[Solved] CS 223 Lab02

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c-) Behavioral Full Adder SystemVerilog

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module BehavioralFa( input a, b, cin, output sum, cout );

assign sum = ( a ^ b ) ^ cin ; assign cout = ( a & b ) | ( a ^ b ) & cin ;

endmodule d-) Structural Full Adder SystemVerilog

`timescale 1ns / 1ps module Structural_FA( input a, b, cin, output sum, cout );

wire w1, w2, w3;

xor xor1(w1, a, b);

xor xor2(sum, w1, cin);

and and1(w2, a, b);

and and2(w3, w1, cin);

or or1(cout, w2, w3);



`timescale 1ns / 1ps module Structural_FA_tb;

reg a, b, cin; wire sum, cout;

Structural_FA uut(.a(a), .b(b), .cin(cin), .sum(sum), .cout(cout));

initial begin


#50 a=0; b=0; cin=0;

#50 a=0; b=0; cin=1;

#50 a=0; b=1; cin=0;

#50 a=0; b=1; cin=1;

#50 a=1; b=0; cin=0;

#50 a=1; b=0; cin=1;

#50 a=1; b=1; cin=0;

#50 a=1; b=1; cin=1; end

initial $monitor($time,,”a=%d,b=%d,cin=%d, sum=%d, cout=%d”,

a,b,cin,sum,cout); endmodule e-) Structural Full Substractor SystemVerilog

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module Structural_FS( input a, b, bin, output dif, bout );

wire w1; wire w2; wire w3; wire inversedA;

wire inversedXor1;

xor xor1( w1, a, b );

xor xor2( dif, w1, bin );

not not1( inversedA, a );

not not2( inversedXor1, w1 );

and and1( w2, inversedA, b );

and and2( w3, inversedXor1, bin );

or or1(bout, w2, w3);



`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module Structural_FS_tb;

reg a, b, bin; wire dif, bout;

Structural_FS uut(.a(a), .b(b), .bin(bin), .dif(dif), .bout(bout));

initial begin


#50 a=0; b=0; bin=0;

#50 a=0; b=0; bin=1;

#50 a=0; b=1; bin=0;

#50 a=0; b=1; bin=1;

#50 a=1; b=0; bin=0;

#50 a=1; b=0; bin=1;

#50 a=1; b=1; bin=0;

#50 a=1; b=1; bin=1; end

initial $monitor($time,,”a=%d,b=%d,bin=%d, dif=%d, bout=%d”,



F-) Structural 2-bit Full Adder SystemVerilog

`timescale 1ns / 1ps module FA_TwoBit( input a0, a1, b0, b1, cin, output sum0, sum1, cout ); wire w1;

Structural_FA fullAdder1( a0, b0, cin, sum0, w1 ); Structural_FA fullAdder2( a1, b1, w1, sum1, cout ); endmodule


`timescale 1ns / 1ps module FA_TwoBit_tb;

reg a0, a1, b0, b1, cin; wire sum0, sum1, cout;


uut( .a0(a0), .a1(a1), .b0(b0), .b1(b1), .cin(cin), .sum0(sum0), .sum1(sum1 ), .cout(cout));

initial begin


#10 a0 = 0; a1=0; b0=0; b1=0; cin=0;

#10 a0=0; a1=0; b0=0; b1=1; cin=0;

#10 a0=0; a1=0; b0=1; b1=0; cin=0;

#10 a0=0; a1=0; b0=1; b1=1; cin=0;

#10 a0=0; a1=1; b0=0; b1=0; cin=0;

#10 a0=0; a1=1; b0=0; b1=1; cin=0;

#10 a0=0; a1=1; b0=1; b1=0; cin=0;

#10 a0=0; a1=1; b0=1; b1=1; cin=0;

#10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=0; b1=0; cin=0;

#10 a0=1; a1=0; b0=0; b1=1; cin=0;

#10 a0=1; a1=0; b0=1; b1=0; cin=0;

#10 a0=1; a1=0; b0=1; b1=1; cin=0;

#10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=0; b1=0; cin=0;

#10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=0; b1=1; cin=0;

#10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=1; b1=0; cin=0;

#10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=1; b1=1; cin=0;

#10 a0=0; a1=0; b0=0; b1=0; cin=1;

#10 a0=0; a1=0; b0=0; b1=1; cin=1;

#10 a0=0; a1=0; b0=1; b1=0; cin=1;

#10 a0=0; a1=0; b0=1; b1=1; cin=1;

#10 a0=0; a1=1; b0=0; b1=0; cin=1;

#10 a0=0; a1=1; b0=0; b1=1; cin=1;

#10 a0=0; a1=1; b0=1; b1=0; cin=1;

#10 a0=0; a1=1; b0=1; b1=1; cin=1;

#10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=0; b1=0; cin=1;

#10 a0=1; a1=0; b0=0; b1=1; cin=1;

#10 a0=1; a1=0; b0=1; b1=0; cin=1;

#10 a0=1; a1=0; b0=1; b1=1; cin=1;

#10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=0; b1=0; cin=1;

#10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=0; b1=1; cin=1;

#10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=1; b1=0; cin=1; #10 a0=1; a1=1; b0=1; b1=1; cin=1; end

initial $monitor($time,,”a0=%b, a1=%b, b0=%b, b1=%b, cin=%b,

sum0=%b, sum1=%b, cout=%b”, a0,a1,b0,b1,cin,sum0,sum1,cout); endmodule


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[Solved] CS 223 Lab02
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