[SOLVED] CS代考 EBU7240 Computer Vision

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EBU7240 Computer Vision
Changjae Oh
Semester 1, 2021

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

What is coming?

What is missing?
Machines are blind Machine vs Human

Computer Vision in Four Words?
Making computers understand images How simple is that?


Computer Vision in Four Words?
:: Making computers understand images
• How many people are here?
• Who is a person in the portrait?
• What is this building?
• How is the weather?
• Where is this city?
• What is written?
• Is there any gate?

Computer Vision in Four Words?
:: Making computers understa: nd images
• How many people are here?
• Who is a person in the portrait?
• What is this building?
• How is the weather?
• Where is this city?
• What is written?
• Is there any gate?
→ Object detection
→ Face detection/recognition → Object recognition
→ Scene recognition
→ Place recognition
→ Character recognition
→ Object detection

What is vision?
• What does it mean, to see? “to know what is where by looking”.
• How to discover from images what is present in the world, where things are, what actio
ns are taking place.
• “Vision can be understood as an information processing task which converts a numerical image representation into a symbolic shape-oriented representation.”
Credit: Marr, 1982

Why is vision so hard? • 3D: Viewpoint

Why is vision so hard? • 3D: Viewpoint

Why is vision so hard? • Light
Credit: A. Torralba

Why is vision so hard? • Shadow
Credit: A. Torralba

Why is vision so hard? • Shadow

Why is vision so hard? • Transparent objects
Credit: Hengyi Wang (JP Final project 2021) http://corsmal.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/

Why is vision so hard? • What is this object?

Why is vision so hard? • What is this object?

Why is vision so hard? • What is this object?
It is not just about pixels!

Computer Vision and Image Processing? • Computer Vision begins with Image Processing!
Audio Processing
Signal Processing
Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Computer Vision
Image Processing
• Computer Vision: techniques for enabling a computer to see a real-world using images as the human being does.
• Image Processing: fundamental techniques for image acquisition, processing, analysis

Computer Vision and
EBU6018 Advanced Transform Methods
EBU7240 Computer
EBU5303 Multimedia Fundamentals
EBU6230 Image and Video Processing

Computer Vision: Low
level Vision
Low-level vision
• Enhancement
• Restoration
• Filtering
• Feature extraction
Mid-level vision
• Grouping
• 3D geometry
• 3D reconstruction • Tracking
High-level vision
• Classification • Detection
• Tracking
• Action & Pose

Computer Vision: Mid
level Vision
Mid-level vision
• Grouping
• 3D geometry
• 3D reconstruction • Tracking
Low-level vision
• Enhancement
• Restoration
• Filtering
• Feature extraction
High-level vision
• Classification • Detection
• Tracking
• Action & Pose

Computer Vision: High
level Vision
Low-level vision
• Enhancement
• Restoration
• Filtering
• Feature extraction
Mid-level vision
• Grouping
• 3D geometry
• 3D reconstruction • Tracking
High-level vision
• Classification • Detection
• Tracking
• Action & Pose

Computer Vision: Deep learning approach • Multiple levels of (learned) representation

EBU7240 Computer Vision
Changjae Oh
Semester 1, 2020

Why computer vision matters?
Safety Health Security
Comfort Fun Access

Ridiculously brief history of computer vision
• 1966: Minsky assigns computer vision as an undergrad summer project
• 1960’s: interpretation of synthetic worlds
• 1970’s: some progress on interpreting selected images
• 1980’s: ANNs come and go; shift toward geometry and increased mathematical rigor
• 1990’s: face recognition; statistical analysis in vogue
• 2000’s: broader recognition; large annotated datasets
available; video processing starts
• 2010’s: Deep learning with ConvNets
• 2020’s: Widespread autonomous vehicles?
• 2030’s: robot uprising?
Guzman ‘68
Turk and Pentland ‘91
Slide credit: J. Hays

Motion capture
Microsoft XBox Kinect

Face recognition

Face Alignment
https://www.maccosmetics.co.uk/virtual-try-on http://jbhuang0604.blogspot.com/2013/04/miss-korea-2013-contestants-face.html

Smile detection
Slide credit:

Optical character recognition (OCR)
Slide credit:

Defect detection

Cleaning robot

Roomba’s new robotic vacuum remembers your home’s layout for quicker cleaning


Intel Replay Technology Delivers All-Star Experience for MLB Fans

Object recognition

3D from mobile phone

Indoor scene reconstruction

Video Matting/Composition

Style Transfer
A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style [Gatys et al. 2015]

driving cars


Why is computer vision timely? • Lots of image data is being collected

Why is computer vision timely?
• Lots of image data is being collected ̶ Bigger data is coming

Why is computer vision timely? • There is a lot of information in images

Why is computer vision timely? • Computer vision is starting to work …

50 years ago
Slide credit: A. Torralba

10 years ago…
Slide credit: A. Torralba

Next topic
• Let’s talk about a computer’s eye (a.k.a. camera) ̶ Prerequisite
• Review EBU6230 Image/Video Processing – Week2: Image Transformations

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[SOLVED] CS代考 EBU7240 Computer Vision
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