[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 chain Hive //! @file

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//! @file
//! @brief Implementation file for DerivedJRectangleFromAbstractGeometricObject.h

#include “DerivedRectangleFromAbstractGeometricObject.h”

//Signify to MFC serialization that objects of this class are serializable
//Parameter 1 : Name of the class
//Parameter 2 : Name of the first non-abstract class up on the inheritance chain
//Parameter 3 : Class schema version name. Must use same positive integer value across classes.
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(JRectangle, CObject, 1)

//! Construct a default retangle object with width and height set to 1
//! @param
//! @return new JRectangle object
width = 1;
height = 1;

//! Construct a JRectangle object with specified width and height
//! @param width : width of the new JRectangle
//! @param height : height of the new JRectangle
//! @return newJRectangle object
JRectangle::JRectangle(double width, double height)

//! Construct a JRectangle object with width, height, color, filled
//! @param width : width of the new JRectangle
//! @param height : height of the new JRectangle
//! @param color : color of the new JRectangle
//! @param filled : whether the JRectangle is filled or not
//! @return new JRectangle object
JRectangle::JRectangle(double width, double height,
const string& color, bool filled) : GeometricObject(color, filled)

//! Accessor for width
//! @param
//! @return width of the JRectangle
double JRectangle::getWidth() const
return width;

//! Mutator for radius
//! @param width : new width for the JRectangle
//! @return void
void JRectangle::setWidth(double width)
this->width = (width >= 0) ? width : 0;

//! Accessor for height
//! @param
//! @return height of the JRectangle
double JRectangle::getHeight() const
return height;

//! Mutator for height
//! @param height : new height for the JRectangle
//! @return void
void JRectangle::setHeight(double height)
this->height = (height >= 0) ? height : 0;

//! Return the area of the JRectangle
//! @param
//! @return area of the JRectangle
double JRectangle::getArea() const
return width * height;

//! Return the perimeter of the JRectangle
//! @param
//! @return perimeter of the JRectangle
double JRectangle::getPerimeter() const
return 2 * (width + height);

//! free operator << to output a JRectangle object to an output stream//! @param out: output stream to output to//! @param rectangle: JRectangle object to output//! @return a reference to the stream, to enable a chain of such operations//!ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const JRectangle& rectangle){out << “Rectangle Object:
width: ” << rectangle.getWidth() << endl;out << “height: ” << rectangle.getHeight() << endl;return out;}//! Serialize a Rectangle to/from a MFC CArchive//! @param ar : CArchive object to serialize to/from//! @ return none//!void JRectangle::Serialize(CArchive& ar){// Always call base class Serialize().GeometricObject::Serialize(ar);// Serialize dynamic members and other raw data if (ar.IsStoring()){ar << width;ar << height;}else{ar >> width;
ar >> height;


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 chain Hive //! @file
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