[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 The Jello Cube Assignment 1, CSCI 520

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The Jello Cube Assignment 1, CSCI 520
Jernej Barbic, USC
The jello cube
Undeformed cube Deformed cube
•The jello cube is elastic,
•Can be bent, stretched, squeezed, …, •Without external forces, it eventually
restores to the original shape. 2
Mass-Spring System
•Several mass points
•Connected to each other by springs
•Springs expand and stretch, exerting force on the mass points
•Very often used to simulate cloth
A 2-particle spring system Another 2-particle example Cloth animation example
Newton’s Laws •Newton’s 2nd law:
•Tells you how to compute acceleration, given the force and mass
•Newton’s 3rd law: If object A exerts a force F on object B, then object B is at the same time exerting force -F on A.
Single spring
•Obeys the Hook’s law: F = k (x – x0)
•x0 = rest length
•k = spring elasticity
(aka stiffness)
•For x x0, spring wants to contract
Hook’s law in 3D
•Assume A and B two mass points connected with a spring.
•Let L be the vector pointing from B to A
•Let R be the spring rest length
•Then, the elastic force exerted on A is:

•Springs are not completely elastic
•They absorb some of the energy and tend to decrease the velocity of the mass points attached to them
•Damping force depends on the velocity:
•kd = damping coefficient
•kd different than kHook !!
Damping in 3D
•Assume A and B two mass points connected with a spring.
•Let L be the vector pointing from B to A
•Then, the damping force exerted on A is:
•Here vA and vB are velocities of points A and B
•Damping force always OPPOSES the motion
A network of springs
•Every mass point connected to some other points by springs
•Springs exert forces on mass points
–Hook’s force
–Damping force
•Other forces
–External force field »Gravity
»Electrical or magnetic force field –Collision force
How to organize the network (for jello cube)
•To obtain stability, must organize the network of springs in some clever way
•Jello cube is a 8x8x8 mass point network
•512 discrete points
•Must somehow connect them with springs
Basic network Stable network Network out of control
Structural, Shear and Bend Springs
•There will be three types of springs:
–Structural –Shear
•Each has its own function
Structural springs
•Connect every node to its 6 direct neighbours
•Node (i,j,k) connected to
–(i+1,j,k), (i-1,j,k), (i,j-1,k), (i,j+1,k), (i,j,k-1), (i,j,k+1)
(for surface nodes, some of these neighbors might not exists)
•Structural springs establish the basic structure of the jello cube
•The picture shows structural springs for the jello cube. Only springs connecting two surface vertices are shown.

Shear springs
•Disallow excessive shearing
•Prevent the cube from distorting
•Every node (i,j,k) connected to its diagonal neighbors
•Structural springs = white
•Shear springs = red
Shear spring (red) resists stretching and thus prevents shearing
A 3D cube
(if you can’t see it immediately, keep trying)
Bend springs
•Prevent the cube from folding over
•Every node connected to its second neighbor in every direction
(6 connections per node, unless surface node)
•white=structural springs
•yellow=bend springs (shown for a single node only)
Bend spring (yellow) resists contracting and thus prevents bending
External force field
•If there is an external force field, add that force to the sum of all the forces on a mass point
•There is one such equation for every mass point and for every moment in time
Collision detection
•The movement of the jello cube is limited to a bounding box
•Collision detection easy:
–Check all the vertices if any of them is outside the box
•Inclined plane: –Equation:
–Initially, all points on the same side of the plane
–F(x,y,z)>0 on one side of the plane and F(x,y,z)<0 on the other –Can check all the vertices for this condition16Collision response•When collision happens, must perform some action to prevent the object penetrating even deeper•Object should bounce away from the colliding object•Some energy is usually lost during the collision•Several ways to handle collision response•We will use the penalty method17 The penalty method•When collision happens, put an artificial collision spring at the point of collision, which will push the object backwards and awayfrom the colliding object•Collision springs have elasticity and damping, just like ordinary springsBoundary of colliding objectFv18Collision spring3Penalty force•Direction is normal to the contact surface•Magnitude is proportional to the amount of penetration•Collision spring rest length is zero19Boundary of colliding objectF Collision spring Integrators•Network of mass points and springs•Hook’s law, damping law and Newton’s 2nd law give acceleration of every mass pointat any given time•F = ma–Hook’s law and damping provide F –‘m’ is point mass–The value for a follows from F=ma•Now, we know acceleration at any given time for any point•Want to compute the actual motion20 Integrators (contd.) •Theequationsofmotion:•x=pointposition,v=pointvelocity,a=pointacceleration •Theydescribethemovementofanysinglemasspoint•Fhook=sumofallHookforcesonamasspoint•Fdamping = sum of all damping forces on a mass point21 Integrators (contd.)•When we put these equations together for all the mass points, we obtain a system of ordinary differential equations.•In general, impossible to solve analytically•Must solve numerically•Methods to solve such systems numerically are called integrators•Most widely used: –Euler–Runge-Kutta 2nd order (aka the midpoint method) (RK2) –Runge-Kutta 4th order (RK4)22 Integrator design issues•Numerical stability–If time step too big, method “explodes”–t = 0.001 is a good starting choice for the assignment –Euler much more unstable than RK2 or RK4»Requires smaller time-step, but is simple and hence fast –Euler rarely used in practice•Numerical accuracy–Smaller time steps means more stability and accuracy –But also means more computation•Computational cost–Tradeoff: accuracy vs computation time23 Integrators (contd.)•RK4 is often the method of choice•RK4 very popular for engineering applications•The time step should be inversely proportional to the square root of the elasticity k [Courant condition]•For the assignment, we provide the integrator routines (Euler, RK4)–void Euler(struct world * jello);–void RK4(struct world * jello);–Calls to there routines make the simulation progress one time-stepfurther.–State of the simulation stored in ‘jello’ and automatically updated244Tips•Use double precision for all calculations (double)•Do not overstretch the z-buffer–It has finite precision–Ok: gluPerspective(90.0,1.0,0.01,1000.0);–Bad: gluPerspective(90.0,1.0,0.0001,100000.0);•Choosing the right elasticity and damping parameters is an art–Trial and error–For a start, can set the ordinary and collision parameters thesame•Read the webpage for updates255


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 The Jello Cube Assignment 1, CSCI 520
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