[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 Java Proj01

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Richard G Baldwin (512) 223-4758, NRG Room
4238, [email protected]


ITSE 2321 Object-Oriented Programming

Project 01

File Proj01.htm,Revised: 05/29/20

R. G. Baldwin instructor

Read The Instructions Carefully

A detailed set of instructions is provided in a separate document titled Instructions for Downloading and Submitting Assignmentsthat you can
view at the Orientation link in your Blackboard course.

I recommend that you study those instructions very carefully
and  make yourself a checklist to ensure that you meet all of the
requirements before submitting your assignment.

Failure to follow the instructions to the letter usually results in a
failing grade, normally zero. The general instructions in that document apply
to this assignment. In addition, this document provides specific
instructions for this assignment.

If you have any questions regarding instructions, please ask them at least
one week prior to the assignment deadline. Don’t end up with a bad grade due to the
fact that you didn’t understand the instructions.

Every semester there are one or two students who are surprised and saddened
to learn that I really do mean that you must follow the instructions and meet
the specifications or you won’t get credit for the assignment. Don’t be
one of those students.

Typographical Errors

If you discover any typographical errors in this document, please let me know
so that I can correct the error and notify all of the students.

Source Code and Class Files

You have already downloaded a zip file containing this assignment specification via

You will find a compiled class file for my version of the program in
that same zip file. Run my version of the program side-by-side with your version
and compare your output with my output to make sure they match before submitting
your assignment. In case you don’t know how to do that, see the instructions for
running a precompiled program in the chapter titled Jb0110: Programming
Fundamentals, Getting Started in the Ebook for the course.

You must submit a single source code file for this assignment.

Java Version Requirement

Software version requirements are specified in the syllabus for this course.

Proj01 Copyright 2020 R.G.Baldwin

The purpose of this assignment is to assess the student’s
ability to write a complete but very simple Java program.


Create a source code file named Proj01.java. Use that file to write a program named Proj01 to produce the output text shown below
on the command-line screen. Encapsulate the file named Proj01.java in a
zip file and submit it via
Blackboard. Note that your class must also be named Proj01.

I certify that this program is my own work
and is not the work of others. I agree not
to share my solution with others.
Replace this line with your name
Hello World


2020 Richard G. Baldwin


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 Java Proj01
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