[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 prolog ocaml interpreter scheme CSE-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2020 • Final Exam 1 of 4 $Id: cse112-2020q1-final.mm,v 1.112 2020-03-12 17:09:55-07 – – $

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CSE-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2020 • Final Exam 1 of 4 $Id: cse112-2020q1-final.mm,v 1.112 2020-03-12 17:09:55-07 – – $
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No books ; No calculator ; No computer ; No email ; No internet ; No notes ; No phone. Points will be deduct- ed for messy or unreadable answers. Do your scratch work elsewhere and enter only your final answer into the spaces provided.
OCaml. For all questions asking for code in OCaml, you need not explicitly specify the type of a function’s argu- ment or the type of its result. Obviously, OCaml uses type inference.
1. Bash. Assume the interpreter for the language nli has the executable binary in /opt/local/bin/nli. (a) In order to call it just by using the name nli, what file in $HOME should you modify ? [1✔]
(b) What command should you add to the file mentioned in (a) ? [1✔]
(c) If you use this program as an interpreter for the program foo.nli, what is the first line of this file ? [1✔]
(d) What command must you type to make foo.nli an executable file ? [1✔]
2. Prolog. Define the following terms (functions). See the examples for expected results.
(a) has/2 takes an atom and a list and succeeds if the atom is somewhere in the list. Use unification for com- parison. [1✔]
?- has(3,[1,2,3,4]). true.
?- has(9,[1,2,3,4]). false.
(b) rev/3 is an accumulator helper for rev/2, which reverses a list. The middle argument to rev/3 is the ac- cumulator. Assume the rule rev(L,M) :- rev(L,[],M). [1✔]
?- rev([1,2,3,4],X).
X = [4, 3, 2, 1].
?- rev([],X). X=[].
(c) len/2 computes the length of a list. [1✔] ?- len([],N).
?- len([1,2,3,4],N). N=4.
3. Perl. Write a program that will read files, and at end print out the number of lines, words, and characters in the files. A word is any sequence of characters not containing white space. Use <> for input. An example is shown at the left. [3✔]
bash$ cat /tmp/foo This is a test
of the word count program.
Has 4 lines.
bash$ wc.perl /tmp/foo 41255
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CSE-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2020 • Final Exam 2 of 4 4. Prolog.
(a) Write a set of facts called arrow which describe this graph, where arrow(a,b) means that a→b. [2✔] abd
(b) Given ispath as defined here, write the relation ispath(A,Visited,B) which succeeds if there is a path from A to B and avoids infinite traversals around a loop. Use Visited to keep track of the nodes visited. Hint : member(X,L) succeeds if X is a member of list L. [2✔]
not(X) :- X, !, fail.
ispath(A,B) :- ispath(A,[],B).
5. Code the function find. Return the value associated with a given key. Return a special value as indicated be- low if not found. The first argument is a comparison function to be used in the search. The second argument is the left operand of the comparator, and the keys in the list are used as its right operand.
(a) OCaml. Search a list of tuples. Note that the comma creates a tuple and the semi-colon separates ele- ments of a list. [2✔]
# find (=) 3 [1,2; 3,4; 5,6];;
– : int option = Some 4
# find (=) 9 [0,1; 2,3; 4,5];; – : int option = None
# find (<) 8 [9,2; 7,3; 5,9];; – : int option = Some 2(b) Scheme. Return #f if not found. The list argument is a list of lists of length 2. [2✔]> (find = 3 ’((1 2)(3 4)(5 6))) 4
> (find = 9 ’((0 1)(2 3)(4 5)))
> (find < 8 ’((2 2)(9 3)(9 9))) 36. Scheme. Write a function to reverse a list. Assume the argument is a proper list. Your solution must, of course, be tail recursive. Use foldl if you like, or just code it directly. [2✔]> (reverse ’(1 2 3 4 5))
(5 4 3 2 1)
> (reverse ’())
> (reverse ’((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))) ((5 6) (3 4) (1 2))

