[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 module Memoization (memoFix, memoFix2, lift0, lift1, lift2, liftMany, TableBased, Booster) where

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module Memoization (memoFix, memoFix2, lift0, lift1, lift2, liftMany, TableBased, Booster) where

import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map as Map

— Here’s everything you need to know about the interface
— for using this module.

— The type ‘TableBased c v a’ is a fancy version of the
— type ‘a’. More specifically, a thing of this type is
— like a thing of type ‘a’, except it’s calculated in
— such a way that it makes use of a memoized lookup
— table that maps things of type ‘c’ (for “cells”)
— to things of type ‘v’ (for “values”). For short,
— think of ‘TableBased c v a’ as “memoization-based a”.

— The ‘lift’ functions let you take functions that you’ve written
— for working with “normal” things and use them for working with
— memoization-based things.
— lift0 :: x -> TableBased c v x
— lift1 :: (x -> y) -> TableBased c v x -> TableBased c v y
— lift2 :: (x -> y -> z) -> TableBased c v x -> TableBased c v y -> TableBased c v z
— liftMany :: ([a] -> a) -> [TableBased c v a] -> TableBased c v a

— In particular the ‘lift’ functions are useful for writing
— “de-recursive-ized” versions of recursive functions. Then
— you can create memoized versions of the recursive function
— using the ‘memoize’ functions. These ‘memoize’ functions
— “tie up” a de-recursive-ized function to make it recursive,
— like just ‘fix’ does, but they add in the memoization
— along the way.
— type Booster a = (a -> a)
— memoFix :: (Ord c) => Booster (c -> TableBased c a a) -> c -> a
— memoFix2 :: (Ord c1, Ord c2) => Booster (c1 -> c2 -> TableBased (c1,c2) a a) -> c1 -> c2 -> a


data TableBased c v a = MkTableBased (Map.Map c v -> (a, Map.Map c v))

instance Functor (TableBased c v) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (TableBased c v) where
pure x = MkTableBased (
-> (x,n))
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (TableBased c v) where
— DIY state monad
(MkTableBased fa) >>= k =
MkTableBased $
let (a,n’) = fa n in
let (MkTableBased fb) = k a in
let (b,n”) = fb n’ in


lift0 :: x -> TableBased c a x
lift0 = pure

lift1 :: (x -> y) -> TableBased c a x -> TableBased c a y
lift1 = liftM

lift2 :: (x -> y -> z) -> TableBased c a x -> TableBased c a y -> TableBased c a z
lift2 = liftM2

lift3 :: (w -> x -> y -> z) -> TableBased c a w -> TableBased c a x -> TableBased c a y -> TableBased c a z
lift3 = liftM3

liftMany :: ([a] -> a) -> [TableBased c a a] -> TableBased c a a
liftMany f xs = liftM f (sequence xs)


tryRetrieveElse :: (Ord c) => (c -> TableBased c a a) -> c -> TableBased c a a
tryRetrieveElse f c =
let yield x = MkTableBased (tbl -> (x, Map.insert c x tbl)) in
MkTableBased (tbl -> (Map.lookup c tbl, tbl)) >>= (r ->
case r of
Just x -> pure x
Nothing -> (f c) >>= yield

goFromEmptyTable :: TableBased c a a -> a
goFromEmptyTable (MkTableBased f) = fst (f Map.empty)

type Booster a = (a -> a)

fix :: Booster a -> a
fix f = let x = f x in x

memoFix :: (Ord c) => Booster (c -> TableBased c a a) -> c -> a
memoFix f = x -> goFromEmptyTable (fix (tryRetrieveElse . f) x)

memoFix2 :: (Ord c1, Ord c2) => Booster (c1 -> c2 -> TableBased (c1,c2) a a) -> c1 -> c2 -> a
memoFix2 f = curry (memoFix (uncurry . f . curry))


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 module Memoization (memoFix, memoFix2, lift0, lift1, lift2, liftMany, TableBased, Booster) where
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