[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}

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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}

module ContextFree where

import Control.Applicative(liftA, liftA2, liftA3)

data Cat = S | NP | VP | PP | V | P deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data RewriteRule nt t = NTRule nt (nt,nt) | TRule nt t deriving (Show, Eq)

— Corresponds to the definition in (3) on the handout
type CFG nt t = ([nt], [t], [nt], [RewriteRule nt t])

— CFGs generalized to allow non-boolean result values

type GenericCFG nt t v = ([nt], [t], nt -> v, RewriteRule nt t -> v)

— Feel free to ignore the details of this function.
makeGCFG :: (Eq nt, Eq t) => v -> ([nt], [t], [(nt,v)], [(RewriteRule nt t, v)]) -> GenericCFG nt t v
makeGCFG def (nts, ts, starts, rules) =
let mylookup l x = case lookup x l of {Just y -> y; Nothing -> def} in
(nts, ts, mylookup starts, mylookup rules)

— Familiar semiring stuff, same as last week

class Semiring a where
(&&&) :: a -> a -> a
(|||) :: a -> a -> a
gtrue :: a
gfalse :: a

gen_or :: Semiring a => [a] -> a
gen_or list = case list of {[] -> gfalse; (x:xs) -> x ||| (gen_or xs)}

gen_and :: Semiring a => [a] -> a
gen_and list = case list of {[] -> gtrue; (x:xs) -> x &&& (gen_and xs)}

instance Semiring Bool where
x &&& y = x && y
x ||| y = x || y
gtrue = True
gfalse = False

instance Semiring Double where
x &&& y = x * y
x ||| y = x + y
gtrue = 1.0
gfalse = 0.0

— Some example grammars

— From (14) on the handout
cfg14 :: GenericCFG Cat String Bool
cfg14 = makeGCFG False ([VP,NP,PP,V,P], [“watches”,”spies”,”telescopes”,”with”],
[(NTRule VP (V,NP), True), (NTRule NP (NP,PP), True), (NTRule PP (P,NP), True),
(NTRule VP (VP,PP), True),(TRule NP “telescopes”, True),
(TRule VP “watches”, True), (TRule NP “watches”, True),(TRule P “with”, True),
(TRule VP “spies”, True), (TRule NP “spies”, True),(TRule V “watches”, True)

— A probabilistic version of cfg14
cfg14a :: GenericCFG Cat String Double
cfg14a = makeGCFG 0.0 ([VP,NP,PP,V,P], [“watches”,”spies”,”telescopes”,”with”],
[(NTRule VP (V,NP), 0.4), (NTRule NP (NP,PP), 0.2), (NTRule PP (P,NP), 1.0),
(NTRule VP (VP,PP), 0.3),(TRule NP “telescopes”, 0.3),
(TRule VP “watches”, 0.2), (TRule NP “watches”, 0.3),(TRule P “with”, 1.0),
(TRule VP “spies”, 0.1), (TRule NP “spies”, 0.2),(TRule V “watches”, 1.0)

— Another probabilistic version of cfg14, with starting probability
— split evenly between VP and NP
cfg14b :: GenericCFG Cat String Double
cfg14b = makeGCFG 0.0 ([VP,NP,PP,V,P], [“watches”,”spies”,”telescopes”,”with”],
[(VP,0.5), (NP,0.5)],
[(NTRule VP (V,NP), 0.4), (NTRule NP (NP,PP), 0.2), (NTRule PP (P,NP), 1.0),
(NTRule VP (VP,PP), 0.3),(TRule NP “telescopes”, 0.3),
(TRule VP “watches”, 0.2), (TRule NP “watches”, 0.3),(TRule P “with”, 1.0),
(TRule VP “spies”, 0.1), (TRule NP “spies”, 0.2),(TRule V “watches”, 1.0)

— Functions for inside values

insideBool :: GenericCFG nt t Bool -> [t] -> nt -> Bool
insideBool cfg str n =
let (nts, ts, i, r) = cfg in
case str of
[] -> False
(x:[]) -> r (TRule n x)
(x:y:rest2) -> let conj i ld rd = r (NTRule n (ld,rd)) &&
insideBool cfg (take i str) ld &&
insideBool cfg (drop i str) rd
or (liftA3 conj [1 .. (length str – 1)] nts nts)

inside :: (Semiring v) => GenericCFG nt t v -> [t] -> nt -> v
inside cfg str n =
let (nts, ts, i, r) = cfg in
case str of
[] -> gfalse
(x:[]) -> r (TRule n x)
(x:y:rest2) -> let conj i ld rd = r (NTRule n (ld,rd)) &&&
inside cfg (take i str) ld &&&
inside cfg (drop i str) rd
gen_or (liftA3 conj [1 .. (length str – 1)] nts nts)


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
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