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(* Problem 1: range *)

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

let rec range num1 num2 =

(* Problem 2: flatten *)

let rec flatten l =

(* Problem 3: remove_stutter *)

let rec remove_stutter l =

(* Problem 4: sets *)

let rec elem x a =
match a with
| [] -> false
| h::t -> if h = x then true else (elem x t)

let rec subset a b =
match a with
| [] -> true
| h::t -> if (elem h b) then (subset t b) else false

let rec eq a b =
(subset a b) && (subset b a)

let rec remove x a =

let rec union a b =

let rec diff a b =

(* Problem 5: Digital Roots and Additive Persistence *)

(* digits : int -> int list
* we assume n >= 0
* (digits n) is the list of digits of n in the order in which they appear in n
* e.g. (digits 31243) is [3,1,2,4,3]

let rec digitsOfInt n =

(* From http://mathworld.wolfram.com/AdditivePersistence.html
* Consider the process of taking a number, adding its digits,
* then adding the digits of the number derived from it, etc.,
* until the remaining number has only one digit.
* The number of additions required to obtain a single digit from a number n
* is called the additive persistence of n, and the digit obtained is called
* the digital root of n.
* For example, the sequence obtained from the starting number 9876 is (9876, 30, 3), so
* 9876 has an additive persistence of 2 and a digital root of 3.

let additivePersistence n =

let digitalRoot n =

(* Done *)

let _ = print_string (“Testing your code …

let main () =
let error_count = ref 0 in

(* Testcases for range *)
assert (range 2 5 = [2;3;4;5]);
assert (range 0 0 = [0])
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Testcases for flatten *)
assert (flatten [[1;2];[3;4]] = [1;2;3;4]);
assert (flatten [[1;2];[];[3;4];[]] = [1;2;3;4])
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Testcases for remove_stutter *)
assert (remove_stutter [1;2;2;3;1;1;1;4;4;2;2] = [1; 2; 3; 1; 4; 2]);
assert (remove_stutter [] = []);
assert (remove_stutter [1;1;1;1;1] = [1]);
assert (remove_stutter [1;1;1;1;1;2] = [1;2])
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Examples of elem *)
assert (elem 3 [] = false);
assert (elem 5 [2;3;5;7;9] = true);
assert (elem 4 [2;3;5;7;9] = false)
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Examples of subset *)
assert (subset [5] [2;3;5;7;9] = true);
assert (subset [5;3] [2;3;5;7;9] = true);
assert (subset [5;4] [2;3;5;7;9] = false)
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Examples of eq *)
assert (eq [5;3;2;9;7] [2;3;5;7;9] = true);
assert (eq [2;3;7;9] [2;3;5;7;9] = false)
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Testcases for remove *)
assert (eq (remove 5 []) []);
assert (eq (remove 5 [2;3;5;7;9]) [2;3;9;7]);
assert (eq (remove 4 [2;3;5;7;9]) [2;3;5;9;7]);
assert (eq (remove 9 [2;3;5;7;9]) [2;5;3;7]);
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Testcases for union *)
assert (eq (union [2;3;5] []) [2;3;5]);
assert (eq (union [5;2] [3;7;9]) [2;3;5;9;7]);
assert (eq (union [2;3;9] [2;7;9]) [2;3;9;7]);
assert (eq (union [] [2;7;9]) [2;9;7])
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Testcases for diff *)
assert (eq (diff [1;3;2] [2;3]) [1]);
assert (eq (diff [‘a’;’b’;’c’;’d’] [‘a’;’e’;’i’;’o’;’u’]) [‘b’;’c’;’d’]);
assert (eq (diff [“hello”;”ocaml”] [“hi”;”python”]) [“hello”;”ocaml”]);
assert (eq (diff [“hi”;”ocaml”] [“hello”;”ocaml”]) [“hi”])
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Testcases for digitsOfInt *)
assert (digitsOfInt 3124 = [3;1;2;4]);
assert (digitsOfInt 352663 = [3;5;2;6;6;3]);
assert (digitsOfInt 31243 = [3;1;2;4;3]);
assert (digitsOfInt 23422 = [2;3;4;2;2])
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Testcases for additivePersistence *)
assert (additivePersistence 9876 = 2)
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

(* Testcases for digitalRoot *)
assert (digitalRoot 9876 = 3)
with e -> (error_count := !error_count + 1; print_string ((Printexc.to_string e)^”
”)) in

Printf.printf (“%d out of 9 programming questions are incorrect.
”) (!error_count)

let _ = main()

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS代考 (********************)
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