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Notes for Lecture 18 (Fall 2022 week 9, part 1):
More on Prolog

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

November 6, 2022

Code for this lecture is in lec18.pl.

1 Overview

What Prolog does when you run a query is similar to backwards-only proof search from CISC 204,
but instead of the logical rules used in 204, Prolog uses the clauses (facts and rules) defined in the
loaded Prolog file.

In this file, we explain how to think about Prolog clauses as logical formulas (Section 2), how
to think about Prolog queries as logical formulas (Section 3), and how to translate Haskell code to
Prolog (Section 5).

2 Translating clauses

2.1 Translating clauses to logical formulas

To translate a clause (a fact or rule) to a formula, we do the following:

• Find all the variables (words beginning with a capital letter) V1, V2, . . . , and write ∀V1, V2, . . . .
(You can also write ∀V1 ∀V2 . . . , with one ∀ for each variable.)

• If the clause is a fact (no :- symbol), just copy it (after the ∀ . . . ). (You should leave out the
. ending it, since that’s not part of a logical formula, but it’s okay to leave it in.)

• If the clause is a rule (contains the :- symbol), remember that :- is a “backward” implication
(the symbol is supposed to look like ←). We need to flip the parts of the rule around so we
can write the usual implication→.
If there is more than one goal (after the :-, which means to the left of →), we also need to
turn the commas separating them into ∧.

Some examples:

1 delicious(logic). becomes delicious(logic)

2 knows(X, X). becomes ∀X knows(X, X)

3 knows(noether, X) :- strange(X).
becomes ∀X

strange(X)→ knows(noether, X))

4 knows(Y, Z) :- knows(Z, Y), knows(Y, noether).
becomes ∀Y, Z

knows(Z, Y) ∧ knows(Y, noether)→ knows(Y, Z))

Mistakes to avoid:

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• Treating Prolog “atoms” like logic as if they were variables. The fact delicious(logic) says
that logic is delicious.

If I had written delicious(Logic), the capital L would make Logic a variable, and then the
translation would be ∀Logic delicious(Logic)—which says that everything is delicious.

• Not reversing :-.

• Not changing the commas between goals into conjunctions (∧). Something like knows(Z,
Y), knows(Y, noether) is not a formula.

(In 204, in the sequent p,¬q ⊢ ¬¬p, there are two premises p and ¬q. The comma separates
the premises; it is not part of the premise. Here, we want to get a single formula representing
the rule, so we need to use ∧.)

• Changing the commas within goals into conjunctions. For example, writing knows(Z ∧ Y)∧
knows(Y ∧ noether) instead of knows(Z, Y) ∧ knows(Y, noether) is not correct. The
formula knows(Z, Y) is a single proposition, like K(z, y) might be in 204; it describes a
relation between Z and Y. It does not join two formulas Z and Y.

One thing that would be considered wrong in 204, but which I will overlook, is not parenthe-
sizing after the ∀s. According to the “operator precedence” in 204, the formula

strange(X)→ knows(noether, X))

must have the outer parentheses: in 204, if we wrote

∀X strange(X)→ knows(noether, X)
the scope of ∀X would be strange(X), and the second X would be free.

In 360, we will assume ∀ has “low precedence”, and treat

∀X strange(X)→ knows(noether, X)
as equivalent to

strange(X)→ knows(noether, X))

The order of the quantifiers doesn’t matter (in 204, you may have seen the equivalence ∀X ∀Y φ ≡
∀Y ∀X φ), but it seems most logical to write them in the same order they appear in the Prolog

2.2 Translating clauses into mathematical English

It is possible to translate clauses into formulas without being told what the predicates are supposed
to mean: knows(noether, X) becomes knows(noether, X), regardless of what knows means.

If I want to translate a clause into what I call mathematical English, something like

For all X, if X is strange then Noether knows X.

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I need to be told that knows(P, Q) means “P knows Q”. (It probably helps to be told that strange(X)
means “X is strange”, but that one is easier to guess.)

To translate a clause into mathematical English, I recommend first translating it to a formula.
That tells you what the quantifiers are, and if the clause is a rule, it reorganizes the implication into
the usual “if. . . then . . . ”.

For example, “3” above:

knows(noether, X) :- strange(X).

becomes the formula

strange(X) → knows(noether, X))

To translate that to mathematical English, we translate the symbols ∀, ∧, → into their English
meanings (“for all”, “and”, “if . . . then”), and translate the predicates according to whatever we
have been told.

If we did this halfway, we would might get:

For all X, if strange(X) then knows(noether, X).

But this doesn’t count as mathematical English, because it has some parts that are not English at
all; what we want is

For all X, if X is strange then Noether knows X.

(If you wrote “noether” instead of “Noether”, that would be okay, though I imagine she would
prefer that her name be capitalized.)

3 Translating queries

Translating queries is almost the same as translating facts, with one very important exception: in a
query, the variables (like X) are existentially quantified (“there exists”), not universally quantified.

