PowerPoint Presentation
Review: Writing functions
Haskell has a cleaner syntax than Racket.
triple x = x * 3
isEven x = x `mod` 2 == 0
getY m b x = m * x + b
Review: Currying
A function that is curried takes multiple arguments one at a time, always returning a new function in order to grab the next argument.Functions in both the Lambda Calculus and Haskell are curried.
For example:
addStuff x y = x + y
really means:
addStuff = x -> (y -> (x + y))
Review: Currying
(define (add-stuff-to-5 x y)
(+ x y 5))
(add-stuff 6)
addStuffTo5 a b = a + b + 5
addStuffTo5 6
multStuff a b c d = a * b * c * d
multStuff 3 4
b -> 6 + b + 5
c -> d -> 3 * 4 * c * d
Test yourself
getY m b x = m * x + b
getY 6 3
exchngCrncy rate n = rate * n
exchngCrncy 1.1
fahrToCels f = (f 32) * (5/9)
x -> 6 * x + 3
-> 1.1 * n
f -> (f 32) * (5/9)
Review: Type Signatures
We see this underlying curried structure of all functions in the format of Haskell type signatures.
Review: Type Signatures
identity :: t -> t
identity x = x
increment :: Int -> Int
increment x = x + 1
plus :: Num a => a -> a -> a
plus x y = x + y
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
New: Type Signatures of Partially Applied Functions
getY :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> a
getY m b x = m * x + b
foo = getY 6 3
exchngCrncy :: Num a => a -> a -> a
exchngCrncy rate n = rate * n
bar = exchngCrncy 1.1
fahrToCels :: Num a => a -> a
fahrToCels f = (f 32) * (5/9)
baz = fahrToCels
foo ::???
foo:: Num a => a -> a
bar :: ???
bar :: Num a => a -> a
baz :: ???
baz :: Num a => a -> a
New: Conditional Branching
Three definitions of factorial in Haskell:
1. Using if/else
fact1n= if n==0
then 1
else n*fact1(n-1)
2.Using guards
fact2 n
| n==0= 1
| otherwise = n*fact2(n-1)
3.Using pattern matching
fact3 0 = 1
fact3 n = n * fact3 (n 1)
As in Racket, if/else in Haskell is for when you have one condition and two possible outcomes.You use guards when you have two or more outcomes to choose between.Note: pipes must be indented!
myAbs1 x = if x < 0then (-x)else xmyAbs2 x| x < 0 = (-x)| otherwise = xbloodSodium x| x < 135 = too low| x > 145 = too high
| otherwise = good
Participation Quiz, part one:
Practicing Guards
Complex numbers: Numbers that are a combination of real and imaginary numbers, such as I (sq ty of -1).
Pattern Matching: An alternative to conditional branching
Pattern matching allows us to write functions that can decide between two or more possibilities for returned values, based on matching the value of the argument to the formal parameter:
Pattern Matching: An alternative to conditional branching
Pattern matching allows us to write functions that can decide between two or more possibilities for returned values, based on matching the value of the argument to the formal parameter:
> isItTwo 7
isItTwo :: Int -> Bool
isItTwo 2 = True
isItTwo x = False
Matching a pattern may fail, so it proceeds to the next available pattern to match or succeed.
Pattern Matching: An alternative to conditional branching
Pattern matching allows us to write functions that can decide between two or more possibilities for returned values, based on matching the value of the argument to the formal parameter:
> isItTwo 7
isItTwo :: Int -> Bool
isItTwo 2 = True
isItTwo x = False
Matching a pattern may fail, so it proceeds to the next available pattern to match or succeed.
Pattern Matching
You can also use an underscore to designate that it doesnt matter what the value is.The underscore also never fails to match:
isItTwo :: Int -> Bool
isItTwo 2 = True
isItTwo _ = False
The underscore is called a meh
Order and Exhaustiveness Matter
isItTwo :: Int -> Bool
isItTwo _ = False
isItTwo 2 = True
What will happen if you call isItTwo 2?
The two will match with the meh and False will be returned.
isItTwo :: Int -> Bool
isItTwo 2 = True
isItTwo 3 = False
What will happen if you call isItTwo 4?
Error: Non-exhaustive patterns
Fibonacci three ways in Haskell
Pattern matching and guards are two of the ways that Haskells syntax is close to mathematical syntax. For example, they resemble piecewise functions in math:
Lists in Haskell
Lists do double duty in Haskell:
As a way to refer to and process a collection of values
As an infinite series of values, usually generated by a function, which allows them to act as a stream data type (a sequence of data elements made available over time)
Infinite lists are only possible because of Haskells lazy evaluation strategy
Well look at infinite lists and laziness next week
Lists are recursive data types in Haskell, too
(a b c) or (list a b c)
Empty list: ()
Create the list that contains a: (cons a ())
Create the list that contains a and b: (cons a (cons b ()))
Create the list that contains a, b, and c: (cons a (cons b (cons c ())))
Empty list: []
Create the list that contains a:
a : []
Create the list that contains a and b:
a : b : []
Create the list that contains a, b, and c:
a : b : c : []
Lists are recursive data types in Haskell, too
(list a b c)
car (list a b c)
> a
cdr (list a b c)
> (b (c ()))
head [a, b, c]
> a
tail [a, b, c]
> [b [c [] ] ]
Pattern Matching on Lists
[a, b, c] = a : b : c : []
The fact that lists are recursive data types can be seen in the syntax of this function, which uses pattern matching on its list argument:
myLength :: Num a => [b] -> a
myLength [] = 0
myLength (x:xs) = 1 + myLength xs
Pattern Matching on Lists
What does this function accomplish?
myFunc :: Num a => [a] -> a
myFunc [] = 0
myFunc (x:xs) = x + myFunc xs
Summing the items in a list.
Pattern Matching on Lists
What does this function accomplish?
myFunc :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
myFunc []_ = True
myFunc _[] = True
myFunc (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x == y= myFunc xs ys
myFunc (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x /= y= False
Returns true if the same elements are in the same order in two lists, and false otherwise.
Pattern Matching on Lists
Lets do this one together:
How would we use pattern matching to write a function that drops the first 3 items in a list?
Participation Quiz, part two:
Pattern Matching
Heres an implementation for the length of a list that looks like Racket, but isnt idiomatic in Haskell.Rewrite the Haskell function to use pattern matching instead.
myLength :: Num p => [a] -> p
myLength [] = 0
myLength (x:xs) = 1 + myLength xs
Heads Up: Midterm
Wednesday, March 24th
Two weeks of Haskell
Spring Break
Midterm review day after we return from break
Midterm covers Functional Programming in
Lambda Calculus
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