[SOLVED] CS data science ST340 Programming for Data Science


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ST340 Programming for Data Science
Assignment 3
Released: Friday week 8, 2021-03-05; Deadline: 12:00 PM on Thursday week 10, 2021-03-18.
Work in groups of at least one and at most three. Group work is preferred.
Specify your student number and name on your assignment. You need to submit only one copy for each
Any programming should be in R. Your report should be created using R markdown. Submit a single
knitted pdf document which includes any code you have written.
This assignment is worth 17% of your overall mark.
Q1 Gradient descent
Here is a function that does gradient descent with a fixed number of iterations to find local minima:
(a) Write a short function that uses gradient.descent to find a local maximum. (For the purpose of this question, gradient.descent is a black box. Dont worry about the printed output, just the return value matters.)
gradient.ascent <- function(f, df, x0, iterations=1000, eta=0.2) {# … use gradient.descent(…) here …}f <-function(x) { (1+x2)(-1) }gradf<-function(x) { -2*x*(1+x2)(-2) }gradient.ascent(f,gradf,3,40,0.5)(b) Consider the function f : R2 R given byf <- function(x) (x[1]-1)2 + 100*(x[1]2-x[2])2 gradient.descent <- function(f, gradf, x0, iterations=1000, eta=0.2) { x<-x0for (i in 1:iterations) { cat(i,”/”,iterations,”: “,x,” “,f(x),”
“) x<-x-eta*gradf(x)}x } f <-function(x) { sum(x2) } gradf<-function(x) { 2*x } gradient.descent(f,gradf,c(10,20),10,0.2) 1i) Give a short mathematical proof that f has a unique minimum.ii) Write a function gradf to calculate f, i.e. gradf <- function(x) { # … use x[1] and x[2] … }iii) Starting from the point x0=c(3,4), try to find the minimum using gradient descent. gradient.descent(f,gradf,c(3,4), … , …)(c) Write a function to do gradient descent with momentum. Starting from the point x0=c(3,4), use your function to find the minimum of the function from part (b).Q2 Support vector machinesRun the following code to load the tiny MNIST dataset:and then show some digits:(a) Use three-fold cross validation on the training set to compare SVMs with linear kernels, polynomial kernels and RBF kernels, i.e.etc. (The flag warning=FALSE is helpful here. What is the suppressed warning message warning you about?)(b) For the RBF kernels, write a grid search function that takes two lists, log.C.range and log.gamma.range, and for each pair (lc,lg) of entries in the pair of lists attempts cross-validation with parameters cost = exp(lc) and gamma=exp(lg). Once you have found the model with the best cross-validation error, train it on the full tiny’ training set and then test it on thetiny test set. load(“mnist.tiny.RData”)train.X=train.X/255test.X=test.X/255 library(grid)grid.raster(array(aperm(array(train.X[1:50,],c(5,10,28,28)),c(4,1,3,2)),c(140,280)),interpolate=FALSE) library(e1071)svm(train.X,train.labels,type=”C-classification”,kernel=”linear”,cross=3)$tot.accuracysvm(train.X,train.labels,type=”C-classification”,kernel=”poly”,degree=2,coef=1,cross=3)$tot.accuracy2


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[SOLVED] CS data science ST340 Programming for Data Science