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Why High Speed LANs?
• Office LANs used to provide basic connectivity
– Connecting PCs and terminals to mainframes and midrange systems that ran corporate applications
– Providing workgroup connectivity at departmental level
– Traffic patterns light
> Emphasis on file transfer and electronic mail
• Speed and power of PCs has risen
– Graphics-intensive applications and GUIs
• MIS organizations recognize LANs as essential
– Began with client/server computing
> Now dominant architecture in business environment > Intranetworks
> Frequent transfer of large volumes of data

Applications Requiring High Speed LANs
• Centralized server farms
– User needs to draw huge amounts of data from multiple centralized servers
– E.g. Colour publishing operation
> Servers contain tens of gigabytes of image data that must be downloaded to imaging workstations.
• Power workgroups
• Small number of cooperating users
– Draw massive data files across network
– E.g. Software development group testing new software version or computer-aided design (CAD) company regularly running simulations of new designs.
• High-speed local backbone
– Processing demand grows
– LANs proliferate at site
– High-speed interconnection is necessary

Ethernet Switched & Shared(CSMA/CD/CA)
• Most widely used LAN standard
• Developed by
– Xerox – original Ethernet
– IEEE 802.3
• Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) – Legacy
– random / contention access to media
• Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) – Wireless

Legacy 10Mbps Specification (Ethernet)

Legacy 100Mbps Fast Ethernet

• Uses a unidirectional data rate 100 Mbps over single twisted pair or optical fiber link
• Two physical medium specifications
– 100BASE-TX
> uses two pairs of twisted-pair cable for tx & rx > STP and Category 5 UTP allowed
> MTL-3 signaling scheme is used
– 100BASE-FX
> uses two optical fiber cables for tx & rx
> convert 4B/5B-NRZI code group into optical signals

• 100-Mbps over lower-quality Cat 3 UTP
– takes advantage of large installed base of cat 3 cabling – does not transmit continuous signal between packets
– useful in battery-powered applications
• cannot get 100 Mbps on single twisted pair
– so data stream split into three separate streams
– four twisted pairs used
– data transmitted and received using three pairs
– two pairs configured for bidirectional transmission
• use ternary signaling scheme (8B6T)

100BASE-T Options

Full Duplex Operation
• Traditional Ethernet was only half duplex
• Using full-duplex, station can transmit and receive simultaneously
• 100-Mbps Ethernet in full-duplex mode, giving a theoretical transfer rate of 200 Mbps
• Stations must have full-duplex adapter cards
• and must use switching (switch)
– each station constitutes separate collision domain – CSMA/CD algorithm no longer needed
– 802.3 MAC frame format used

Mixed Configurations (1)
● Fast Ethernet LANs supports mixture of existing 10-Mbps LANs and newer 100-Mbps LANs
● supporting older and newer technologies
○ e.g. 100-Mbps backbone LAN supports 10-Mbps hubs
■ stations attach to 10-Mbps hubs using 10BASE-T
■ hubs connected to switching hubs using 100BASE-T
■ high-capacity workstations and servers attach directly to 10/100 switches
■ switches connected to 100-Mbps hubs use 100-Mbps backbone links
■ 100-Mbps hubs provide building backbone
■ connected to router providing connection to WAN

Mixed Configurations (2)
• Gigabit Ethernet supports mixture of existing 100 Mbps and 10 Mbps
• supporting older and newer technologies
– e.g. 1000-Mbps backbone LAN supports 100-Mbps switches
> stations attach to 10/100-Mbps switch using 100BASE-T
> Standard workstations and servers attach directly to 10/100 switches
> high-capacity workstations and servers attach directly to 1000-Mbps switches
> switches connected to 10/100-Mbps switch use 1000-Mbps backbone links
> 1000-Mbps switches provide building blocks for backbone
> connected to router providing connection to WAN

Gigabit Ethernet Configuration
• 1000Base-SX
– Short wavelength, multimode fiber
• 1000Base-LX
– Long wavelength, Multi or single mode fiber
• 1000Base-CX
– Copper jumpers <25m, shielded twisted pair• 1000Base-T– 4 pairs, cat 5 UTPSignal encoding scheme: 8B/10B for the first three Gigabit Ethernet options 10Gbps Ethernet• Growing interest and trend in 10Gbps Ethernet– for high-speed backbone use– with future wider deployment• Alternative to ATM and other WAN technologies• Uniform technology for LAN, MAN, or WAN• Advantages of 10Gbps Ethernet– no expensive, bandwidth-consuming conversion between Ethernet packets and ATM cells– IP and Ethernet together offers QoS and traffic policing capabilities that approach those provided by ATM– have a variety of standard optical interfaces.Gbit Ethernet Medium Options (log scale)10Gbps Ethernet – Configuration and advantages• Maximum link distances cover 300 m to 40 km• Full-duplex mode only• 10GBASE-S (short):– 850 nm on multimode fiber– Up to 300 m• 10GBASE-L (long)– 1310 nm on single-mode fiber– Up to 10 km• 10GBASE-E (extended)– 1550 nm on single-mode fiber– Up to 40 km• 10GBASE-LX4:– 1310 nm on single-mode or multimode fiber– Up to 10 km– Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) to multiplex the bit stream across four light wavesFibre Channel – Background● I/O channel○ Direct point to point or multipointcommunications link○ Hardware based○ High Speed○ Very short distance○ Transfers data between source buffer anddestination buffer● Network connection○ Interconnected access points○ Software based protocol○ Flow control, error detection & recovery○ End systems connections• Fibre Channel combines the best of both technologies• Channel oriented– Data type qualifiers for routing frame payload– Link level constructs associated with individual I/O operations– Protocol interface specifications to support existing I/O architectures> e.g. Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
• Network oriented
– Full multiplexing between multiple destinations
– Peer to peer connectivity
– Internetworking to other connection technologies

