[SOLVED] CS代考 COMP5349– Cloud Computing

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COMP5349– Cloud Computing
Week 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing
Dr. School of Computer Science

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

n Cloud computing in layman’s terms „A brief history of Cloud
n Cloud official definition n The Role of Data Centers
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-2

What is “Cloud”?
n Informally, we may view cloud computing as a way of renting/sharing IT resources
„Through Internet/Web
„Has an innovative way to specify, measure and charge the rented
„Many other features…
n Not every kind of IT resources renting is called cloud „Lease from Dell to equip our labs
„Rent some space from your ISP to set up a website
n Some forms of renting are closely related to Cloud and are considered as cloud’s competitor
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-3

What are IT resources?
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-4

To run a renting business
n A way to package/measure/quantify your rental product/service
„ Leasing a Dell Desktop with certain specifications, each with different price
n A way to charge the customer „ Hourly/daily/monthly/yearly rate „ Subscription
n A way to deliver the produce/service „ Truck, courier, pickup, or Internet
n A way to guarantee your product/service meet the client’s requirements
n There are other forms of IT resources renting
n The particular form ”Cloud” comes after supporting technologies are mature, and of course, good incentives for providers and market needs.
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-5

XML based SOAP web services was proposed in 1998
Amazon published a few SOAP bases services in 2002
AWS launched three services in 2006: EC2, S3 and SQS
Salesforce Now Live on Amazon Web Services Cloud Infrastructure in Australia (Oct. 2017)
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-6

Other major players
n Microsoft
„ Microsoft Azure is officially released in 2010 „ It is now the second largest cloud provider
„ Google cloud platform
„ Google App Engine was released in 2008 (an early PaaS service) „ Google Cloud Platform was launched in 2011
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-7

COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-8

n Cloud in layman term
n Cloud official definition
„Various model
„Specification, enabling technologies and pricing „Incentives from provider and consumer perspectives
n The Role of Data Centers
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-9

Cloud Computing– a Broad Definition
n A definition by US Governments’ National Institute of Standard and Technology
„“Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on- demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)”
n In early days, we tend to differentiate three different models „Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
„Platform as a Service (PaaS)
„Software as a Service (SaaS)
n There are many new services and
„Many providers are not restricted by a single service model „Many services cannot be categorized easily
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

A Service Provider’s offer: Azure
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-11

SaaS Examples
n Software as a Service (SaaS): The consumer uses an application, but does not control the operating system, hardware or network infrastructure on which it’s running.
„ Examples
¡ Business applications: CRM solutions from salesforce.com ¡ Business/Personal applications: Gmail, Google Doc, etc.
n SaaS in many ways are different to the others and many times are not included when we say cloud
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

PaaS Examples
„Platform as a Service (PaaS): The consumer uses a hosting environment for their applications. The consumer controls the applications that run in the environment (and possibly has some control over the hosting environment), but does not control the operating system, hardware or network infrastructure on which they are running. The platform is typically an application framework.
AWS Elastic MapReduce
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-13

IaaS Examples
› Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The consumer uses “fundamental computing resources” such as processing power, storage, networking components or middleware. The consumer can control the operating system, storage, deployed applications and possibly networking components such as firewalls and load balancers, but not the cloud infrastructure beneath them.
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

SaaS service specification and pricing
„The service specification depends on the actual application, it could be the number of user account supported, the size of storage, etc
„The pricing is usually subscription based, e.g. monthly or yearly price
https://products.office.com/en-au/compare-all-microsoft- office-products?tab=2 accessed 07/03/2018
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

IaaS Specification and Pricing
„ The specification is similar to the general spec when you purchase a
computer. These include cpu speed, number of cores, memory, etc
„ At the beginning, most providers use fine grained pay-as-you-go hourly rate
„ Now many providers have even finer grained “Per Second Billing”[ https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/ accessed 07/03/2018]
https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/ https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/ http://www.zones.com/site/product/index.html?id=105374001
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) accessed 07/03/2018 01-16

Specification and Pricing
„Somewhere in between, could be fine grained hourly rate or subscription based.
¡ E.g. If you start a MapReduce cluster in Azure or AWS, you can specify how many node you want to have and the node type, you will be charged hourly (or secondly) based on those instances’ price.
https://cloud.google.com/appengin e/pricing
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-17

Other services
n Other services have their own way of describing, charging and enabling technologies
„E.g. most storage services rely on company’s own implementation of a planet scale storage system: Azure storage, DynamoDB, etc
„Storage charging is more complicated as it has both the static and dynamic part
¡ Actual storage size
¡ Number of queries
¡ Consistency and other quality requirement
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

Service Delivery
n All those XaaS models are delivered through Internet, with a web interface
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-19

