[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 SQL data structure database Scanning

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Selection via Scanning


Example Query

next_tuple() Function

Relation Copying

Scanning in PostgreSQL

Scanning in other File Structures

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ Scanning ♢ [0/16]

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❖ Scanning

Consider executing the query:

select * from Rel;

where the relation has a file structure like:

This would done by a simple scan of all records/tuples.

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❖ Scanning (cont)

Abstract view of how the scan might be implemented:

for each tuple T in relation Rel {
add tuple T to result set

Operational view:

for each page P in file of relation Rel {
for each tuple T in page P {
add tuple T to result set

Cost = read every data page once = b

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❖ Scanning (cont)

Consider a file with overflow pages, e.g.

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❖ Scanning (cont)

In this case, the implementation changes to:

for each page P in data file of relation Rel {
for each tuple t in page P {
add tuple t to result set
for each overflow page V of page P {
for each tuple t in page V {
add tuple t to result set
} } }

Cost: read each data page and each overflow page once

Cost = b + bOv

where bOv = total number of overflow pages

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❖ Selection via Scanning

Consider a one query like:

select * from Employee where id = 762288;

In an unordered file, search for matching tuple requires:

Guaranteed at most one answer; but could be in any page.

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❖ Selection via Scanning (cont)

Overview of scan process:

for each page P in relation Employee {
for each tuple t in page P {
if (t.id == 762288) return t
} }

Cost analysis for one searching in unordered file

best case: read one page, find tuple

worst case: read all b pages, find in last (or don’t find)

average case: read half of the pages (b/2)

Page Costs:

Costavg = b/2
Costmin = 1
Costmax = b

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❖ Iterators

Access methods typically involve iterators, e.g.

Scan s = start_scan(Relation r, …)

commence a scan of relation r

Scan may include condition to implement WHERE-clause

Scan holds data on progress through file (e.g. current page)

Tuple next_tuple(Scan s)

return Tuple immediately following last accessed one

returns NULL if no more Tuples left in the relation

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❖ Example Query

Example: simple scan of a table …

select name from Employee

implemented as:

DB db = openDatabase(“myDB”);
Relation r = openRelation(db,”Employee”,READ);
Scan s = start_scan(r);
Tuple t;// current tuple
while ((t = next_tuple(s)) != NULL) {
char *name = getStrField(t,2);
”, name);

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❖next_tuple() Function

Consider the following possible Scan data structure

typedef ScanData *Scan;

typedef struct {
Relation rel;
Page *curPage;// Page buffer
intcurPID;// current pid
intcurTID;// current tid
} ScanData;

Assume tuples are indexed 0..nTuples(p)-1

Assume pages are indexed 0..nPages(rel)-1

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❖next_tuple() Function (cont)

Implementation of  Tuple next_tuple(Scan)  function

Tuple next_tuple(Scan s)
if (s->curTID >= nTuples(s->page)-1) {
// get a new page; exhausted current page
if (s->curPID >= nPages(s->rel))
return NULL;
else {
s->page = get_page(s->rel, s->curPID);
s->curTID = -1;
return get_tuple(s->rel, s->page, s->curTID);

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❖ Relation Copying

Consider an SQL statement like:

create table T as (select * from S);

Effectively, copies data from one table to a new table.


make empty relation T
s = start scan of S
while (t = next_tuple(s)) {
insert tuple t into relation T

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❖ Relation Copying (cont)

It is possible that T is smaller than S

may be unused free space in S where tuples were removed

if T is built by simple append, will be compact

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❖ Relation Copying (cont)

In terms of existing relation/page/tuple operations:

Relation in; // relation handle (incl. files)
Relation out;// relation handle (incl. files)
int ipid,opid,tid; // page and record indexes
Record rec;// current record (tuple)
Page ibuf,obuf;// input/output file buffers

in = openRelation(“S”, READ);
out = openRelation(“T”, NEW|WRITE);
clear(obuf);opid = 0;
for (ipid = 0; ipid < nPages(in); ipid++) {ibuf = get_page(in, ipid);for (tid = 0; tid < nTuples(ibuf); tid++) {rec = get_record(ibuf, tid);if (!hasSpace(obuf,rec)) {put_page(out, opid++, obuf);clear(obuf);}insert_record(obuf,rec);} }if (nTuples(obuf) > 0) put_page(out, opid, obuf);

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❖ Scanning in PostgreSQL

Scanning defined in: backend/access/heap/heapam.c

Implements iterator data/operations:

HeapScanDesc … struct containing iteration state

scan = heap_beginscan(rel,…,nkeys,keys)

tup = heap_getnext(scan, direction)

heap_endscan(scan) … frees up scan struct

res = HeapKeyTest(tuple,…,nkeys,keys)

… performs ScanKeys tests on tuple … is it a result tuple?

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❖ Scanning in PostgreSQL (cont)

typedef HeapScanDescData *HeapScanDesc;

typedef struct HeapScanDescData
// scan parameters
Relationrs_rd;// heap relation descriptor
Snapshotrs_snapshot;// snapshot … tuple visibility
int rs_nkeys; // number of scan keys
ScanKey rs_key; // array of scan key descriptors

// state set up at initscan time
PageNumberrs_npages;// number of pages to scan
PageNumberrs_startpage; // page # to start at

// scan current state, initally set to invalid
HeapTupleData rs_ctup;// current tuple in scan
PageNumberrs_cpage; // current page # in scan
Bufferrs_cbuf;// current buffer in scan

} HeapScanDescData;

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<< ∧❖ Scanning in other File StructuresAbove examples are for heap files simple, unordered, maybe indexed, no hashingOther access file structures in PostgreSQL: btree, hash, gist, gin each implements: startscan, getnext, endscan insert, delete  (update=delete+insert) other file-specific operatorsCOMP9315 21T1 ♢ Scanning ♢ [16/16]Produced: 28 Feb 2021


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 SQL data structure database Scanning
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