# Please use python3 to run this script
import os
import subprocess
cdir = os.getcwd()
hwDir = cdir+/hw/
if not os.path.exists(hw):
os.system(cp hw.zip ./hw)
os.system(unzip hw.zip)
os.system(gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage hw.c -o hwX)
for fname in os.listdir(./):
if fname.endswith(.run):
## We will grab the first line, the command-line args
## Then we will read all of the remaining lines.
rfile = open(fname, r)
cmdArgs = rfile.readline().rstrip()
stdinArgs = rfile.read()
## Now we run the program with its command-line args, and we
## pass it the stdin args from the file.
cmdList = [hwDir+hwX] + cmdArgs.split()
result = subprocess.run(cmdList, input=str.encode(stdinArgs))
os.system(gcov hw.c)
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