[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 c++ // inspired from: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/program-termination?view=vs-2019

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// inspired from: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/program-termination?view=vs-2019
// abort.cpp

class ShowData {
// Constructor opens a file.
// This constructor is called when the sd1 and sd2 objects are created below
// and instantiated with strings, essentially acting as a convertor between the
// char* type and the ShowData type.
ShowData(const char* szDev) {
// fopen_s() uses an error code
errno_t err;
// creates a file open in write mode and assigns it to the OutputDev data member
err = fopen_s(&OutputDev, szDev, “w”);

// Destructor closes the file.
// If the destructor is not called–such as if abort() is called–the file handled is not freed.
~ShowData() {
// prints a string to the device, indicating that the destructor was called.
fputs(“closing output device”, OutputDev);
// close the device

// Disp function writes a string on the output device.
void Disp(const char* szData) {
fputs(szData, OutputDev);
FILE* OutputDev;

//Define a static object of type ShowData. The output device
// selected is “CON” — the standard output device.
//“CON” is a Windows C++ reserved name which stants for the console output, which is written to as a file.
ShowData sd1 = “CON”;

int main() {
//Define an object of type ShowData local to the main function’s body. The output
// is directed to a file called “hello.dat”
ShowData sd2 = “hello.dat”;

sd1.Disp(“hello to default device
sd2.Disp(“hello to file hello.dat
// if return(0) is used, the main function must return int, not void.
// This triggers the destructors before the program is terminated.
// See the message output in the console and the file.
// return(0); // uncomment this line to try

// if exit(0) is used, the main function can return void or int.
// This triggers the destructors before the program is terminated.
// See the message output in the console and the file.
// exit(0); // uncomment this line to try

// if abort() is used, the main function can return void or int,
// and the global objects and the objects declared in the main function
// are not freed, as their destructor is not called.
// See the absence of message output in the console and the file.
// abort(); // uncomment this line to try

// if none of the above is executed before the end of the main function
// (i.e. return, ext, abort), the program terminates at
// then end of the main function’s body, and the destructors are called for all
// global objects and objects declared locally in the main function’s body.
// See the message output in the console and the file.


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 c++ // inspired from: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/program-termination?view=vs-2019
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