[SOLVED] CS 403 385 385 381


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403 385 385 381

Do we have a corner?
C is negative with a large magnitude, such that it is not a corner

Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef

The matrices in the left column are the output of applying Gaussian filters with different standard derivations for a single octave in the SIFT detection algorithm. There is a single keypoint. Your job is to find it based on extrema in scale-space. (the point in the middle scale is considered)
To find the keypoint, you first need to
build the Difference of Gaussian Images in the scale-space. The key points are found at the locations of extrema in scale-space.
Gaussian Filtered Images

Gaussian Filtered Images
Difference of Gaussian Images

Gaussian Filtered Images
Difference of Gaussian Images
The keypoint is located at x=1, y=1, scale=2, Since
Compared to neighbors at scale 1 -3 < 1,2,0,0,-2,0,1,1,0Compared to neighbors in the same scale (scale 2) -3 < 2,3,0,1, 1, 2,0,1Compared to neighbors at scale 3 -3 < 2,5,0,4,-2,8,0,8,-2 CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS 403 385 385 381