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Module: cse303

Purpose: This module holds common class definitions and common functions, so
that we can easily create scripts for testing the functionality of
the server and client in the CSE 303 assignments.

import subprocess
import os
import time
import filecmp
import sys
import shutil

indentation = 75
width of the message content in a line

verbose = False
print verbose output (e.g., shell commands)?

class UserConfig:
An object that encapsulates a username and password, for convenience in the scripts

def __init__(self, name, pwd):
Construct a UserConfig object from a name and password
self.name = name
self.pwd = pwd

class ServerConfig:
An object that encapsulates the servers configuration, and makes it easy to launch a server.

def __init__(self, exe, port, keyfile, dirfile, threads = 1, buckets = 16, qinterval = 60, upquot = 1048576, downquot = 1048576, reqquot = 128, top = 4, admin = ):
Construct a ServerConfig object from an executable, port, keyfile, directory file, thread count, quota interval, u/d/r quotas, and TOP threshold
self.exe = exe
self.port = port
self.keyfile = keyfile
self.dirfile = dirfile
self.threads = threads
self.buckets = buckets
self.qi = qinterval
self.upq = upquot
self.dnq = downquot
self.rqq = reqquot
self.top = top
self.admin = admin

def launchcmd(self):
Return, in list form, the parts of a command to start the server
return [self.exe, -p, self.port, -k, self.keyfile, -f, self.dirfile, -t, self.threads, -b, self.buckets, -i, self.qi, -u, self.upq, -d, self.dnq, -r, self.rqq, -o, self.top, -a, self.admin]

class ClientConfig:
An object that encapsulates the clients configuration, and makes it easy to invoke clients that execute a single command.

def __init__(self, exe, server, port, keyfile):
Construct a ClientConfig object from an executable, server name/address, port, and keyfile
self.exe = exe
self.server = server
self.port = port
self.keyfile = keyfile

def cmd0(self, user, cmd):
Configure the common parts of a 0-argument command
return [self.exe, -k, self.keyfile, -s, self.server, -p, self.port, -u, user.name, -w, user.pwd, -C, cmd]

def cmd1(self, user, cmd, param1):
Configure the common parts of a 1-argument command
return [self.exe, -k, self.keyfile, -s, self.server, -p, self.port, -u, user.name, -w, user.pwd, -C, cmd, -1, param1]

def cmd2(self, user, cmd, param1, param2 ):
Configure the common parts of a 2-argument command
return [self.exe, -k, self.keyfile, -s, self.server, -p, self.port, -u, user.name, -w, user.pwd, -C, cmd, -1, param1, -2, param2]

def reg(self, user):
Configure a command for registering a user
return self.cmd0(user, REG)

def bye(self, user):
Configure a command for stopping the server
return self.cmd0(user, BYE)

def setC(self, user, filename):
Configure a command for setting a users content
return self.cmd1(user, SET, filename)

def getC(self, user, filename):
Configure a command for getting a users content
return self.cmd1(user, GET, filename)

def getA(self, user, filename):
Configure a command for getting all users
return self.cmd1(user, ALL, filename)

def kvI(self, user, key, valfile):
Configure a command for inserting a key/value pair
return self.cmd2(user, KVI, key, valfile)

def kvU(self, user, key, valfile):
Configure a command for upserting a key/value pair
return self.cmd2(user, KVU, key, valfile)

def kvG(self, user, key):
Configure a command for getting a value
return self.cmd1(user, KVG, key)

def kvD(self, user, key):
Configure a command for deleting a key
return self.cmd1(user, KVD, key)

def kvA(self, user, filename):
Configure a command for getting all keys
return self.cmd1(user, KVA, filename)

def kvT(self, user, filename):
Configure a command for getting top keys
return self.cmd1(user, KVT, filename)

def kvF(self, user, name, filename):
Configure a command for registering a .so
return self.cmd2(user, KVF, name, filename)

def kMR(self, user, name, filename):
Configure a command for invoking a map/reduce on the server
return self.cmd2(user, KMR, name, filename)

def persist(self, user):
Configure a command for persisting the server
return self.cmd0(user, SAV)

def delfile(file):
delete a file, but only if it exists
if os.path.exists(file):

def copyfile(source, destination):
Copy a file
shutil.copyfile(source, destination)

def killall(procname):
Invoke the killall command to kill instances of a process
# To avoid error messages, we use Popen, then read from stdout and stderr so
# that we block until the process completes
s = subprocess.Popen([killall, procname], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

def green(txt):
wrap /txt/ in ASCII codes for making it green
green = 33[32m
reset = 33[0m
return green+txt+reset

def red(txt):
wrap /txt/ in ASCII codes for making it red
red = 33[31m
reset = 33[0m
return red+txt+reset

def waitfor(secs):
wait for /secs/ seconds

def do_cmd(msg, expect, cmd, server):
Launch /cmd/ in a subprocess, and then check if its result equals the expected value
if verbose:
for x in cmd:
print(x, end= )
print(, end=
print((msg+ Expect: + expect+).ljust(indentation), end=)
s = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
res_o = s.stdout.readline().rstrip().decode(utf-8)
if res_o == expect:
print([+red(ERR)+] + str(res_o) + )
return s

