[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 mips CS 352 (MIPS) – Multiple-base Palindromes

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CS 352 (MIPS) – Multiple-base Palindromes
The decimal number, 717 = 10110011012 (binary), is palindromic in BOTH bases. Note that the palindromic number, in either base, do not include leading zeros.
Write a MIPS program to print all pairs of these palindromic numbers up to a maximum number (n) to be determined by a user prompt (see output dialog box below). Include a boolean function named isPalidrome(x, k) that returns true if a number x (either in base 10 or 2) is a palindrome in base k. You may also include other functions that you think would be helpful.
Output dialog
Enter value of n (in base 10): 10000
Pairs of palindromic numbers from 1 through XX:
3 11
5 101
7 111
9 1001
33 100001
99 1100011 313 100111001 585 1001001001 717 1011001101
:: ::
The following instructions must be adhered to:
1. Name your file .asm → e.g., tanj.asm
2. Drop said file to the W drive for cs352.
3. Email your file to the TA: [email protected] and also a copy to me.


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 mips CS 352 (MIPS) – Multiple-base Palindromes
30 $