Fibre Channel Requirements
• Full duplex links with two fibers per link
• 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps on single line
– Full duplex 2 Gbps to 20 Gbps per link
– Multiple links are supported
• Support for distances up to 10 km
• Small connectors
• High-capacity utilization with distance insensitivity
• Multiple cost/performance levels
– Small systems to supercomputers
• Uses generic transport mechanism based on point-to-point links and a switching network
• Supports simple encoding and framing scheme
• In turn supports a variety of channel and network protocols

Fibre Channel Elements
• End systems – Nodes
• Switched elements – the network or fabric
• Communication across point to point links
A SAN based on Fiber Channel
Image Source – https://www.mycloudwiki.com/san/fc-san-components/

Fibre Channel Protocol Architecture
• FC-0 Physical Media
– Optical fiber for long distance
– coaxial cable for high speed short distance
– STP for lower speed short distance
• FC-1 Transmission Protocol
– 8B/10B signal encoding
• FC-2 Framing Protocol
– Topologies, Framing formats, Flow and error control
• FC-3 Common Services
– Includes multicasting
• FC-4 Mapping
– Mapping of channel and network services onto fiber channel > e.g. IEEE 802, ATM, IP, SCSI

Fibre Channel Physical Media and fabric advantages
Physical Media
• Provides range of options for physical medium, the data rate on medium, and topology of network
• Shielded twisted pair, video coaxial cable, and optical fiber
• Data rates exceeding 40 Gbps
• Point-to-point up to 10 km
• Scalability of capacity
– As additional ports are added, the aggregate capacity of the network increases
– Minimizes congestion and contention
– Increases throughput
• Protocol independent
• Distance insensitive
• Switch and transmission link technologies may change without affecting overall configuration

Fibre Channel – More Applications

Fibre Channel Prospects
• Backed by Fibre Channel Association (FCA)
• Interface cards for different applications available
• Most widely accepted as peripheral device interconnect
– To replace such schemes as SCSI
• Technically attractive to general high-speed LAN requirements
• Must compete with Ethernet and ATM (legacy) LANs
• Cost and performance issues should dominate the consideration of these competing technologies

Ethernet Designations
10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over coaxial cable with a maximum distance of 185 meters. Also referred to as Thin Ethernet or Thinnet or Thinwire.
10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over coaxial cable with a maximum distance of 500 meters. Also referred to as Thick Ethernet or Thicknet or Thickwire.
10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over multi-channel coaxial cable with a maximum distance of 3,600 meters.
10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over optical fiber.
10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two multi-mode optical fibers using a synchronous active hub.
10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two optical fibers and can include an optional asynchronous hub.
10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two optical fibers using a passive hub to connect communication devices.
10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over twisted pair cables with a maximum length of 100 meters.
10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over three channels of a cable television system with a maximum cable length of 3,600 meters.

Fast Ethernet Designations
100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two multimode optical fibers.
100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over twisted pair cable.
100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two pairs of Category 3 or higher unshielded twisted pair cable.
100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over four pairs of Category 3 or higher unshielded twisted pair cable.
100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two pairs of shielded twisted pair or Category 4 twisted pair cable.
A generic name for 100 Mbps Ethernet systems.

1 Gigabit & 10 Gigabit Ethernet Designations
1000 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two pairs of 150 shielded twisted pair cable.
1000 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two multimode or single-mode optical fibers using longwave laser optics.
1000 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two multimode optical fibers using shortwave laser optics.
1000 Mbps baseband Ethernet over four pairs of Category 5 unshielded twisted pair cable.
A generic name for 1000 Mbps Ethernet systems.
10 Gigabit Ethernet
Ethernet at 10 billion bits per second over optical fiber. Multimode fiber supports distances up to 300 meters; single mode fiber supports distances up to 40 kilometers.


High speed Ethernet Trend

Internet Backbone Growth
• Industry consensus indicates future growth rate of 75% each year in aggregate traffic demand
• Traffic increased in ranges of 10,000x from 2000 to 2010
• Traffic projected to increase an additional 1,000x from 2015 to 2025
Ref: K. G. Coffman and A. M. Odlyzko, ‘Growth of the Internet’, I. P. Kaminow and T. Li, eds. Academic Press, 2002, pp. 17-56.

