[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 chain PostgreSQL Buffer Manager

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PostgreSQL Buffer Manager

PostgreSQL Buffer Manager

PostgreSQL Buffer Manager

Clock-sweep Replacement Strategy

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ PG Buffers ♢ [0/8]

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❖ PostgreSQL Buffer Manager

PostgreSQL buffer manager:

provides a shared pool of memory buffers for all backends

all access methods get data from disk via buffer manager

Buffers are located in a large region of shared memory.

Definitions:  src/include/storage/buf*.h

Functions:  src/backend/storage/buffer/*.c

Buffer code is also used by backends who want a private buffer pool

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ PG Buffers ♢ [1/8]

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❖ PostgreSQL Buffer Manager (cont)

Buffer pool consists of:


shared fixed array (size NBuffers) of BufferDesc

shared fixed array (size NBuffers) of 8KB frames

Buffer = index values in above arrays
indexes: global buffers 1..NBuffers; local buffers negative

Size of buffer pool is set in postgresql.conf, e.g.

shared_buffers = 16MB # min 128KB, 16*8KB buffers

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❖ PostgreSQL Buffer Manager (cont)

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ PG Buffers ♢ [3/8]

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❖ PostgreSQL Buffer Manager (cont)


basic buffer manager data types (e.g. Buffer)

definitions for buffer manager function interface

(i.e. functions that other parts of the system call to use buffer manager)

definitions for buffer manager internals (e.g. BufferDesc)

Code: backend/storage/buffer/*.c

Commentary: backend/storage/buffer/README

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ PG Buffers ♢ [4/8]

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❖ PostgreSQL Buffer Manager (cont)

Definition of buffer descriptors simplified:

typedef struct BufferDesc
BufferTagtag; // ID of page contained in buffer
intbuf_id;// buffer’s index number (from 0)

// state, containing flags, refcount and usagecount
pg_atomic_uint32 state;

intfreeNext;// link in freelist chain

} BufferDesc;

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ PG Buffers ♢ [5/8]

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❖ Clock-sweep Replacement Strategy

PostgreSQL page replacement strategy: clock-sweep

treat buffer pool as circular list of buffer slots

NextVictimBuffer (NVB) holds index of next possible evictee

if Buf[NVB] page is pinned or “popular”, leave it
usage_count implements “popularity/recency” measure

incremented on each access to buffer (up to small limit)

decremented each time considered for eviction

else if pin_count = 0 and usage_count = 0 then grab this buffer

increment NextVictimBuffer and try again (wrap at end)

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❖ Clock-sweep Replacement Strategy (cont)

Action of clock-sweep:

COMP9315 21T1 ♢ PG Buffers ♢ [7/8]

<< ∧❖ Clock-sweep Replacement Strategy (cont)For specialised kinds of access (e.g. sequential scan), clock-sweep is not the best replacement strategy can allocate a private “buffer ring” use this buffer ring with alternative replacement strategyCOMP9315 21T1 ♢ PG Buffers ♢ [8/8]Produced: 22 Feb 2021


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 chain PostgreSQL Buffer Manager
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