def await_server(msg, expect, server):
Wait for server to terminate
print((msg+ Expect: + expect+).ljust(indentation), end=)
res = server.pid.stdout.readline().rstrip().decode(utf-8)
if res == expect:
print([ + green(OK) + ])
print([ + red(ERR)+] + res + )

def clean_common_files(server, client):
Delete any of the files that we would expect the client or server to have made during an interrupted run of the tests
print(Cleaning up temp files.ljust(indentation), end=)
files = [server.keyfile+.pri, server.keyfile + .pub, server.dirfile, client.keyfile]
for f in files:

def check_file_result(f1, f2):
Check if f1 and f2 match, and then delete f2
print((Comparing+ +f1+ and +f2 + .file.dat+.).ljust(indentation), end=)
if not os.path.exists(f2+.file.dat):
print([+red(ERR)+] Cannot find + f2 + .file.dat)
if filecmp.cmp(f1, f2+.file.dat):
print([+red(ERR)+] Files do not match)

def check_file_list(file, list):
Check if the file has the same contents (newline-delimited, sorted) as the list, then delete the file
# read the file, strip newlines, sort the file
f = open(file)
lines1 = f.readlines()
lines2 = []
for x in lines1:
# sort the list, so we can use == to compare
print((Checking+ +file+.).ljust(indentation), end=)
if lines2 == list:
print([+red(ERR)+] Files do not have correct contents)
for x in lines2:
for x in list:
# delete when done

def check_file_list_nosort(file, list):
Check if the file has the same contents (newline-delimited) as the list, then delete the file
# read the file, strip newlines
f = open(file)
lines1 = f.readlines()
lines2 = []
for x in lines1:
print((Checking+ +file+.).ljust(indentation), end=)
if lines2 == list:
print([+red(ERR)+] Files do not have correct contents)
for x in lines2:
for x in list:
# delete when done

def line():
Print a line of dashes, to help with separating output
for i in range(1, indentation + 5):
print(-, end=)

def check_args_verbose():
Check the command line arguments to see if there is a VERBOSE flag
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg == VERBOSE:
return True
return False

def check_args_server():
Check the command line arguments to see if there is a SERVER flag
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg == SERVER:
return True
return False

def check_args_client():
Check the command line arguments to see if there is a CLIENT flag
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg == CLIENT:
return True
return False

def get_len(filename):
Get the length of a file
return os.stat(filename).st_size

def verify_filesize(filename, expect):
Compare a files size to an expected value
s = get_len(filename)
print((Checking size of + filename + (expect + str(expect) + )).ljust(indentation), end=)
if (s == expect):
print([+red(ERR: + str(s))+])

def verify_peek(filename, offset, len, val):
Check if a value can be found at a specific location in a file
msg = Checking position + str(offset) + of + filename + for + val +
f = open(filename, rb)
f.seek(offset, 0)
found = f.read(len).decode(ascii)
if (val == found):
print([+red(ERR: + found)+])

def build_file(filename, size):
Create a file named filename that consists of size bytes
f = open(filename, w)
for i in range(0, size):

def build_file_as(filename, contents):
Create a file named filename that consists of the given string
f = open(filename, w)

def override_exe(server, client):
Change the server or client executable to the solution executable
if check_args_server():
server.exe = solutions/server.exe
if check_args_client():
client.exe = solutions/client.exe

def makeclean():
Clean out the build folder
print(Running make clean’.ljust(indentation), end=)
process = subprocess.run([make, clean], capture_output=True)

def build(makefiles):
Build using all provided makefiles
print(Building executables:)
for file in makefiles:
print( + file, end=, flush=True)
process = subprocess.run([make, -j, -f, file], capture_output=True)
print(.ljust(indentation-len(file)-2), end=, flush=True)
if process.returncode == 0:

def check_exist(file, val):
Report if a files existence matches expectation
msg = Ensuring + file
if val:
msg += exists
msg += does not exist
print(msg.ljust(indentation), end=)
if os.path.exists(file) == val:

def after(proc):
Clean up the servers stdout by reading the two lines we expect after every connection
line = proc.stdout.readline().rstrip().decode(utf-8)
if line != Waiting for a client to connect:
print(Unexpected server output: +line)
line = proc.stdout.readline().rstrip().decode(utf-8)
if (line != Connected to & (line != Connected to
print(Unexpected server output: +line)

def killprocs():
Kill any server.exe or client.exe executables
print(Stopping any errant processes.ljust(indentation), end=)

def leftmsg(msg):
Print a left-justified message
print(msg.ljust(indentation), end=)

def okmsg():
Print [OK]

def do_cmd_a(msg, expects, cmd):
Launch /cmd/ in a subprocess, and then check if its results equal the expected values
if verbose:
for x in cmd:
print(x, end= )
print(, end=
s = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for e in expects:
res_o = s.stdout.readline().rstrip().decode(utf-8)
print((Expect + e + ).ljust(indentation), end=)
if res_o == e:
print([+red(ERR)+] + str(res_o) + )
return s


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