[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 scheme Java Human Computer Interaction

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Human Computer Interaction
University at Albany
Department of Computer Science
ICSI 407
Program assignment 1
Assigned: Wednesday, February 10th, 2021
Due: Wednesday, February 17th by 11:59 PM. Submissions with 20% penalty will be accepted
by Friday, February 19th by 11:59 PM.
Student Name:
To expose students to user interface programming through the use of software design patterns for interface design. A secondary goal of the assignment is to gain some familiarity with the Model View Controller (MVC) software design pattern.

You are to create a MVC program that produces the same results as the program Calc.java. In order to implement the MVC software design pattern you must use the file named CalcModel.java to place the functionality provided by the Model. In a similar way you must include the functionality associated with the view in the file CalcView.java. The functionality associated with the Controller must be coded in a file named CalcController.java.
Your program should be developed using the Java programming language. It should be layered, modularized, and well commented. The following is a tentative marking scheme and what is expected to be submitted for this assignment:

•External Documentation (as many pages necessary to fulfill the requirements listed below.)
including the following:
•Title page
•A table of contents
•[20%] System documentation
•A high-level data flow diagram for the system
•A list of routines and their brief descriptions
•Implementation details
•[5%] Test documentation
•How you tested your program
•Testing outputs
•[5%] User documentation
•How to run your program
•Describe parameter (if any)

•Source Code
•[65%] Correctness
•[5%] Programming style

The following are to be submitted through Blackboard:
•The source code for all modules used for the exercise,
•The documentation document typeset in MS Word, and
• A screenshot illustrating the results produced by your solution.
All related files must be placed in a Microsoft Compressed (zipped) folder (.zip). Your (.zip) folder as well as the subject of your message must follow the format: 407 Programming Assignment 1 Your Name. Marks will be deducted if you do not follow this requirement.


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 scheme Java Human Computer Interaction
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