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[SOLVED] Cs 3423 operating systems assignment 4


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1. [40 points] Problem Set
1. [20 points] Under what circumstances does a multithreaded solution using multiple
kernel threads provide better performance than a single-threaded solution on a
single-processor system?
2. [20 points] Which of the following components of program state are shared across
threads in a multithreaded process?
a. Register values
b. Heap memory
c. Global variables
d. Stack memory
2. [50 points] Programming Exercise
QuickSort is a popular algorithm for sorting. Even though its worst-case runtime complexity
is O(n
), its average complexity is O(n lg n), and in practice it is very fast because it is
in-place sorting (i.e., does not need a temporary buffer). Also, as a divide-and-conquer
algorithm, it does most of the work in the “divide” stage and no work in the “conquer” stage.
This makes it nice for parallelizing, because after forking, there is no dependency after
The following is a Python 2 implementation of Quicksort. For Python3, see the comments
about changing range(LEN) into list(range(LEN)).
def Partition(A, p, r):
x = A[r]
i = p – 1
for j in range(p, r):
def QuickSort(A, p, r):
if p < r:
q = Partition(A, p, r)
QuickSort(A, p, q-1)
if (A[j] <= x):
i = i + 1
A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]
A[i+1], A[r] = A[r], A[i+1]
return i + 1
QuickSort(A, q+1, r)
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
LEN = 10
L = range(LEN) # in Python3, do L = list(range(LEN)) instead
import random
QuickSort(L, 0, len(L)-1)
if L == range(LEN): # Python3 list(range(LEN)) instead of range(LEN)
print(“successfully sorted”)
print(“sort failed: %s” % L)
The test case just says to generate numbers 0..LEN-1, shuffle, and sort. If successful, it
says so; otherwise, it dumps the list.
2.1 [10 points] Convert quicksort.py to C and call it quicksort.c. Turn in the source file and
a typescript file named typescript1 showing how you build and run it.
1. Since you will need to measure the execution time of the code, you will need a large
enough dataset. However, shuffling numbers can take a long time. Instead of
shuffling numbers, have the numbers be pre-generated by the following script
(genrandom.py) just once before you run your own code any number of times.
import random
LEN = 20000000
L = range(LEN)
fh = open(“randomInt.txt”, “w”)
# first write is the length
for i in L:
Run this python program and it will create a text file named randomInt.txt. The first
line is the number for LEN, followed by the shuffled numbers in the range 0..LEN-1.
2. You can use the following template (quicksort.c) to read in the data into array A, or
feel free to write your own code:
#include int *A; // array
int Partition(int A[], int p, int r) {
// your code
void* QuickSort(int A[], int p, int r) {
// your code
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE* fh = fopen(“randomInt.txt”, “r”);
int len;
fscanf(fh, “%d”, &len);
A = calloc(len, sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
fscanf(fh, “%d”, A+i);
QuickSort(A, 0, len-1);
// check if they are sorted
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (A[i] != i) {
fprintf(stderr, “error A[%d]=%d
”, i, A[i]);
3. compile and run your program. Compile by $ cc quicksort.c -o quicksort so it
generates the executable file named quicksort. Run it and type
$ time ./quicksort to see how much time it takes. Capture this in typescript.
2.2 [20 points] Convert quicksort.py to threaded version (name it qsortTh.py) using
Python’s threading package. Good places to convert to threads is one of the recursive
calls in QuickSort, since the two work on two disjoint parts of the array and are therefore
independent of each other. The steps are
1. Create a new thread for one of the two recursive calls by calling
threading.Thread(), and assign it to a variable. The target parameter is the
function for the thread to call, and the args parameter is the tuple of parameters to
2. Unlike POSIX threads, instantiating a thread does not start running it; you have to
explicitly call the .start() method on the thread to start running it. The parent
thread itself can do the other recursive call concurrently. (The parent could create
two threads but it would be wasteful, since the parent would have nothing else to do).
3. (parent) wait for the (child) thread to complete by calling the .join() method on it.
4. When the data size is small (e.g., 10), it probably does not hurt to create threads for
recursive calls, but when the data size is large (e.g., 20 million), then you want to limit
the number of threads you create. Add code to limit thread creation based on the
number of threads currently running. If it exceeds the (self-imposed) maximum
number of threads (that you allow), then don’t make a new thread for recursive call;
instead, just call QuickSort normally. Otherwise, make a new thread, start it, and join
Turn in the python source file (qsortTh.py) and a typescript file named typescript2
showing that you run it successfully. Then show the time result (Section 2.1.3)
2.3 [20 points] Convert qsortTh.py from Part 2.2 to C (and name it qsortTh.c) using
Pthreads. Note that the idea is similar to the Python version but slightly different. Here is
a template: for qsortTh.c
#include int *A; // array
int Partition(int p, int r) {
// your code from Sec. 2.1 except array param is now global A
void* QuickSort(void *arg) {
// your code
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// read randomInt.txt into array A
// same as Sec 2.1.
int args[2] = { 0, len-1 };
// check if they are sorted. This part is same as Sec 2.1
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

1. Declare a variable of type pthread_t and call pthread_create() by passing the
pointer of the pthread_t variable as first param; you can use NULL as the 2nd
parameter; the name of the function for the thread to call as the 3rd parameter;
2. The fourth parameter to pthread_create() is a pointer to the arguments. This
means your QuickSort function cannot take (int A[], int p, int r) as its
argument list; instead, they have to be a pointer to some array or struct where
the value of these parameters are found. (see template code)
3. Note that unlike Python, as soon as you call pthread_create(), the thread starts
running right away. However, thread creation could fail, so you should check the
return value and report an error if the thread cannot be created and exit.
4. You can use pthread_join() to join the threads before returning.
5. Compile your code by $ cc -pthread qsortTh.c -o qsortTh — note the
-pthread flag to make sure it is linked properly.
Turn in the C source file (qsortTh.c) and a typescript file named typescript3
showing that you run it successfully, and then show the time result (Sec. 2.1.3).
3. [10 points] Performance Analysis
Present a table of runtime that you measured using the time command for running
● time python3 quicksort.py # provided
● time python3 qsortTh.py # from section 2.2
● time ./quicksort # from section 2.1
● time ./qsortTh # from section 2.3
Is the threaded version faster or slower than the unthreaded version in C? in Python?
Explain why in each case.


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[SOLVED] Cs 3423 operating systems assignment 4