[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 x86 #pragma once

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#pragma once


/// protocol.h defines the messages that a client may send, and the responses a
/// server will provide.Note that the entire request is a single byte stream,
/// as is the entire response.The entire communication between client and
/// server should consist of just two messages.First, the client sends a
/// message (the request), and then the server sends a reply message (the
/// response).
/// Different parts of a message may be encrypted in different ways.We
/// indicate this with the ‘enc()’ function.The expression ‘enc(x, y)’
/// indicates that y should be encrypted using key x.Both RSA and AES
/// encryption are used.A unique AES key (aeskey) should be generated each
/// time the client sends an AES-encrypted message to the server.An RSA key
/// (rsakey) is generated by the server once.
/// A request always begins with a fixed-size RSA-encrypted block of bytes
/// (@rblock), followed by a variable-size AES-encrypted block of bytes
/// (@ablock).The only exception to this is the KEY request, which consists of
/// a fixed-size unencrypted block of bytes (@kblock). The @kblock or @rblock
/// will always be LEN_RKBLOCK bytes, regardless of whether it is an
/// RSA-encrypted block or the “KEY” message.KEY messages are padded with
/// ‘’ characters. RSA-encrypted blocks are padded with random bytes.In the
/// discussion below, this padding is represented by the function pad0() or
/// padR().
/// When there is an AES block, its length will be given as part of the RSA
/// block.Note that this is the length of the *encrypted* @ablock.
/// In describing message formats, we use the dot (‘.’) to indicate
/// concatenation.So “ABC”.”DEF” will consist of 6 bytes, and will be the
/// characters “ABCDEF”.When ‘len()’ appears in a description, this indicates
/// that a 4-byte *binary* value will be provided as a length.You are allowed
/// to assume that only x86 machines will be used (little endian).The
/// expression represents the end of a file / the closing of a connection.
/// Finally, note that some error messages do not correspond directly to any
/// specific request, but are possible nonetheless (i.e., RES_ERR_INV_CMD).

// Below are the definitions needed for Assignment #1

// Constants

/// Maximum length of a user name
const int LEN_UNAME = 64;

/// Maximum length of a user’s actual password
const int LEN_PASSWORD = 64;

/// Maximum length of a hashed password

/// Maximum length of a user’s profile file
const int LEN_PROFILE_FILE = 1048576;

/// Length of an rblock or kblock
const int LEN_RKBLOCK = 256;

/// Length of an RSA public key
/// NB: It would be better not to hard-code this, since it’s not defined by us,
/// but by OpenSSL
const int LEN_RSA_PUBKEY = 426;

/// Length of rblock content before it is encrypted
const int LEN_RBLOCK_CONTENT = 128;

/// Length of salt
const int LEN_SALT = 16;

// Request Messages

/// Request the server’s public key (@pubkey), to use for subsequent interaction
/// with the server by the client
/// @kblock pad0(“KEY”)
/// @response @pubkey.
/// @errors None
const std::string REQ_KEY = “KEY”;

/// Request the creation of a new user, with null content.The user name must
/// not already exist.
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“REG”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).@u.@p)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_USER_EXISTS — @u already exists as a user
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p from request
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
const std::string REQ_REG = “REG”;

/// Force the server to stop.@u and @p represent a valid user’s username and
/// password.
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// Note that a real server should never let a client cause it to stop.This is
/// a convenience request to help the professor and TAs grade your assignment.
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“BYE”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).@u.@p)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p from request
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
const std::string REQ_BYE = “BYE”;

/// Force the server to send all its data to disk.@u and @p represent a valid
/// user’s username and password.
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// Note that a real server should never let a client cause it to do this.This
/// is a convenience request to help the professor and TAs grade your
/// assignment.
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“SAV”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).@u.@p)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p from request
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
const std::string REQ_SAV = “SAV”;

/// Allow user @u (with password @p) to set her profile content to the byte
/// stream @b.
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// LEN_PASSWORD.@b must be no more than LEN_PROFILE_FILE bytes.
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“SET”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).len(@b).@u.@p.@b)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p or @b from
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
const std::string REQ_SET = “SET”;

/// Allow user @u (with password @p) to fetch the profile content @c associated
/// with user @w.
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// LEN_PASSWORD.@w must be no more than LEN_UNAME bytes.
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“GET”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).len(@w).@u.@p.@w)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”.len(@c).@c). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_NO_USER — @w is not a valid user
/// ERR_NO_DATA — @w has a null profile content
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p or @w from
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
const std::string REQ_GET = “GET”;

/// Allow user @u (with password @p) to get a newline-separated list (@l) of the
/// names of all the users.@u will appear in @l, @l will not be sorted, and @l
/// will not have a trailing newline.
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“ALL”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).@u.@p)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”.len(@l).@l). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p from request
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
const std::string REQ_ALL = “ALL”;

// Response Messages

/// Response code to indicate that the command was successful
const std::string RES_OK = “OK”;

/// Response code to indicate that the registered user already exists
const std::string RES_ERR_USER_EXISTS = “ERR_USER_EXISTS”;

