[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 flex /* DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE */

30 $

File Name: CS计算机代考程序代写_flex_/*_DO_NOT_REMOVE_THIS_LINE______________________*/.zip
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/* Notation program */
/* @(#)lexer.l3.9 (C) Henry Thomas Release 3 Dated 12/10/91 */

#include “chesstype.h”

#define NCURLINE 1024
char curline [NCURLINE] ;

#define LARGE_BUF 4096
static char commbuf[LARGE_BUF];

int column = 0;
int lineno = 1;

#ifdef __STDC__
static char * comment(int closing);
static char * comment();


LEXSHORT [-+!?#]

[Oo0]-?[Oo0](-?[Oo0])? { /* roque */ ; parse_roque(yytext); }
[0-9]+[.]?{ /* move number */ parse_number(yytext); }
[A-Z]?([a-z]([1-8])?)?[-xX]?[a-z][1-8]=?[A-Z]?{ /* move */
(void) parse_move(yytext);
/*; fprintf(stderr,”%s, “,yytext);*/

{LEXLONG}{LEXLONG}{LEXLONG} { /* comment */ ;
parse_comment(yytext); }
{LEXLONG}{LEXLONG}{ /* comment */ ;
parse_comment(yytext); }
{LEXSHORT}{LEXSHORT}{ /* comment */ ;
parse_comment(yytext); }
{LEXLONG} { /* comment */ ;
parse_comment(yytext); }
{LEXSHORT}{ /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“(.)”{ /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“(*)”{ /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“(^)”{ /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“[+]”{ /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“()”{ /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“[]”{ /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“o..o”{ /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“oo”{ /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“o/o” { /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“@^” { /* comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
“etc” { /* comment */ ; parse_comment(“etc”); }
“ep”|”e.p.” { /* comment */ ; parse_comment(“ep”); }
$[a-z][a-z][a-z] { /* game comment */ ; parse_comment(yytext); }
@[a-z]+{{ /* keyword with arg */
yytext[yyleng -1] = ‘’ ;
parse_keyword(yytext, comment(‘}’));
@[a-z]+{ /* keyword without arg */
parse_keyword(yytext,NULL); }
“[”{ parse_text(comment(‘]’)); }
“(”{ parse_text(comment(‘)’)); }
“{”{ /* enter variation */ ; enter_variation(); }
“}”{ /* close variation */ ; exit_variation(); }
[,;.]{ /* skip , ; */ ; }
[ tv
f] { /* skip blanks */; }
.{ /* ignore bad characters */ (void) fprintf(stderr,”I don’t understand: %s

#undef yywrap
#ifdef __STDC__
int yywrap(void)
int yywrap()

/* this procedure store comments in the text array commbuf
Escape char are allowed for putting the end-of-comment symbol
in the buffer
#ifdef __STDC__
static char * comment(int closing)
static char * comment(closing)
char closing;
register char c;
register int i=0;

while ( ((c = input()) != closing)&& (c != 0) && (c != EOF)) {
commbuf[i] = c;
if (i


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 flex /* DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE */
30 $