[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 discrete mathematics computer architecture case study PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint Presentation

TU856-1 & TU858-1 Computer Architecture and Technology
Module Code: CMPU 1006
the Module Overview
Presenter: Dr Art Sloan
Semester 1, Week 1

Presentation Outline
This presentation, a short one for the first part of this first week, introduces the module called ‘Computer Architecture and Technology’.
It will describe module content (which are the lecture notes), continuous assessment ideas and important dates.

There is a reading list which can be viewed as arbitrary.

Presentation Content
Lecturer and Website Details
Enrolling in Brightspace
Teaching Methods
Assessment Methods
Module Description and Aim
Lecture Headings
Computer Labs
A Reading List
Introduction Summary
Where to Next?

Lecturer and Website Details
Lecturer: Dr Art Sloan
Office location: The Internet / Brightspace
Phone No:01 402 4972 (May stop taking voicemail VERY soon)
E-Mail [email protected]
Web page: Brightspace
Computer Architecture and Techno CMPU1006

Notes and news will appear here, from week to week. (All lecture notes will be available, as ‘links’, by @ Week 13)

Enrolling in Brightspace
Log on to Brightspace

Use the ‘Discover’ feature to find the module

Search on ‘Computer Architecture and Techno CMPU1006’
– you will need to choose the one that mentions ONE of your courses’ Year; ‘TU856-1’


Teaching Methods
Lectures (Art Sloan) Group A with me, Art,

The timetable may change but lectures are currently Mondays, 9.00 – 11.00am, on MS Teams.
Labs: Mondays, 2.00 – 3.00pm (online labs using Brightspace Bongo):
Group A with me, Art,
Group B with Aparna Nayak,
Group C with Paul Bourke
Group D with Kaiqiang Huang,
Group E with Dr Sean O’Leary and
Group F with Denis Manley
Tutorial: (FROM WEEK 2) Mondays, 3.00 – 4.00pm on MS Teams.

Teaching Methods (2)
Each week the PowerPoint presentation file (.pptx) for lectures will be activated as a link on the Brightspace portal, in the Content area. Lab instructions file, as a link, and the tutorial presentation file will also be in this area.

Also, each online lecture presentation will be recorded (as this one is being recorded) and a link for each one, as a video, will be placed on the Brightspace portal, also in the Content area.

Assessment Methods
Case study assignment in Semester 40%
(Two online quizzes, in lab time, during Week 6 and Week 11 (this may be subject to change))

Written examination60%
Usually taken in May of the calendar year.

Module Description:
The module provides an overview of the discipline of Computer Architecture and describes how it relates to Computing Technologies.

Module Aims:
To provide the student with the theoretical foundations for other modules on the course.
To provide the student with the necessary background knowledge to understand and intuit what is reasonable to expect of modern computers and what is not.
To provide experience of the internals of typical modern computers and an overview of hardware and software, particularly the operating system.
To provide a grounding for programming, system deployment, configuration and troubleshooting.
To develop an appreciation and understanding of the architecture and operation of a small generic CPU.
To develop an appreciation and understanding of the architecture and operation of a typical computer system and its peripherals.
To instill an appreciation of the broader role of computers.

Module Objectives:
On completion of the course students will:
demonstrate a knowledge of number systems, Boolean algebra, sets, logic, relations and functions
identify and describe the major components of a typical general-purpose computer
describe the operation of an idealised generic computer
outline where a typical modern computer deviates from the idealised version
use the course topics to solve computing problems
use appropriate software and hardware to solve problems
identify, and differentiate between, different types of computer systems
identify, and describe the operation of, basic logic circuits
convert between, and perform elementary arithmetic and other operations in number systems including binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal

General Subject Matter:
Computer architecture and operation

Hardware and peripherals

Computer applications

Digital aspects – Introduction and History: from valves to integrated circuits

Electrical aspects: Voltage, current, resistance, Ohm’s law

Architectural aspects – Introduction and History: from Babbage to multi-core processors

Sequential logic: latches, flip-flops, shift-registers, and counters

Syllabus (2):
Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal representations and buses

Logic gates: AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, NOT

Von Neumann architecture and stored program computing: ALU, memory, program-counter (or instruction pointer), registers, instruction decoder, fetch-execute-store cycle, data and address buses

Syllabus (3):
Components: interfaces, hardware, and operation of: disk, memory, serial, parallel, graphics, audio and network subsystems

Contemporary and historical removable media (E.G. floppy disk, tape, CD, DVD, flash key)

Contemporary and historical external interfaces (E.G. PC parallel port, PC serial port, PS/2 ports, USB, IEEE-1394 “Firewire”, SCSI, Ethernet)

Syllabus (4):

Contemporary and historical internal interfaces (E.G. AGP, SATA, PCIe, PATA, PCI, ISA, EISA, NuBus, MCA, AGP, VESA)

The list, as above, is of the basic features of the subject. Time permitting, we can look at case studies of networks and computer systems in organisations to give the subtopics some context.
These examples will be covered to complete the notes – just ahead of revision and analysis of past examination papers.

