[SOLVED] CS Java Haskell python Syntax and Grammars


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Syntax and Grammars
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What is a language?
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What is a language?
Abstract syntax and grammars
Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax Encoding grammars as Haskell data types

What is a language?
Language: a system of communication using words in a structured way
Natural language
used for arbitrary communication complex, nuanced, and imprecise
Programming language
used to describe aspects of computation
i.e. systematic transformation of representation programs have a precise structure and meaning
We use a broad interpretation of programming language
English, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, . . .
Haskell, Java, C, Python, SQL, XML, HTML, CSS, . . .
What is a language?
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Object vs. metalanguage
What is a language?
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Important to distinguish two kinds of languages:
Object language: the language were defining
Metalanguage: the language were using to define the structure and meaning of the object language!
A single language can fill both roles at different times! (e.g. Haskell)

Syntax vs. semantics
What is a language?
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Two main aspects of a language:
syntax: the structure of its programs
semantics: the meaning of its programs
Metalanguages for defining syntax: grammars, Haskell, . . .
Metalanguages for defining semantics: mathematics, inference rules, Haskell, . . .

What is a language?
Abstract syntax and grammars
Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax Encoding grammars as Haskell data types
Abstract syntax and grammars
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Programs are trees!
Abstract syntax tree (AST): captures the essential structure of a program everything needed to determine its semantics
+ * if 2* ++ true+5
345678 23
2 + 3 * 4 (5 + 6) * (7 + 8) if true then (2+3) else 5
Abstract syntax and grammars
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Grammars are a metalanguage for describing syntax
The language were defining is called the object language
syntactic category nonterminal symbol
sSentence ::= nvn | sands

n Noun ::= cats | v Verb ::= chase
terminal symbol
dogs | cuddle
production rules
Abstract syntax and grammars
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Generating programs from grammars How to generate a program from a grammar
1. start with a nonterminal s
2. find production rules with s on the LHS
3. replace s by one possible case on the RHS
A program is in the language if and only if it can be generated by the grammar!
Animal behavior language
sSentence ::= nvn | sands
s nvn
cats v n
cats v ducks
cats cuddle ducks
Abstract syntax and grammars
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n Noun v Verb
::= cats | ::= chase
dogs | cuddle

Animal behavior language
sSentence ::= nvn | sands
n Noun ::= cats | dogs | ducks
v Verb ::= chase | cuddle
Is each program in the animal behavior language?
cats chase dogs
cats and dogs chase ducks
dogs cuddle cats and ducks chase dogs
dogs chase cats and cats chase ducks and ducks chase dogs
Abstract syntax and grammars
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Abstract syntax trees
Grammar (BNF notation) Example ASTs
t Term ::=
| false
not false
true | not t
if false
| if t t t
Language generated by grammar: set of all ASTs
Term = {true,false} {
| t Term} {
t1 t2 t3
| t1,t2,t3 Term}
Abstract syntax and grammars
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Arithmetic expression language
iInt ::= 1|2| eExpr ::= add e e | mulee
| nege |i
1. Draw two different ASTs for the expression: 2+3+4
2. Draw an AST for the expression: -5*(6+7)
3. What are the integer results of evaluating the following ASTs:
neg add
add neg 535
Abstract syntax and grammars
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What is a language?
Abstract syntax and grammars
Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax Encoding grammars as Haskell data types
Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax
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Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax
Abstract syntax: captures the essential structure of programs typically tree-structured
what we use when defining the semantics
Concrete syntax: describes how programs are written down
typically linear (e.g. as text in a file)
what we use when were writing programs in the language
Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax
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Parsing: transforms concrete syntax into abstract syntax
source code abstract
(concrete syntax) syntax tree
Typically several steps:
lexical analysis: chunk character stream into tokens
generate parse tree: parse token stream into intermediate concrete syntax tree convert to AST: convert parse tree into AST
Not covered in this class . . . (CS 480)
Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax
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Pretty printing
Pretty printing: transforms abstract syntax into concrete syntax Inverse of parsing!
Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax
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abstract syntax tree
source code
(concrete syntax)
Pretty Printer

Abstract grammar vs. concrete grammar
Abstract grammar Concrete grammar
tTerm ::= true
| false
tTerm ::= |
not t iftthentelset (t)
|nott | |ifttt | |
Our focus is on abstract syntax
were always writing trees, even if it looks like text
use parentheses to disambiguate textual representation of ASTs but they are not part of the syntax
Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax
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What is a language?
Abstract syntax and grammars
Abstract syntax vs. concrete syntax Encoding grammars as Haskell data types
Encoding grammars as Haskell data types
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Encoding abstract syntax in Haskell
Abstract grammar
b Bool ::= true | false tTerm ::= not t
| ifttt |b
defines set
Abstract syntax trees
true true
if false
not false
linear encoding
Haskell data type definition Haskell values
data Term = Not Term
| IfTerm Term Term
Lit True
If (Lit True)
| Lit Bool
(Lit False)
Encoding grammars as Haskell data types
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defines set
(Lit True)
Not (Not (Lit False))

Translating grammars into Haskell data types
Strategy: grammar Haskell
1. For each basic nonterminal, choose a built-in type, e.g. Int, Bool
2. For each other nonterminal, define a data type
3. For each production, define a data constructor
4. The nonterminals in the production determine the arguments to the constructor
Special rule for lists:
ingrammars, s ::= t isshorthandfor: s ::= | ts or s ::= | t,s can translate any of these to a Haskell list:
data Term =
type Sentence = [Term]
Encoding grammars as Haskell data types
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Example: Annotated arithmetic expression language
Abstract syntax Haskell encoding
n Nat ::= (natural number) c Comm ::= (comment string)
type Comment = String
e Expr
| | | |
neg e e @ c e + e e * e n
negation comment addition multiplication literal
Encoding grammars as Haskell data types
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data Expr
= Neg Expr
| Annot Expr Comment
| Add Expr Expr
| Mul Expr Expr
| Lit Int


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[SOLVED] CS Java Haskell python Syntax and Grammars