[Solved] CS1331 Homework 4-Doctor CS and the AIs

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(If this comic book-esque backstory is unimportant to you, simply ignore it and go straight to the solution description.)

The world-famous hero, the Doctor CS, was checking his numerous emails one day when suddenly he gets a call from his sidekick Burdell Boy warning him of a surprise attack from his arch nemesis Dr. Chipotle. He needs your help using his programming superpowers to create AIs to stop the villain’s highly destructive guac cannon from destroying Georgia Tech before it’s too late! While you’re there, you might as well get some revenge on Dr. Chipotle as well. You know, for the good of humanity.

Problem Description

Write five classes, AI, RandomAI, RogueAI, DoctorCS, and Coordinates to help our hero pull off his perilous plan. The AI class and by extension, its subclasses (RandomAI and RogueAI), have some important information we need in order to get revenge on our sworn enemy, including the location of Dr. Chipotle’s secret lair. Once you get this information, you can change the cannon to attack Dr. Chipotle’s lair instead of Doctor CS’s HQ. However, Dr. Chipotle anticipated the counterattack and has installed a security measure into his cannons: a self-destruct sequence virus. Should the virus activate, any AI trying to stop the cannon will be destroyed, and the cannon will fire anyways at its original target (and Georgia Tech gets guac’ed). If it is possible without triggering the self destruct, you should change the cannon target to Dr. Chipotle’s lair. If it is not possible, then Dr. Chipotle will have succeeded in his plan to destroy Georgia Tech.

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read) Dr. Chipotle is trying to destroy Georgia Tech, and you have to make some classes that use the features of object-oriented programming to stop him.

Solution Description

Complete the AI, RandomAI, RogueAI, DoctorCS, and Coordinates classes following the instructions below. Note: When creating the specified getter and setter methods for each class, use the naming convention taught in class, e.g. getFirewallProtection() and setSecretIdentity().

For all of the classes you write, Don’t add any unneeded fields.

Don’t forget to answer the Analysis questions.


This class should be concrete.


This class has the following private fields, and associated getter methods:

  • final double latitude. This constant double represents the latitude in a set of coordinates.
  • final double longitude. This constant double represents the longitude in a set of coordinates.


This class has the following constructor:

  • public Coordinates(double latitude, double longitude). This constructor takes in two doubles that should be assigned to latitude and longitude respectively.


This class has the following public methods:

  • boolean equals(Object other). This returns a boolean representing whether another object is logically equivalent to this instance of Coordinates. For two Coordinates instances to be equivalent, their latitude and longitude must be equal. Implement this method as you have been taught in lecture.
  • String toString(). This returns the String representation of this Coordinate object’s stored information in the following format: “latitude: (latitude), longitude: (longitude)”

For example, a possible output of the toString() method could look like this: “latitude: 12.34, longitude 56.78”

  • Getters for both latitude and longitude.


The foundation for any AI Doctor CS creates. This class should be made abstract.


This class has the following private fields, and associated getter methods for them:

  • boolean destructed. A boolean that represents whether the AI has self-destructed or not. Default value is false.
  • Coordinates cannonTarget. An instance of Coordinates that represents the location at which Dr. Chipotle’s guacamole cannon is aimed.
  • Coordinates secretHQ. An instance of Coordinates that represents the location of Dr. Chipotle’s secret headquarters.


This class will have the following constructor:

  • public AI(Coordinates cannonTarget, Coordinates secretHQ). This constructor should assign the arguments to the cannonTarget instance variable and secretHQ instance variable respectively.


This class will have the following methods alongside the getters specified in the Fields section:

  • public boolean swapCannonTarget(Coordinates newCoords). This method will attempt to change the cannonTarget instance variable. The following boolean checks determine if cannonTarget is changed:
    • If both destructed is false and newCoords does not equal cannonTarget then:
      • If shouldSwapCannonTarget() returns true, then cannonTarget should be set equal to newCoords. Return true after the assignment.
      • Else if shouldSelfDestruct() returns true, invoke the selfDestruct() method then return false.
    • In any other case, the method should return false.
  • public abstract boolean shouldSwapCannonTarget(). This method will be implemented in the subclasses of AI. Do not make this method concrete or you will not get credit for it.
  • public void selfDestruct(). This method functions as a setter for the destructed instance variable, but it will only set destructed to true whenever invoked.
  • public abstract boolean shouldSelfDestruct(). This method will be implemented in the subclasses of AI. Do not make this method concrete or you will not get credit for it.
  • public String toString(). This method returns a String representation of the AI object which should have the following structure:

“Dr. Chipotle’s guacamole cannon is currently pointed at (cannonTarget).” (Properly reuse code or you can lose points)

For example, a possible output of the toString() method could look like this:

“Dr. Chipotle’s guacamole cannon is currently pointed at latitude: 13.31, longitude: 13.01.”


RandomAI extends AI but isn’t very smart. When you tell it to swapCannonTarget(), there’s a 50% chance that it will, and a 50% that it won’t. If it doesn’t swap the target, there’s a 50% chance that it will self destruct. This class should be concrete.


This class has the following private static final field:

  • Random randomizer. This is an instance of the Random class. RandomAI will use the power of indeterminate, psuedo-randomly generated numbers to determine if the weather today will be cloudy with a chance of guacamole (i.e. use randomizer to make the 50% chance decisions).


This class will have the following constructor:

  • public RandomAI(Coordinates cannonTarget, Coordinates secretHQ). Assign both Coordinates instances to their respective instance variables. (Hint: Where are the instance variables cannonTarget and secretHQ located?)