Proposed Lecture Headings (1 of 2)
Week 1: Module Introduction
Week 2:Computers – an Historic Overview
Week 3:Electricity to Electronics
Week 4:Number Bases
Week 5:Boolean Algebra
Week 6:Sequential Logic (Logic Gates)
Week 7:Von Neumann Architecture


Proposed Lecture Headings (2 of 2)
Week 8:Interface Types (Internal Hardware)
Week 9:Software Applications
Week 10:Networking (after Easter break)
Week 11: New Architectures
Week 12:Revision
Week 13:REVIEW WEEK – Self Study


Computer Labs
Labs in Weeks 1 – 10 (or 11) introduce and continue a specialised online teaching environment called TestOut Labsim (PC Pro).
This online course has content, video clips, animations and exercises. I will set up a Bongo session hour each week for this. (Mondays, 2.00pm).

Each student will have their own account which will track their progress and exercises. You can set up your account in lab today, using the individual code I sent you via email.


One or two sessions in lecture and tutorial time on a past exam paper and the main topics covered – expected to be in Week 13 – just in time for the ‘exam season’ and as an aid to exam preparation for this subject.
Included: description of the exam in terms of time allocated, number of questions and question options… tips on pacing answers to questions… what is expected of a scripted answer… questions from the group answered.

Semester Time Available
Weeks 1 – 12, normal lectures including our revision in Week 12
Week 13 – Review Week (self-study revision) for exam preparation

End of Semester 2: Friday 7th May 2021

Exam weeks (expected):
10th – 14th May 2021 (Week 14)
17th – 21th May 2021 (Week 15)

Reading List
The ‘core texts’ are these books (from the course document):

Essential Computer Mathematics, Schaum’s Outline Series
Seymour Lipschutz, 1987, ISBN 0-07-0379990-4

Knowledge Management Case Book: Siemens Best Practice, 2nd ed.,
Tom Davenport, Gilbert J.B. Probst , 2002, Wiley

Essentials of Computer Architecture, 1st ed.,
Douglas E. Comer, 2005, Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-196426-7

(Purchase of books very much optional.)

Background Reading List
Supplemental Reading (from the course document):

Operating Systems, 4th ed..
William Stallings, 2001, Prentice Hall; ISBN 0-13-031999-6

Logic and Discrete Mathematics; A Computer Science Perspective
Winfred Karl Grassmann and Jean-Paul Tremblay, 1996, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-501206-6

Discrete Mathematics
Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lars Lipson, 1997, Schaum’s Outline Series, ISBN 0-07-038045-7


A Good Book That I Have Looked At:

Introduction to Information Systems
James A. O’Brien
McGraw Hill
This is a good book that has a lot of technical detail.

Computer Science: An Overview – 12th Edition
J. Glenn Brookshear
Addison Wesley
Broad-based – a general view of Computing. Easy to read. This one is around €70 – €80!

Principles of Business Information Systems
Ralph Stair and George Reynolds
Course technology – Cengage
Another technical book.


Introductory Books:

(You may think these are a bit ‘low-level’…)

Computer Concepts
June Parsons and Dan Oja.
TP/Course Technologies (Thomson)

The 10th edition of this book is available in some bookshops and costs around €60.


How Computers Work – 9th Edition
Ron White

This is a great book insofar as it is clear, easy to read and has lots of pictorial examples. You may prefer this book to Computer Concepts. It costs around €35 online.


Older Introductory Books (but great in their time):

Computers! – 5th Edition,
Timothy Trainor and Diane Krasnewich.
McGraw Hill 1998.

Management Information Systems
Kenneth Laudon, Jane Laudon
Prentice Hall

These should be in the library – if you ever get to it this year! You can buy Management Information Systems if you like the look of it. Computers! is an older title and may not be available to buy new.


End of Introduction
That describes the module content and some of the features and events of Computer Architecture and Technology.

Are there…

Where to Next?
The first of those content lectures:
“Computers – an Historic Overview”
How have computers evolved over 100 years? What is this architecture? How are they ‘systematic’? We can look at these things next.

Thanks for your attentiveness.

See you here next time. Be safe and well in the meantime.



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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 discrete mathematics computer architecture case study PowerPoint Presentation
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