LAN Future moving towards Tb/s access
• Backend Carriers deployed Nx10 Gb/s networks several years ago
• Now evaluating deployment of (Nx) 40/100 Gb/s router networks
• Current Backbone growth rates, if sustained, will require IP link capacity to scale to > 1 Tb/s by 2020
Ref: K. G. Coffman and A. M. Odlyzko, ‘Growth of the Internet’, I. P. Kaminow and T. Li, eds. Academic Press, 2002, pp. 17-56.

Next Gen Higher Speed Ethernet
• Protocol Extensible for Speed
– Ethernet tradition has been 10x scaling
– But at current growth rates, 100 Gb/s will be insufficient by 2020 and beyond
– Desirable to standardize method of extending available speed without re-engineering the protocol stack
• Incremental Growth
– Most organizations upgrade or install new technologies with a 4-5 year lifetime
– Pre-deployment based on the speed requirement for current and 5 years in advance planning

Next Gen Higher Speed Ethernet (2)
• Hitless Growth
– Systematic “take down” of core network router & links for a substantial period of time without customer service degradations
– SLAs may be compromised or require complicated temporary workarounds if substantial down time is required for upgrade.
– Faultless upgrade of the link capacity should therefore be hitless, or at least only transitory impacting network services.
• Resiliency and Graceful Degradation
– Setup and transition should provide rapid recovery from failure of an individual channel or component
– Fault tolerance and performance needs to be taken care off.

Next Gen Higher Speed Ethernet (3)
• IEEE 802.3ba standard
– for 40/100-Gbit Ethernet provided a framework for data rates of 40 Gigabits per second and beyond
• Technology Reuse
– Highly desirable to leverage existing 10G PHYs, including 10GBASE-R, W, X, S, L, E, Z and LRM in order to foster ubiquity and avoid duplication of standards efforts
– Highly desirable to leverage existing 40G PHYs, including 40GBASE-R, W, X, S, L, E, Z and LRM in order to foster ubiquity and avoid duplication of standards efforts
• Deterministic Performance
– Latency/Delay Variation should be low for support of real-time packet based services, e.g. Streaming video, VOIP,Gaming

Next Gen Higher Speed Ethernet (4)
• WAN Manageability
– 40 or 100 GbE will be transported over wide area networks
– It should include features for low Operational Expenses and should be:
> Economical
> Reliable
> Operationally Manageable (e.g. simple fault isolation)
• WAN Transportability
– Operation over WAN fiber optic networks
– Transport across regional, national and inter-continental networks
– The protocol should be resilient to intra-channel/intra-wavelength propagation delay differences (skew)

Access technologies achieving 100 Gb/s Transport
Time Division Multiplexing
(i.e.: Baud Rate) 100 Gbps
100 Mbps 10
(ie: Bits per Hz)
8 (e.g. QAM-256) 4 (e.g. QAM-16)
2 (e.g. PAM-4, (D)QPSK)
1 2 4 6 8 10
Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Space Division
(i.e.: Parallel Optics)

Which Ethernet Application?
• Ethernet is used today for many applications over different distances
– Distances > 100m primarily use optical technologies
• Performance for each application may be best advanced using a different approach
Time Division Multiplexing
(ie: Baud Rate)
Space Division Multiplexing
(ie: Parallel Optics)
(ie: Bits per Hz)
Wavelength Division

Software-Defined Virtual Networking
• Future virtualized and software defined network
– changes how services are provisioned and allows for a more flexible response to fluctuations in demand making a more efficient use of the infrastructure.
– Networks Functions Virtualization (NFV) and
– Software Defined Networking (SDN) are the disruptive technologies that enable this model

Software-Defined Virtual Networking
Networks Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) are the disruptive technologies coupled together to maximize benefits for Future networks.
Network Function Virtualization techniques
– hypervisor implements the virtualization layer that abstracts the application from the infrastructure which is viewed as a pool of computer, network and storage resources
Software Defined Networking (SDN)
– SDN separates the control and data plane, centralizing the network intelligence in a controller that manages white box switches implementing the forwarding function.
– Network administrators are no longer required to program thousands of devices and can remotely deploy network-wide policies down to the user level within an open software framework that leaves manufacturers’ dependency behind.

Live 100 GbE Demo – Chicago to
100GbE MAC with packet reordering, implemented by UCSC
10 x 10Gb/s XFP boards, provided by DTN, provided by Infinera
New internet2 network Chicago –
FPGA provided by Xilinx
10x10Gb/s 10x10Gb/s electrical 1310nm
10×11.1Gb/s 15xxnm
* Ref: Test bed 100 GbE setup by Finisar & Infinera
100 GbE first demonstrated Nov 13 at SC06 between Tampa and Houston
Optical loopbacks

End Examination
● Duration : 2 hours and 10 minutes
● A Closed Book Examination.
● Need to answer ALL questions.
● The exam is divided into Two sections:
○ Section A consists of 30 Multiple Choice Questions and is worth 45 marks.
■ 1.5 marks per question
○ Section B consists of 13 Short Answer questions and is worth 55 marks.

● So far we have discussed
○ High Speed LANs
○ Different configurations and setups
○ Fiber Channel
○ High Speed Gigabit Ethernet
○ Software Defined Networks
○ Standard applications available in application layer

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