Incentives for Cloud Providers
nIT resource utilization is usually low
„Server’s cpu, memory, IO, networking are in idle state most of the
„If each person only uses one quarter of their server’s computing power, why not provide a way to let four person sharing one computer?
nEconomy of Scale
„Most cloud providers are companies with large
amount of IT facilities
Resource Cost in Cost in Ratio Medium DC Very Large DC
$95 / Mbps / month
$13 / Mbps / month
$2.20 / GB / month
$0.40 / GB / month
≈140 servers/admin
>1000 servers/admin
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

Incentives for Cloud Users
n Cloud user
„Better provisioning through elasticity and pay-as-you-go and
other fine-grained pricing models
„Lift the burden of operational management
¡ Installing certain software, e.g. a Hadoop cluster or GPU based tensorflow is time consuming and error prone
¡ Upgrading existing software adds further headache n Example
„ Netflix: world’s leading Internet subscription service for movies and TV shows
„ Netflix migrated from its own data centers to AWS in 2010 ¡ Capacity growth rate is accelerating, unpredictable
• Year on year customer growth is 52%, year on year customers using streaming is up 145% (from ~4M to ~11M).
¡ Product lunch spikes– iPhone, WII, PS3, XBox ¡ Datacenter is large inflexible capital commitment
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

The Provisioning Problem
n It is very hard to predict usage and to provision sufficient capacities
Unused resources
From Berkeley Cloud presentation: http://berkeleyclouds.blogspot.com/
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

Elasticity and Pay-As-You-Go
n Elasticity
„The cloud allows scaling up and scaling down of resource usage on an ‘as-needed’ basis. Elapsed time to increase or decrease usage is measured in seconds or minutes
n Pay-As-You-Go
„Consumer is charged based on resource they used (per instance or per cpu time), the charging unit has changed to hourly to secondly (actually minutely for most providers)
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

n Cloud in layman term
n Cloud official definition n The Role of Data Centers
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-24

Cloud is very physical
n All rentable IT resources reside in data center n What is a data center?
„“A building or portion of a building whose primary purpose is to house a computer room and its support areas” [TIA 942]
¡ But a computer lab is not a data center, your garage with several machines is not a data center, even our server room is not a data center
n Large companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft operated their daily business in data centers before cloud era.
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-25

Data center Fundamentals
n Typical components of a data center
„IT Equipment
¡ Server, Switches, Storage, etc.
¡ The way to organize and manage those equipment change all the time
„Facility Equipment
¡ Power and cooling
„Ancillary Systems
¡ Access control, CCTV, fire alarm, Data Center Infrastructure
Management Systems
n Depends on complexity and robustness of data centers, they are categorized into four different tiers
„Tier 1 being the most basic one „Tier 4 being the most robust one
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

Data center main components
Figure 1.1 in Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-27

The IT component
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-28

Typical Server Unit
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-29

Data Center and Cloud
n Most cloud providers have their own data centers globally
n Some providers may use data centers owned by others through
„Colocation provider, e.g. Equinox is a colo provider many cloud providers such as Azure, IBM and AWS rent space from
„One type of cloud provider may user another provider’s resources, e.g. Salesforce uses AWS in Australia
n “Colo is a type of data centre where equipment, space, and bandwidth are available for rental to retail customers.”
„Here equipment mostly refer to power, cooling and security ones
„The actual IT equipment belongs to the company who rented the space, e.g. an entire floor
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

Company or Organization’s IT asset choices
n Enterprise owned data center „Large, small
n Colo-data center
n Public Cloud
n Software As A Service
n “Hybrid infrastructure models now the norm”(Uptime Institute Data Center Industry Survey results 2016)
„Our university is an example of using hybrid infrastructure model „We are big users of Microsoft and AWS
„We also use colo providers
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

„History and current status
„Various cloud models
¡ Description of the services
¡ How to package the services ¡ Pricing of the services
„Data center as the physical part of cloud
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( )

n Armbrust et al: Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing, TR EECS-2009-28, UC Berkeley, 2009.
n Gustavo A., A. Santana: Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals: Understanding Techniques and Designs for Highly Efficient Data Centers with Cisco Nexus, UCS, MDS, and Beyond
„Chapter 1
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 ( ) 01-33

COMP5349 – Cloud Computing
Week 2: Virtualization Technology
Dr. School of Computer Science

n Virtualization Technology Overview „ Definition
„ Early Examples
„ Technology areas and subareas
n Server Virtualization
n Resource managements
n Brief Intro to AWS EC2 and Related Concepts
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou) 02-2

Cloud and enabling technologies
n Cloud computing allows users to rent various resources from providers on hourly(secondly), daily, monthly, yearly base
n A few general models, e.g. XaaS, are used to describe the spectrum of cloud computing
n IaaS and some PaaS use virtualization technology to present a virtual machine to the user
„Virtualization technology is relatively standard and mature
n A related technology, container, is gaining popularity in
cloud computing
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou) 02-3

What is virtualization?
n Narrow and very common perception of virtualization in cloud era
„“Virtualization lets you run multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine, with each virtual machine sharing the resources of that one physical computer across multiple environments.”
n Broadly, the term is used in many other contexts, some are closely related with each other
„E.g. virtual memory, storage, network, virtual reality
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou) 02-4

