[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 Lambda Calculus Haskell CSE 130 Midterm, Spring 2018

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CSE 130 Midterm, Spring 2018
Nadia Polikarpova May 4, 2018
NAME ____________________________________ SID ____________________________________
• You have 50 minutes to complete this exam.
• Where limits are given, write no more than the amount specified.
• You may refer to a double-sided cheat sheet, but no electronic ma- terials.
• Questions marked with * are difficult; we recommend solving them last.
• Avoid seeing anyone else’s work or allowing yours to be seen.
• Do not communicate with anyone but an exam proctor.
• If you have a question, raise your hand.
• Good luck!

Part I. Lambda Calculus [60 pts] Q1: Reductions [20 pts]
For each λ-term below, circle all valid reductions of that term. It is possible that none, some, or all of the listed reductions are valid. Reminder:
• =a> stands for an α-step (α-renaming)
• =b> stands for a β-step (β-reduction)
• =*> stands for a sequence of zero or more steps, where each step is
either an α-step or a β-step 1.1 [5 pts]
(x -> x (x -> x)) (f x)
(A) =b>fx(x->x)
(B) =b>fx(x->fx)
(C) =b>fx(fx->fx)
(D) =a>(y->y(x->x))(fy) (E) =a>(x->x(y->y))(fx)
1.2 [5 pts]
x -> (y z -> x y) (x -> x)
(A) =a>x->(yx->xx)(x->x) (B) =a>a->(yz->ay)(x->a) (C) =*>a->(yz->ay)(a->a) (D) =b>xz->x(x->x)
(E) =b>yz->(x->x)y

1.3 [5 pts]
(f g x -> f (g x)) (x -> g x) (z -> z)
(A) =b>(fgx->f(gx))(g(z->z))
(B) =b>(gx->(x->gx)(gx))(z->z) (C) =*>x->gx
(D) =*>y->gy
(E) =*>x->fx
1.4 [5 pts]
(x y -> b u v -> b v u) (x y -> y) (x y -> y) (x y -> x) (A) =b>(y->buv->bvu)(xy->y)(xy->x)
(B) =b>(y->buv->bvu)(xy->y)(xy->y)
(C) =*>(buv->bvu)(xy->x)
(D) =*>xy->y
(E) =b>y->(xy->y)(xy->y)(xy->x)
Q2: Lists [40 pts]
We can encode lists in λ-calculus by representing • an empty list as FALSE
• a non-empty list as a PAIR of its head and tail For example, the list [1,2,3] would be represented as:
You can find the definitions of all variables used in this question in the
“Lambda Calculus Cheat Sheet” at the end of this exam.

2.1 Repeat [10 pts]
Implement the function REPEAT, which, given a Church numeral n and any value x, returns a list with n copies of x. You can use any function defined in the “Lambda Calculus Cheat Sheet”.
let REPEAT = ___________________________________________________ The function should satisfy the following test cases:
eval repeat1 :
eval repeat2 :
2.2 Empty* [20 pts]
Implement the function EMPTY, which, given a list represented as defined above, determines whether the list is empty. You can use any function defined in the “Lambda Calculus Cheat Sheet”.
let EMPTY = ___________________________________________________ The function should satisfy the following test cases:
eval empty1 :
=~> TRUE
eval repeat2 :

2.3 Length [10 pts]
Recall that recursion can be implemented in λ-calculus using fixpoint combi- nators like this one:
letFIX =stp->(x->stp(xx))(x->stp(xx))
Using the fixpoint combinator, implement the function LEN, which, given a list represented as defined above, computes its length. You can use FIX, EMPTY from 2.2, and any function defined in the “Lambda Calculus Cheat Sheet”.
let LEN = ________________________________________________________ The function should satisfy the following test cases:
eval len1 :
=~> ZERO
eval repeat2 :
=~> TWO

Part II. Datatypes and Recursion [50 pts] Q3: Binary Search Trees [50 pts]
Recall that a binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree, where every node stores an integer key x, and the keys are ordered such that all keys in the node’s left sub-tree are strictly less than x, and all keys in the node’s right sub-tree are strictly greater than x. An example BST is depicted below.
Figure 1: Binary Search Tree
In this question, you will implement several Haskell functions that operate on BSTs. We will represent BSTs using the following datatype:
data Tree = Empty | Node Int Tree Tree
In your implementations, you can use any library functions on integers (arith-
metic operators and comparisons), and the append function on lists (++). 3.1 Size [5 pts]
Implement the fuction size that computes the size of a tree. size :: Tree -> Int
Your implementation must satisfy the following test cases 6

size Empty
==> 0
size (Node 8 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 10 Empty Empty))
==> 3
3.2 Insert [10 pts]
Implement the fuction insert that inserts a key into a BST. More precisely, insert x t may assume that t is a BST (i.e., elements are ordered as defined above) and must ensure that its result is a BST that contains a key x.
insert :: Int -> Tree -> Tree
Your implementation must satisfy the following test cases
insert 8 Empty
==> Node 8 Empty Empty
insert 6 (Node 8 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 10 Empty Empty))
==> Node 8
(Node 3 Empty (Node 6 Empty Empty))
(Node 10 Empty Empty)

3.3 Sort [15 pts]
Implement the helper fuctions fromList and toList so that the sort func- tion below sorts a list of integers (you can assume the input list has no duplcate elements). You implementation can use the function insert from question 3.2.
sort :: [Int] -> [Int]
sort xs = toList (fromList xs)
fromList :: [Int] -> Tree
toList :: Tree -> [Int]
3.4 Tail-recursive size* [20 pts]
Re-implement the function size from question 3.1 so that it’s tail-recursive. Hint: introduce an auxiliary function with extra arguments that keep track
of what’s already done and what is still left to do.

size :: Tree -> Int

Lambda Calculus Cheat Sheet
Here is a list of definitions you may find useful for Q2
— Booleans ——————————–
letTRUE =xy->x
let FALSE = x y -> y
letITE =bxy->bxy
letNOT =bxy->byx
letAND =b1b2->ITEb1b2FALSE letOR =b1b2->ITEb1TRUEb2
— Pairs ———————————–
letPAIR =xyb->bxy letFST =p ->pTRUE let SND = p -> p FALSE
— Numbers ———————————
letZERO =fx->x
letONE =fx->fx letTWO =fx->f(fx) let THREE = f x -> f (f (f x))
— Arithmetic ——————————
letINC letADD letMUL let ISZ
fx->f(nfx) =
m->nINCm =
m->n(ADDm)ZERO =


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 Lambda Calculus Haskell CSE 130 Midterm, Spring 2018
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