/// Response code to indicate that the client gave a bad username or password
const std::string RES_ERR_LOGIN = “ERR_LOGIN”;

/// Response code to indicate that the client request was improperly formatted
const std::string RES_ERR_REQ_FMT = “ERR_REQ_FMT”;

/// Response code to indicate that there is no data to send back
const std::string RES_ERR_NO_DATA = “ERR_NO_DATA”;

/// Response code to indicate that the user being looked up is invalid
const std::string RES_ERR_NO_USER = “ERR_NO_USER”;

/// Response code to indicate that the requested command doesn’t exist
const std::string RES_ERR_INV_CMD = “ERR_INVALID_COMMAND”;

/// Response code to indicate that the client didn’t get as much data as
/// expected
const std::string RES_ERR_XMIT = “ERR_XMIT”;

/// Response code to indicate that the client data can’t be decrypted with the
/// provided AES key
const std::string RES_ERR_CRYPTO = “ERR_CRYPTO”;

/// Response code to indicate that the server had an internal error, such as a
/// bad read from a file, error creating a salt, or failure to fork()
const std::string RES_ERR_SERVER = “ERR_SERVER”;

/// Response code to indicate that something has not been implemented

// Below are the additions for Assignment #2

// Constants

/// Maximum length of a key in the key-value store
const int LEN_KEY = 1024;

/// Maximum length of a value in the key-value store
const int LEN_VAL = 1048576;

// Request Messages

/// Allow user @u (with password @p) to set previously-unset string key @k to
/// value @v
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// LEN_PASSWORD.@k and @v must conform to LEN_KEY and LEN_VAL.
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“KVI”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).len(@k).len(@v).@u.@p.@k.@v)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_KEY — @k already has a value
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p or @k or @v
///from request
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
/// ERR_QUOTA_REQ — Client exceeded request quota
/// ERR_QUOTA_UP— Client exceeded upload bandwidth quota
const std::string REQ_KVI = “KVI”;

/// Allow user @u (with password @p) to fetch the value @v associated with key
/// @k
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// LEN_PASSWORD.@k must be no more than LEN_KEY bytes.
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“KVG”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).len(@k).@u.@p.@k)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”.len(@v).@v). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_KEY — @k does not have a value mapped to it
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p or @k from
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
/// ERR_QUOTA_REQ — Client exceeded request quota
/// ERR_QUOTA_DOWN— Client exceeded download bandwidth quota
const std::string REQ_KVG = “KVG”;

/// Allow user @u (with password @p) to delete the mapping for key @k
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// LEN_PASSWORD.@k myst be no more than LEN_KEY bytes.
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“KVD”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).len(@k).@u.@p.@k)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_KEY — @k does not have a value mapped to it
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p or @k from
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
/// ERR_QUOTA_REQ — Client exceeded request quota
const std::string REQ_KVD = “KVD”;

/// Allow user @u (with password @p) to “upsert” a mapping from key @k to value
/// @v.This will change the mapping if @k is already mapped in the key/value
/// store, and will create a new mapping if @k is not yet mapped to any value.
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// LEN_PASSWORD.@k and @v must conform to LEN_KEY and LEN_VAL.
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“KVU”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).len(@k).len(@v).@u.@p.@k.@v)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OKINS”). — Success as insert
/// enc(aeskey, “OKUPD”). — Success as update
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p or @k or @v
///from request
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
/// ERR_QUOTA_REQ — Client exceeded request quota
/// ERR_QUOTA_UP— Client exceeded upload bandwidth quota
const std::string REQ_KVU = “KVU”;

/// Allow user @u (with password @p) to get a newline-separated list (@l) of the
/// keys in the key/value store.
/// The user name (@u) and user password (@p) must conform to LEN_UNAME and
/// @rblock enc(pubkey, padR(“KVA”.aeskey.len(@ablock)))
/// @ablock enc(aeskey, len(@u).len(@p).@u.@p)
/// @response enc(aeskey, “OK”.len(@l).@l). — Success
/// enc(aeskey, error_code). — Error (see @errors)
/// ERR_CRYPTO. — Error (see @errors)
/// @errors ERR_LOGIN — @u is not a valid user
/// ERR_LOGIN — @p is not @u’s password
/// ERR_NO_DATA — There are no key/value pairs to return
/// ERR_REQUEST_FMT — Server unable to extract @u or @p from request
/// ERR_CRYPTO— Server could not decrypt @ablock
/// ERR_QUOTA_REQ — Client exceeded request quota
/// ERR_QUOTA_DOWN— Client exceeded download bandwidth quota
const std::string REQ_KVA = “KVA”;

// Response Messages

/// Response code to indicate that the upsert command was successful as an
/// insert
const std::string RES_OKINS = “OKINS”;

/// Response code to indicate that the upsert command was successful as an
/// update
const std::string RES_OKUPD = “OKUPD”;

/// Response code to indicate that there was an error when searching for the
/// given key
const std::string RES_ERR_KEY = “ERR_KEY”;


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 x86 #pragma once
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