessary to keep track of elephant features. Use the following names:

IDXSex = 0

IDXAge = 1

IDXMonthsPregnant = 2

IDXMonthsContraceptiveRemaining = 3

L4. Write a function to create and return a new elephant

The function newElephant should create and return a list with all of the necessary features of an individual elephant. The newElephant function should have two parameters: the list of simulation parameters, and the age of the elephant to create. It should return a list with the four items above.

def newElephant ( parameters, age ):

#Docstring for what this function does

elephant = [0,0,0,0]

Add the values to the list representing a new elephant using the algorithm below

return elephant

The newElephant function will need to use the calving interval, juvenile age, and maximum age parameters, so use the IDX names to access the parameter list in your function.

a.  Assign to a variable elephant a list with four zeros in it.

b.   Then use the random package to assign to elephant[IDXSex] either  ‘m ‘ or  ‘f ‘. Note: lookup random.choice() documentation or ask the lab TA. This will simplify your code and avoid another if/elif statement.

c.   Then assign to elephant[IDXAge] the value of the age parameter (not a random number, but the value passed into the function).

d.   If the elephant is female and if the elephant is of breeding age (strictly older than juvenile age and less than or equal to the maximum age), test if the elephant is pregnant (the probability the elephant is pregnant is 1.0 / calvingInterval). If the elephant is pregnant, pick a random number between 1 and 22 (inclusive) and assign that to the

IDXMonthsPregnant position in the elephant list.

e.   No elephant starts out on the contraceptive, so the

IDXMonthsContraceptiveRemaining field of the elephant list will always be zero

when we create a new elephant because we initialized that index in the elephant list with 0.

f.    Return the elephant.

Finally, test the newElephant function by adding the following code to your test function.

Reduce the carrying capacity to around 5 elephants (so you can see the output on one line) and then print out the elephant population list. Just remember to change it back to 7000 later on. This code assumes you have a variable named parameters that contains the parameters for the simulation and you have named the index variables as in the code.

# Code inside test function:

population = []

for i in range (parameters [IDXCarryingCapacity):

population.append ( newElephant ( parameters, random.rand int (1, parameters [IDXMaximumAge]) ))

print (pop)

Make sure that the data looks correct. There should be a spread of values. A mix of males and females. No males should be pregnant! (Don’t laugh, it has happened) Some females, within the correct age range, should be pregnant, but no female is on contraceptive. Run the test numerous times until you have convinced yourself that the newElephant function is working properly. If it doesn’t work correctly then debug until it does. This is a large

project and if you start off incorrectly it will be very difficult to find the bugs later on.

L5. Write an initPopulation function

Write a function initPopulation (parameters) using the newElephant(parameters, age) function to create elephants. The init Population function should take in the parameter list and return a list of new elephants, where each new elephant is a list itself. The number of elephants to create is the carrying capacity parameter.

In the last project we represented each individual animal with a single letter and a population as a list such as [‘f’ , ‘m’ , ‘m’ , ‘f’ , ‘f’ , ‘m’]. In this project we will be representing each individual as a   list of four items: sex, age, months pregnant, and months contraceptive remaining. This means  that our population of elephants will be represented as a list of elephant lists such as

[ [‘f’ ,22,12,0], [‘m’ ,12,0,0],…]

The initPopulation function should initialize a population list to the empty list, loop for the number of elephants to create and append each new elephant (call newElephant with a randomly chosen age between 1 and the maximum age both inclusive) to the population list on each iteration. It should then return the population list.

Add code to your test function that calls initPopulation and then prints out the population  list. Note: You may want to temporarily reduce the carrying capacity to 5 so that you can print out the population on one line and inspect it. Be sure to change it back to 7000.

L6. Write a function to increment the age of the population

Write a function incrementAge (population). This function should take in a population list and return a population list. Inside the function, it should increment each elephant’s age by 1   year accessing the age value by using the IDXAge index.

Add code to your test function that calls incrementAge. You will be passing in the population list created by initPopulation and then assigning the return value from the incrementAge function back to the same variable. Print out the new population list and double-check that each age was incremented by one and that no other changes are made to each elephant list.

Congratulations! You have completed the lab portion of Project 5 and are ready to begin the project.


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[SOLVED] CS152 Lab Exercise 5 Representing Elephants as ListsR