CSE-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2020 • Final Exam 3 of 4
7. Smalltalk. Write code in Smalltalk which will print the numbers 1 through 10000 inclusive, one number per
line. [1✔]
8. Smalltalk. Extend class Array with a unary message reverse, which reverses an array. The array itself is re- versed. Nothing is returned. [3✔]
st> a := #(1 2 3 4 5) copy.
(1 2 3 4 5 )
st> a reverse.
(5 4 3 2 1 )
st> a := #( #(1 2) #(3 4) #(5 6)) copy. ((1 2 ) (3 4 ) (5 6 ) )
st> a reverse.
((5 6 ) (3 4 ) (1 2 ) )
9. Scheme. Define the function evalexpr which takes as an argument either a number or an expression. A num- ber is always returned as real. An expression is a list of length 3, where the car is a binary function, and the cdr is a list of two expressions. See the Scheme interaction at the left. Note that there is no hash table for func- tions. The actual function’s value is in the list in the function position. Note the quasiquote and unquote. [2✔] > (evalexpr ‘(,+ (,* 2 3) (,* 4 5)))
> (evalexpr 3)
> (evalexpr ‘(,* (,+ 8 3) (,+ (,* 2 9) 6))) 264.0
10. Smalltalk. Extend class Array with a unary method sum, which returns the sum of all elements of the array. Assume the array contains numbers. [2✔]
st> #(1 2 3 4 5) sum.
st> #() sum. 0
11. Scheme. Define the function map. [2✔]
> (map (lambda (x) (+ 5 x)) ’(1 2 3 4)) (6 7 8 9)
> (map (lambda (x) (cons 5 x)) ’(1 2 3 4)) ((5 . 1) (5 . 2) (5 . 3) (5 . 4))

CSE-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2020 • Final Exam 4 of 4
12. Ocaml. Code the Fibonacci function. Be sure to use tail recursion, and make it run in O(n) time. Do not con- sider the case where n < 0. Assume n ≥ 0. For reference, the mathematical expression is given here. [2✔] F0=0, F1=1, Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2# #use “fib.ml”;;val fib : int -> int =
# List.map fib [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7];;
– : int list = [0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13]
13. Prolog. Write a function zip, which will zip two lists into a single list of pairs. If the lists are not of equal length, ignore excess elements of the longer list. [2✔]
?- zip( [1,2,3,4,5], [4,5,6], X).
X = [pair(1, 4), pair(2, 5), pair(3, 6)] .
?- zip( [1,2,3], [4,5,6], X).
X = [pair(1, 4), pair(2, 5), pair(3, 6)] . ?- zip( [], [1,2,3], X).
14. Ocaml. Define the function merge which merges two sorted lists according to a predicate and produces a result- ing list. Assume the argument list are sorted. [3✔]
# merge;;
val merge : (’a -> ’a -> bool) -> ’a list -> ’a list -> ’a list
# merge (<) [1;3;5;7;9] [2;4;6;8];;- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9] # merge (>) [9;5;3;1] [77;2;-5];;
– : int list = [77; 9; 5; 3; 2; 1; -5]
# merge (<) [] [1;2;3];;- : int list = [1; 2; 3]15. Perl. Write a program which prints out the file size, modification time, and filename for each file mentioned in @ARGV. Hints : The result of the stat function is an array where $stat[7] is the file size and $stat[9] is the modification time. To format the time as required, use the following statement. [3✔]$time = strftime “%b %e %H:%S”, localtime $stat[9]; -bash-60$ ls.perl *.perl84 Nov 12 13:37 count.perl 240 Nov 16 12:39 euclid.perl 253 Nov 25 19:03 ls.perl 110 Dec 5 17:53 range.perl91 Mar 14 21:31 wc.perl


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 prolog ocaml interpreter scheme CSE-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2020 • Final Exam 1 of 4 $Id: cse112-2020q1-final.mm,v 1.112 2020-03-12 17:09:55-07 – – $
30 $