[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 jquery javascript Java COMP 266 Suggested Study Schedule

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COMP 266 Suggested Study Schedule
Unit 0 Orientation
q Complete the Unit 0 activities—start to plan your course of action.
q Review the Portfolio requirements.
q Set up your Learning Diary blog in the Landing and write
your first reflections.
q Optional—start making connections with other COMP 266
students on the Landing.
q Set up your website in the SCIS web space provided.
Unit 1 Site Design (10%)
q Complete your site design plan with specific personas, scenarios, and purposes.
q Record your design plan in your Learning Diary blog.
q Map your Unit 1 activities to the appropriate outcomes.
q Optional—add your comments, suggestions, and questions
to Landing discussion forums and peers’ blogs.
q Optional—add any helpful links you find using the
Bookmarks tool on the Landing.
Unit 2 HTML Site Building (15%)
q Complete the Unit 2 activities, adding content to your original design in the form of web pages.
q Record your observations in your Learning Diary blog. Make the relationship of your Unit 2 activities to your Unit 1 plan explicit.
q Map your Unit 2 activities to the appropriate outcomes.
q Optional—add your comments, suggestions, and questions
to Landing discussion forums and peers’ blogs.
q Optional—add any helpful links you find using the
Bookmarks tool on the Landing.
COMP 266 Introduction to Web Programming

Unit 3 CSS Site Building (15%)
q Complete the Unit 3 activities, apply CSS styles to improve the look, feel, and functionality of the content on your website.
q Record your observations in your Learning Diary blog. Make the relationship of you Unit 3 activities with your Unit 1 plan explicit.
q Map your Unit 3 activities to the appropriate outcomes.
q Optional—add your comments, suggestions, and questions
to Landing discussion forums and peers’ blogs.
q Optional—add any helpful links you find using the
Bookmarks tool on the Landing.
Unit 4 Script Use and Augmentation (10%)
q Complete the Unit 4 activities, finding appropriate snippets of JavaScript code and to adapting them to work with your site as well as learning to read and critique JavaScript code.
q Record your observations in your Learning Diary blog. Make the relationship of you Unit 4 activities with your Unit 1 plan explicit.
q Map your Unit 4 activities to the appropriate outcomes.
q Optional—add your comments, suggestions, and questions
to Landing discussion forums and peers’ blogs.
q Optional—add any helpful links you find using the
Bookmarks tool on the Landing.
Unit 5 Writing JavaScript (30%)
q Complete the Unit 5 activities, becoming proficient in the use of JavaScript to add dynamic content to your website.
q Record your observations in your Learning Diary blog. Make the relationship of you Unit 5 activities with your Unit 1 plan explicit.
q Map your Unit 5 activities to the appropriate outcomes.
q Optional—add your comments, suggestions, and questions
to Landing discussion forums and peers’ blogs.
q Optional—add any helpful links you find using the
Bookmarks tool on the Landing.
COMP 266 Introduction to Web Programming

Unit 6 Using Libraries (10%)
q Complete the Unit 6 activities, using JQuery to extend the functionality of your site.
q Record your observations in your Learning Diary blog. Make the relationship of you Unit 6 activities with your Unit 1 plan explicit.
q Optional—add your comments, suggestions, and questions to Landing discussion forums and peers’ blogs.
q Optional—add any helpful links you find using the Bookmarks tool on the Landing.
Unit 7 Using External Site Data (10%)
q Complete the Unit 7 activities, using data from other sites to build mashups using AJAX to access APIs provided by those sites.
q Record your observations in your Learning Diary blog.
q Map your Unit 7 activities to the appropriate outcomes. Make the relationship of you Unit 7 activities with your
Unit 1 plan explicit.
q Optional—add your comments, suggestions, and questions
to Landing discussion forums and peers’ blogs.
q Optional—add any helpful links you find using the
Bookmarks tool on the Landing.
q Compile your portfolio following the instructions on the Portfolio link on the course home page and submit it for evaluation by the markers.
COMP 266 Introduction to Web Programming


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 jquery javascript Java COMP 266 Suggested Study Schedule
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