This class will have the following methods:

  • public boolean shouldSwapCannonTarget(). This method should override the abstract method found in java. It should return true 50% of the time.
  • public boolean shouldSelfDestruct(). This method should override the abstract method found in java. It should also return true 50% of the time.


RogueAI extends AI and can detect firewalls in the guac cannon’s software as well as alert levels. RogueAI can lower the firewalls, but that increases the alert level as well. If the alert level exceeds the maximum alert level, then the self-destruct virus will be activated, and that instance of RogueAI will be destroyed. This class should be concrete.


This class has the following private fields and associated getter methods for them:

  • int firewallProtection. This is an int that represents security level of the firewall. Doctor CS must first lower it to 0 in order to access the secret info.
  • int alertLevel. This is an int that represents the current alert level of the computer. It will raise every single time Doctor CS tries to either lower the firewall or swap the guac cannon’s target. More on that later.
  • final int maxAlert. This is a constant int variable that represents the alert level at which the computer self destructs. If alertLevel goes above this threshold, it will be impossible for Doctor CS to save the day.

Be sure to make the instance fields private so that only your methods within the class have access to them!


This class will have the following constructors:

  • public RogueAI(int firewallProtection, int alertLevel, int maxAlert, Coordinates cannonTarget, Coordinates secretHQ). This constructor takes in three ints and two Coordinates objects and assigns them to their corresponding instance fields. (Hint: Where is the instance variable cannonTarget located?)
  • public RogueAI(int firewallProtection, int maxAlert, Coordinates cannonTarget, Coordinates secretHQ). This constructor takes in two ints and two Coordinates objects and assigns them to their corresponding instance fields. It also sets alertLevel to 0.(Hint: Where is the instance variable cannonTarget located?)
  • public RogueAI(int firewallProtection, Coordinates cannonTarget, Coordinates secretHQ). This constructor takes in one int and two Coordinates objects and assigns them to their corresponding instance fields. It also sets alertLevel to 0 and maxAlert to 10.(Hint: Where is the instance variable cannonTarget located?)

Use constructor delegation! For this homework, make constructors with fewer arguments delegate to constructors with more arguments.


This class has the following methods alongside the getters specified in the Fields section:

  • public void lowerFirewall(). This method should decrement firewallProtection by 2, and increment alertLevel by 1 when invoked.
  • public boolean shouldSwapCannonTarget(). This method should override the abstract method found in java. It should return whether or not firewallProtection is less than or equal to 0.
  • public boolean shouldSelfDestruct(). This method should override the abstract method found in java. It should return whether or not alertLevel is greater than or equal to maxAlert.
  • public String toString(). This method returns the String representation of the RogueAI’s fields in the following format:

“Dr. Chipotle’s guacamole cannon is currently pointed at (cannonTarget), and is at alert level (alertLevel) with firewall protection (firewallProtection).” Properly reuse code here or you could lose points

For example, a possible output of the toString() method could look like this:

“Dr. Chipotle’s guacamole cannon is currently pointed at latitude: 13.31, longitude: 13.01, and is at alert level 10 with firewall protection 5.”


Our hero, Doctor CS, gets his own class. He will have an AI at his disposal to stop Dr. Guacamole’s evil plan, and has a secret identity that no person, aside from himself, knows about. This class should be concrete.


This class has the following private fields, and associated getter and setter methods for them unless otherwise specified:

  • AI ai. This is the AI object upon which you can invoke the various methods to save the day. Do not create a setter method for this field.
  • String secretIdentity. This contains the Doctor CS’s hidden identity. This should not be publicly accessible, and it should be immutable. (Hint: Based on the description, does this need a setter? Does this need a getter?)
  • int jlaid. This is an integer representation of the Doctor CS’s Justice League of America ID. It should be publicly accessible, but like his secret identity, this should also be immutable.
  • boolean safe. Do not write a getter for this variable. This is a boolean that represents whether the threat of Dr. Chipotle has been alleviated. This instance variable should not be changed outside of the DoctorCS (Does this need a setter?)


This class has the following constructor:

  • public DoctorCS(AI ai, String secretIdentity, int jlaid). This constructor takes in an AI object and assigns it to ai, a String that is assigned to secretIdentity, and an int and stores it in jlaid. It should also initialize safe to be false.


This class has the following public methods:

  • void saveTheDay(). This method functions as a conditional setter for the safe instance variable. If ai is an instance of a RogueAI, then continuously invoke the lowerFirewall() method while firewallProtection is greater than 0. After that is done or if ai is simply a RandomAI, call swapCannonTarget() on the ai and pass in the ai’s secretHQ The return value should be assigned to safe.
  • String getStatus(). This method will return a different String depending on the value of safe and the value of destructed in the instance ai.

If safe is true, then return the following: “Doctor CS has saved the day!”

If safe is false and the value of destructed in the ai instance is true, then return the following: “Dr. Chipotle has succeeded in his plan…”

Otherwise, return the following: “Georgia Tech is still in danger!”

  • String toString(). This returns the String representation of Doctor CS’s information in the following format: “(secretIdentity) aka Doctor CS with JLAID: (jlaid)”

For example, a possible output of the toString() method could look like this: “Robert Paulson aka Doctor CS with JLAID: 12345678”

  • Getters and setters for all fields (unless specified otherwise).


DoctorCS’s saveTheDay method forces you to use instanceof. Answer the following questions as a comment at the top of DoctorCS.java:

  1. Why is this not good style?
  2. What changes could we make to AI and it’s subclasses to avoid using instanceof?

Use no more than 100 words in total to answer both questions. Word counter


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[Solved] CS1331 Homework 4-Doctor CS and the AIs
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