[Solved] CS 350 Homework 3


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(Each question, whether a top-level question or a sub-question, carries 10 marks.)

  1. Write a quicksort routine in Haskell which can sort any list of the following type. Ord a => [a] -> [a]
  2. Write a function

uniq :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]

which, given a list of elements, returns a list of unique elements.

  1. Use higher-order functions to write a Haskell function for the following. Consider the following
~a00 . .~ .~ a9,0 . a0,9~.. ~~.a9,9

We represent the array using some suitable data structure (e.g. a list of lists). The concrete representation of the array is not important for this question.

A position in the array is represented by a pair (i, j). Write a Haskell function

neighbors :: (Ord a1, Ord a2, Num a1, Num a2) =>

a1 -> a2 -> [(a1, a2)]

which, given i and j, computes a list of positions which are immediately adjacent to (i, j). Note that there can be exactly 3, 5, or 8 neighbors depending on the position.

For example, neighbors 0 0

should return [(0,1), (1,0), (1, 1)]. The output should be sorted ascending in lexicographic order of tuples. (You can use quicksort from Question 1 for sorting the output list.)

  1. Using higher-order functions alone, write a Haskell function which can compute the number of words in a string. Assume that the string contains newline characters which designate the end of lines.

Hint: You may use the functions lines and words from the Haskell Prelude.

  1. Write the function

compose_multiple :: [b -> b] -> b -> b

which takes a list of functions, and an initial value, and performs compositions of functions in the list on the second argument. For example,

compose_multiple [succ,(x -> 2*x)] 3 should return 7.

  1. Code the following in Haskell.
  • Define a data type to construct a binary tree. A binary tree is either empty, or has a root (containing a value) with two subtrees, both of which are binary trees.
  • For the tree defined above, define a maptree f t method of the type maptree :: (a->b) -> BinaryTree a -> b
  • For the tree defined above, define

foldTree :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> BinaryTree a -> b

which takes a ternary function f, an identity value, a binary tree t, and returns the result of the folding operation of f on t. For example,

foldTree add3 0 (Node 3 Nil (Node 2 Nil Nil)) should evaluate to 5.


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[Solved] CS 350 Homework 3