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package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.asstll

* Trait to define the behavior of something that behaves like a list.
* This trait is extended by the LazyList classes.
* @tparam X the underlying type of this Monad
trait ListLike[+X] extends Monadic[X] with IterableOnce[X] {
self =>

* Method to yield the size of this list-like object.
* @return Some(n) where n is size if it’s definite; if size is not known (lazy) then return None
def size(): Option[Int]

* Construct a (finite) ListLike[X]with exactly one element.
* Overrides the definition from Monadic by making the result type more specific.
* Note that this is an instance method.
* @param y the value of the element.
* @tparam Y the type of yand the underlying type of the resulting ListLike object
* @return a ListLike[Y]with exactly one element (whose value is y).
def unit[Y](y: Y): ListLike[Y]

* Construct a ListLike[X]with the elements of ys.
* Note that this is an instance method.
* @param ys the sequence of elements with which to construct the list-like object.
* @tparam Y the underlying type of ysand the underlying type of the resulting ListLike object
* @return a ListLike[Y]with exactly one element (whose value is y).
def build[Y](ys: Seq[Y]): ListLike[Y]

* The “map” function.
* Overrides the definition from Monadic by making the result type more specific.
* @param f a function which converts an Xinto a Y.
* @tparam Y the underlying type of the result.
* @return a ListLike[Y]where each element is the result of applying fto the corresponding
* element of this.
def map[Y](f: X => Y): ListLike[Y]

* The “flatMap” function.
* Overrides the definition from Monadic by making the result type more specific.
* @param f a function which converts an Xinto a LazyList[Y].
* @tparam Y the underlying type of the result.
* @return a ListLike[Y]where each element is the result of applying fto the corresponding
* element of thisand then “flattening” the result
* by concatenating all streams together.
def flatMap[Y](f: X => Monadic[Y]): ListLike[Y]

* The “filter” function.
* Overrides the definition from Monadic by making the result type more specific.
* @param p a predicate which takes an Xand yields a Boolean.
* @return a ListLike[X]where every element satisfies the predicate p.
def filter(p: X => Boolean): ListLike[X]

* The “filterNot” function.
* Overrides the definition from Monadic by making the result type more specific.
* @param p a predicate which takes an Xand yields a Boolean.
* @return a ListLike[X]where every element satisfies the predicate p.
def filterNot(p: X => Boolean): ListLike[X]

* Method to determine if this ListLike object is empty.
* @return true if the list is empty.
def isEmpty: Boolean

* @return the head of this list
def head: X

* @return the tail of this list
def tail: ListLike[X]

* Method to form a new list-like object by pre-pending y
* @param y the value to serve as the new head
* @tparam Y the type of y
* @return a new ListLike[Y]object with y as its head and this as its tail
def +:[Y >: X](y: Y): ListLike[Y]

* Concatenate this LazyList with ys.
* CONSIDER moving to LazyListLike
* @param ys the stream to be used if/when this stream is exhausted.
* @tparam Y the underlying type of ys and the result.
* @return a ListLike[Y]which contains all the elements of this followed by all the elements of ys.
def ++[Y >: X](ys: ListLike[Y]): ListLike[Y]

* Method to “zip” to ListLike objects together
* @param ys the stream of Ys
* @tparam Y the underlying type of ys
* @return a ListLike[(X,Y)]where each element is a tuple of the corresponding elements from this
* and ys respectively.
def zip[Y](ys: ListLike[Y]): ListLike[(X, Y)]

* Take the first n elements of this ListLike object as a ListLike object.
* @param n the number of elements to take (must not be negative).
* @return a ListLike[(X,Y)]of length n.
def take(n: Int): ListLike[X]

* Drop the first n elements of this ListLike object and return the remainder as a ListLike object.
* @param n the number of elements to drop (must not be negative).
* @return a ListLike[(X,Y)]which is shorter than this by n.
def drop(n: Int): ListLike[X]

/** Necessary to keep this from being implicitly converted to
* [[scala.collection.Iterable]]in `for` comprehensions.
@inline final def withFilter(p: X => Boolean): WithFilter = new WithFilter(p)

/** We need a whole WithFilter class to honor the “doesn’t create a new
* collection” contract.
class WithFilter(p: X => Boolean) {
def map[B](f: X => B): ListLike[B] = self filter p map f

def flatMap[B](f: X => ListLike[B]): ListLike[B] = self filter p flatMap f

//def foreach[U](f: X => U): Unit = self filter p foreach f
def withFilter(q: X => Boolean): WithFilter = new WithFilter(x => p(x) && q(x))

* Method to flatten a ListLike[Monadic[Y]
* This is an instance method because it used the build method.
* It does NOT refer to any other information about this ListLike object.
* @param ms a ListLike[Seq[Y]to be flattened
* @tparam Y the underlying type of ms and the result
* @return a ListLike[(X,Y)]
def flatten[Y](ms: ListLike[Seq[Y]]): ListLike[Y] = flatten(ms.toSeq)

* Method to flatten a ListLike[Monadic[Y]
* This is an instance method because it used the build method.
* It does NOT refer to any other information about this ListLike object.
* CONSIDER simplifying
* @param yss Seq[Seq[Y]to be flattened
* @tparam Y the underlying type of ms and the result
* @return a ListLike[(X,Y)]
def flatten[Y](yss: Seq[Seq[Y]]): ListLike[Y] = build(yss.foldLeft[Seq[Y]](Seq())((_: Seq[Y]) ++ (_: Seq[Y])))

* Trait to define functor behavior
* @tparam X the underlying type of this Functor
trait Functor[+X] {

* The “map” function.
* @param f a function which converts an Xinto a Y.
* @tparam Y the underlying type of the result.
* @return a Functor[Y]where each element is the result of applying fto the corresponding
* element of this.
def map[Y](f: X => Y): Functor[Y]


* Trait to define monadic behavior.
* @tparam X the underlying type of this Monad
trait Monadic[+X] extends Functor[X] {
* Construct a (finite) LazyList[X]with exactly one element.
* @param y the value of the element.
* @tparam Y the underlying type of the resulting monad
* @return a Monadic[Y]with exactly one element (whose value is x).
def unit[Y >: X](y: Y): Monadic[Y]

* The “map” function.
* Overrides the definition form Functor by making the result type more specific.
* @param f a function which converts an Xinto a Y.
* @tparam Y the underlying type of the result.
* @return a Monadic[Y]where each element is the result of applying fto the corresponding
* element of this.
def map[Y](f: X => Y): Monadic[Y]

* The “flatMap” function.
* @param f a function which converts an XLazyList[Y].
* @tparam Y the underlying type of the result.
* @return a LazyList[Y]where each element is the result of applying fto the corresponding
* element of thisand then “flattening” the result
* by concatenating all streams together.
def flatMap[Y](f: X => Monadic[Y]): Monadic[Y]

* The “filter” function.
* @param p a predicate which takes an Xand yields a Boolean.
* @return a Monadic[X]where every element satisfies the predicate p.
def filter(p: X => Boolean): Monadic[X]

* The “filterNot” function.
* @param p a predicate which takes an Xand yields a Boolean.
* @return a ListLike[X]where every element satisfies the predicate p.
def filterNot(p: X => Boolean): Monadic[X]

* Convert this Monadic[X]into a Seq[X], element for element.
* @return a Seq[X]
def toSeq: Seq[X]


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[SOLVED] CS计算机代考程序代写 /*
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