Early virtualization examples I
n Virtual Memory
„Provide more accessible memories to CPU than those physically
presented on the board
„An important component of modern operating systems
¡ Benefit of expansion and increasing code reusability.
„Actions involved
¡ Address translation
¡ Data transfer
¡ Data placement strategy for swap in/out
accessed by
CPU directly
Can not be accessed by CPU
Figure 1.4 in Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou)

Early virtualization examples II
n Mainframe Virtualization
„IBM first released mainframe virtualization solution in 1972
„The overall architecture looks similar to modern system VM „Solve the problem of OS migration triggered by hardware release „It was initialized by the time-sharing technologies in 1960s
Figure 1.5 in Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou)

Early virtualization examples III
n Hot Standby Router Protocol
„Solve the problem of single point of failure
¡ One host can only define a default gateway
„Use virtual IP and preconfigured priority to decide which
physical router would act as the default gateway
„Other router with the same virtual IP can take over if the default one fails
Figure 1.6 in Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou) 02-7

Common features of virtualization
n Emulation
„A preexisiting IT resources was emulated (memory, mainframe, IP
address, etc) n Transparency
„The consumers of the resources (CPU, mainframe users, network hosts) cannot distinguish between real and emulated resources
n Benefits
„Compared with directly using actual resources, virtualization brings various benefits (memory expansion, resource optimization, high availability, etc)
n A broader definition of virtualization
„“Virtualization is the transparent emulation of an IT resource producing to its consumers benefits that were unavailable in its physical form.”
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou) 02-8

Virtualization Technology Areas
Data plane
Control plane Management plane
1962, University of Manchester
Figure 1.9 in Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
1999, VMware 1957, Stanford
• Hardware
• Operating System • Application
• Storage device • Host
• Interconnect
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou)

Figure 1.10 in Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou)

n Virtualization Technology Overview
n Server Virtualization „ Motivation
„ Hypervisor
¡ Types and Roles
¡ Example Hypervisors
„ Virtual Machine
¡ VM vs Native OS
¡ Paravirtualization vs Hardware assisted virtualization
n Resource managements
n Brief Intro to AWS EC2 and Related Concepts
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou)

Well-Known Utilization Problem: Server Sprawl
n Server Sprawl (large number of underutilized servers) is a major problem in many IT departments
n Main causes:
„Requirement by vendors to run their applications in isolation „Operating system heterogeneity
¡ Mail server may require Windows server;
a database may best run on Linux or Solaris.
„Mergers and other integration projects
n “81 percent of CIOs were using virtualization technologies to drive consolidation, according to a recent survey by CIO” (2008 survey)
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou)

Increasing Utilization is Hard!
The problem only magnifies on a data center scale: Average CPU utilization of 5000+ servers at Google during a six- month period
Beyond Server Consolidation.. ACM Queue, Jan/Feb 2008. COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou) 02-13

Server Consolidation
n Solution: Pool heterogeneous services together
„To do so, run several virtual machines on the same shared hardware, coordinated by a hypervisor
¡ also known as: virtual machine manager/monitor (VMM) ¡ Hypervisor abstracts / hides physical computing platform
„Allows to share commodity hardware without sacrificing security and performance
: Virtualization Essentials, Second Edition, chapter 1
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou) 02-14

n It is a piece of software responsible for the creation of the VMs, resource sharing, device management, virtual storage management, and other traditional operating system tasks.
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou) 02-15

Two types of Hypervisor
Physical Server and VMware Solutions in 2001
Figure 13.6 in Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
Type 2 Type 1
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou)

Two Types of Hypervisor (cont’ed)
Type I: Bare-metal (native) VM
Type II: Hosted VM
Guest OS VMM
Host OS Computer Hardware
Application Guest OS
Appli- Appli-
Hypervisor / VMM Computer Hardware
cation cations
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou)

The role of a Hypervisor
n Provide an environment identical to the physical environment.
n Provide that environment with minimal performance cost. n Retain complete control of the system resources
Figure 2.6 in Virtualization Essentials
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou) 02-18

Managing Resources
n Each VM is presented with a fraction of the resources of the physical host
„E.g. A host may have 256 GB of physical memory installed in its frame, but a guest VM may believe that it has 4 GB
n Hypervisor abstracts the hardware resources and controls access to them to ensure each VM get its allocated resources
„All access to hardware resources goes through hypervisor ¡ Access to memory, storage, network, etc..
COMP5349 “Cloud Computing” – 2022 (Y. Zhou)

Example Hypervisor: VMWare ESXi
n VMkernel is a POSIX-like operating system which provides certain functionality similar to that found in other operating systems, such as process creation and control, signals, file system, and process threads.
n It is designed specifically to support running multiple virtual machines and provides such core functionality as: Resource scheduling, I/O stacks, Device driver

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[SOLVED] CS代考 COMP5349– Cloud Computing
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