[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 ocaml Fortran scheme CMPS-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2019 • Midterm Exam 1 of 4 $Id: cmps112-2019q1-midterm.mm,v 1.114 2019-02-07 12:50:30-08 – – $

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CMPS-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2019 • Midterm Exam 1 of 4 $Id: cmps112-2019q1-midterm.mm,v 1.114 2019-02-07 12:50:30-08 – – $
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No books ; No calculator ; No computer ; No email ; No internet ; No notes ; No phone. Do your scratch work elsewhere and enter only your final answer into the spaces provided. Points will be deducted for messy answers. Unreadable answers will be presumed incorrect.
1. What is the output from each of the following when entered at the interactive prompt ? [4✔]
CRUZID : @ucsc.edu
# (+);;
# List.map;;
# (<);;Ocaml# (+.) 3.;;Scheme> (apply * ’(1 2 3))
> (map (lambda (x) (* 3 x)) ’(1 2 3))
> ((lambda (x y) (cons x y)) 3 ’(4))
> (let ((x 3) (y 4)) (* x y))
2. Code the function maximum which takes two arguments : a comparison function, and a list. It returns the maxi- mum element in the list if the list is non-empty.
(a) Ocaml. Return None if the list is empty. [3✔] # maximum;;
– : (’a -> ’a -> bool) -> ’a list -> ’a option = # maximum (>) [3;1;4;1;5];;
– : int option = Some 5
# maximum (<) [3.;1.;4.;1.;5.];;- : float option = Some 1. # maximum (=) [];;- : ’a option = None(b) Scheme. Return #f if the list is empty. [3✔] > maximum
# > (maximum > ’(1 2 3 4 5))
> (maximum < ’(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0)) 1.0> (maximum = ’())

CMPS-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2019 • Midterm Exam 2 of 4
3. Define the function sum without using any higher-order functions.
(a) Ocaml. Use the following type : [2✔] val sum : float list -> float
(b) Scheme. The result is whatever the + function naturally returns. [2✔]
4. Define the function fold_left, whose arguments are a folding function, a unit value, and a list. The unit value is used as the leftmost argument to the folding function.
(a) Ocaml. Use the following type : [2✔]
val fold_left : (’a -> ’b -> ’a) -> ’a -> ’b list -> ’a
(b) Scheme. Arguments are in the same order as the Ocaml question. [2✔]
5. Define the function sum making use of fold_left. The function should satisfy the same requirements as the pre- vious sum question, and use the fold_left function defined above.
(a) Ocaml. Fill in the space. Do not alter anything to the left of the equal (=) symbol. [1✔]
# let sum = ;; val sum : float list -> float =
(b) Scheme. [1✔]

CMPS-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2019 • Midterm Exam 3 of 4
6. Smalltalk. Extend class Array with method sum, which returns the sum of all element of an array. Make no at- tempt to verify that elements are numbers. [2✔]
st> a := #(1 2 3 4 5).
(1 2 3 4 5 )
st> a sum. 15
st> a := #(). ()
st> a sum. 0
7. Smalltalk. Extend class Array with method reverse, which reverses the elements of an array. [3✔] st> a := #(1 2 3 4 5) copy.
(1 2 3 4 5 )
st> b := #(1 2 3 4) copy.
(1 2 3 4 ) st> a reverse. (5 4 3 2 1 ) st> b reverse. (4 3 2 1 )
8. Ocaml. Define eval so that it takes an expression as defined here. Functions themselves are in the expression. There is no hash table in this question. An example interaction is shown. [2✔]
# type binfn = float -> float -> float;;
# type expr = Expr of binfn * expr * expr
| Num of float;;
# eval;;
– : expr -> float = # eval (Expr ((+.),
Expr ((/.), Num 3., Num 4.),
Expr ((/.), Num 7., Num 8.)));;
– : float = 1.625
9. Scheme. Define evalexpr which takes an expression as an argument. An expression is a number or a list con- sisting of a symbol representing an operator, followed by zero or more expressions. Assume fnhash is a hash ta- ble which maps symbols onto functions that may be used to evaluate operators. Apply the function to the result of mapping eval onto the list of arguments. Expressions are nested arbitrarily deeply. Assume all expresions are valid (no need for error checking). The result must always be a real or complex number. [3✔]
> (evalexpr ’(+ (* 2 3) (* 4 5))) 26.0
> (evalexpr 3)
> (evalexpr ’(* (+ 8 3) (+ (* 2 9) 6))) 264.0
> (evalexpr ’(/ 4 0))

CMPS-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2019 • Midterm Exam
4 of 4
Multiple choice. To the left of each question, write the letter that indicates your answer. Write Z if you don’t want to risk a wrong answer. Wrong answers are worth negative points. [12✔]
7. What is (cadr ’((1 2) (3 4))) (A) ()
(B) (2) (C) (3 4) (D) 1
8. How much stack space (not time) is taken by the following function ?
(define (f n)
(cond ((< n 0) #f) ((= n 0) 0) ((= n 1) 1)(else (+ (f (- n 1))(f (- n 2))))))(A) O(1) (B) O(n) (C) O(n2) (D) O(2n)9. (cddr ’((1 2) (3 4))) (A) ()(B) (2) (C) (3 4) (D) 110. What will create the list (1 2) ? (A) (cons (car 1) (cdr 2)) (B) (cons 1 (cons 2 ’())) (C) (cons 1 (cons 2 ()))(D) (cons 1 2)11. The immediate ancestor of Scheme : (A) Fortran(B) Lisp(C) ML(D) λ-calculus12. Smalltalk. What is the order of evaluation of : a*b+c*d(A) ((a*b)+c)*d (B) (a*(b+c))*d (C) (a*b)+(c*d) (D) a*((b+c)*d) (E) a*(b+(c*d))number of correct answers×1==anumber of wrong answers×1⁄2==bnumber of missing answers×0=0column totalc = max(a − b, 0)12=c1. What kind of type checking is used in Ocaml ? (A) strong and dynamic(B) strong and static(C) weak and dynamic(D) weak and static2. What kind of type checking is used in Scheme ? (A) strong and dynamic(B) strong and static(C) weak and dynamic(D) weak and static3. Ocaml. 3 + 4 means : (A) (+ 3 4)(B) (+) (3, 4)(C) (+) 3 4(D) (apply + ’(3 4))4. Ocaml. What is the type of (+) ? (A) int * int * int(B) int * int -> int
(C) int -> int * int
(D) int -> int -> int
5. What takes a function and a list, applies that function to every element of the list, and returns a resulting list of the same length as the argu- ment list ?
(A) apply (B) fold_left (C) filter (D) map
6. Assuming x is a proper list, what will return a list equivalent to x?
(A) (car (cdr x) (cons x)) (B) (car (cons x) (cdr x)) (C) (cdr (car x) (cons x)) (D) (cdr (cons x) (car x)) (E) (cons (car x) (cdr x)) (F) (cons (cdr x) (car x))


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 ocaml Fortran scheme CMPS-112 • Programming Languages • Winter 2019 • Midterm Exam 1 of 4 $Id: cmps112-2019q1-midterm.mm,v 1.114 2019-02-07 12:50:30-08 – – $
30 $