So, while the fact


should be translated to ∀X strange(X), the query

?- strange(X).

should be translated to ∃X strange(X).
The fact says that everything is strange; the query is asking “is there something that is strange?”.
When translating a query, don’t try to run the query. If I ask you to translate

?- outrageous(Z).

you don’t need to look for a fact or rule that concludes that something is outrageous. You only
have to write ∃Z outrageous(Z).

4 Writing Prolog

More specifically, I could give you some facts and rules in English, then ask you to write Prolog
clauses that model those facts and rules.

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5 Translating Haskell to Prolog

I like asking this kind of question better than just “writing Prolog”, because instead of reading
English description that might be ambiguous, you’re given Haskell code that is unambiguous.

Some aspects of translating Haskell to Prolog work out nicely. For example, we can often turn
each clause of a Haskell function into one Prolog clause. That means we don’t have to understand
the entire Haskell function at once; we can look at its clauses, one at a time, and turn them into
Prolog clauses one at a time.

Other aspects can be more troublesome.

5.1 The result becomes an extra argument

Prolog predicates are either true or false. They can’t return integers, trees, or other kinds of data.
They are either true, or not. To represent a function that returns, say, a tree, we have to add an
extra argument to the predicate.

For example, suppose we have a Haskell function that tells us whether a colour is “warm” or

data Colour = Orange

data Temperature = Warm

temp :: Colour -> Temperature

temp Orange = Warm

temp Rose = Warm

temp Violet = Cool

We can’t make a Prolog predicate temp return warm or cool the same way as Haskell does; we
have to add an extra argument that plays the role of the function result:

temp(C, T) iff Haskell temp C would return T

For the function temp, that’s basically it.

temp(orange, warm).

temp(rose, warm).

temp(violet, cool).

I was careful to turn the Haskell data constructors Orange, Warm, etc. into lowercase in Prolog.
Anything that begins with an uppercase letter in Prolog is a variable, which means it’s translated to
a formula with a “for all”. So if I wrote

temp(orange, Warm).

I would actually be saying that orange is both warm and cool, because the variable Warm could be
replaced with anything, including warm and cool. If I wrote

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temp(Orange, cool).

that would say that the temperature of everything is cool, because Orange would be a variable.
A Haskell function of two arguments becomes a Prolog predicate with three arguments, a

Haskell function of three arguments becomes a Prolog predicate with four arguments, and so on.
(Haskell functions that return Bool can be handled without adding an extra argument, but we’ll

talk about that later.)

5.2 Function calls

Again, Prolog predicates can’t return stuff, so it’s not obvious how to translate a Haskell function
that makes a function call.

data Colour = Orange

data Temperature = Warm

cycle :: Colour -> Colour

cycle Orange = Rose

cycle Rose = Violet

cycle Violet = Orange

cycle2 :: Colour -> Colour

cycle2 c = cycle (cycle c)

The function cycle returns the “next colour” of the three defined, and the function cycle2
returns the “next next colour” by calling cycle twice.

We can translate cycle to Prolog in a similar way as we translated temp:

cycle(orange, rose).

cycle(rose, violet).

cycle(violet, orange).

But if we try to translate cycle2 in the same way, we would get

cycle2(C, cycle(cycle(C))).

This is (perhaps disturbingly) valid Prolog: it will think we’re using cycle as a data constructor,
and will conclude that the result of cycle2 on C is the data structure whose syntax tree would be

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That’s not what we meant—we’re trying to call the function cycle.
We want to return the result of calling cycle twice on C. We need to phrase this as an “if-then”

statement, because that’s what Prolog lets us write. As an “if-then” statement, the Haskell clause

cycle2 c = cycle (cycle c)

says: “If the result of cycle c is d, and the result of cycle d is e, then the result of cycle2 c is e.”
To see this more easily, we rewrite the Haskell clause to use “let”, which gives a name to an


cycle2 c =

let d = cycle c in

let e = cycle d in

Now the structure of the Haskell function body has the same structure as “If the result of cycle
c is d, and the result of cycle d is e, then the result of cycle2 c is e.”.

Prolog makes us write implications right-to-left, so let’s first rewrite the English sentence to
“The result of cycle2 c is e, if the result of cycle c is d, and the result of cycle d is e.”
We are modelling “the result of cycle2 blah is something” as cycle2(blah, something), so

we can write at least the first part of the Prolog clause by translating “The result of cycle2 c is e”:

cycle2(C, E)

Next, we add the :- that represents “if”:

cycle2(C, E) :-

Now we need to translate the stuff after “if”.
“the result of cycle c is d” becomes cycle(C, D).
“the result of cycle d is e” becomes cycle(D, E).
The “and” becomes a comma.
This gives us

cycle2(C, E) :- cycle(C, D),

cycle(D, E).

This behaves the same way as the Haskell code. For example, in the Haskell code, cycle2
Orange returns Violet, and we get violet from the Prolog query cycle2(orange, X):

?- cycle2(orange, X).

X = violet.

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Translating clauses to logical formulas
Translating clauses into mathematical English

The result becomes an extra argument
Function calls

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