[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 interpreter ;; A simple LISP interpreter written by Dr Klefstad for ICS 141 at UCI

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;; A simple LISP interpreter written by Dr Klefstad for ICS 141 at UCI
;; Of course, I deleted lots of it to let you learn more about evaluation.

;; my-assoc returns the association (binding) of a variable in the association
;; list.An alist is a list of this form:
;; ((var1 . val1) (var2 . val2) … (varN . valN))
;; where each vari is a symbol representing a variable (or parameter) name
;; and each vali is the value of the variable.
;; assoc returns the association of a given symbol, e.g,
;; (assoc ‘myvar ‘((a . 10)(b a b c)(myvar d e f)))
;; returns (myvar d e f) and you take the cdr of that to get myvar’s value
;; (d e f)
;; We will use alists for the stack of variables and their values.Assoc
;; always finds the first association of a variable, and this is how we
;; implement dynamic scoping.New defintions of a variable will hide older
;; definitions, but the older definitions will come back into scope when
;; recursive evaluation unwinds.
;; setq and defun will push a new association on the global-alist.
;; whenever we apply a function, we will bind the formals to the evaluated
;; actuals pushing these new bindings onto the local alist and then
;; evaluate the body of the function in that new scoping context.

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-assoc (v alist)

;; This one is done
(defun my-eval (e alist)
(cond ((atom e) (my-eval-atom e alist))
(t (my-apply (car e) (cdr e) alist))

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-eval-atom (e alist)
;; how do you evaluate an atom???
;; Remember there are special cases: T, NIL, ASYMBOL, 10, “Hello”

;; This one is done, but you must write the functions it calls
(defun my-apply (fn args alist)
(cond ((atom fn) (my-apply-atom fn args alist))
( t (my-apply-lambda fn args alist)))

;; You need to write this one.
;; Utility function for eval-cond and apply-lambda.Evaluates each expression
;; in l and returns the value of the last expression
(defun my-eval-list (l alist)

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-apply-lambda (fn args alist)
;; bind the formals to the evaluated actuals then evaluate the body in that
;; new scoping context (i.e., that becomes the new alist for recursive
;; evaluation of the function body.Return the value of the last
;; expression in the body (using eval-list).

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-bind-formals (formals actuals alist)
;; This takes a list of formals and unevaluated actuals.It should evaluate
;; each actual and bind it to its corresponding formal placing them all on
;; the front of the alist.It should return the alist with the new bindings
;; on the front.This will be used to evaluate calls to functions defined
;; via defun.
;; e.g., (my-bind-formals ‘(a) ‘((add 1 b)) ‘((b . 10)))
;; will return ((a . 11) (b . 10))
;; Note there will be one actual parameter for each formal parameter.


;; You need to write this one.Handle the primitives as special cases, then
;; handle user defined functions (defined via defun) in the default case.
;; These are the only functions we handle: eq, car, cdr, cons, quote, cond,
;; defun, eval, setq, and user defined functions (defined via defun) that
;; we have evaluated.You can add more built-ins (like plus, times, atom,
;; listp) as you like for testing.
(defun my-apply-atom (fn args alist)
(cond ((eq fn ‘eq)
(eq (my-eval (car args) alist) (my-eval (cadr args) alist)))
;; I wrote the first one, eq, for you, you write the rest
((eq fn ‘car)
((eq fn ‘cdr)
((eq fn ‘cons)
((eq fn ‘quote)
((eq fn ‘setq) (my-eval-setq …))
;; these are (nearly) done, but you must write the sub-functions
((eq fn ‘cond) (my-eval-cond args alist))
((eq fn ‘defun) (my-eval-defun args alist))
((eq fn ‘eval) (my-eval (my-eval (car args) alist) alist))
(T (my-apply ;; get the lambda from the alist,
args alist))

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-eval-setq (var val)
;; just push a new association of the var and its evaluated val onto the
;; global alist

;; You need to write this one.You should know how cond works at this point.
(defun my-eval-cond (clauses alist)

;; You need to write this one.
(defun my-eval-defun (body alist)
;; just push the function body onto the global alist.It is already an
;; association, e.g., (equal (L1 L2) (cond (…))) and (assoc ‘equal in
;; the global alist will return this.You can then take the cdr and you
;; have a list containing the formal parameters and the expressions in
;; the function body.

;; This one is done, it just initializes the global alist where global
;; settings, like those defined via setq and defun, go.
(setq global-alist nil)
;; to push a new value, (setq global-alist (cons (cons ‘newvar ‘newval) global-alist))

;; This one is done, it will become the new top-level for LISP.After you
;; load this file, call (my-top) and then you can type in expressions and
;; define and call functions to test your my-eval.
(defun my-top ()
(prog ()
top (print (my-eval (read) global-alist))
(terpri) ;; prints a newline
(go top) ;; loops forever


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 interpreter ;; A simple LISP interpreter written by Dr Klefstad for ICS 141 at UCI
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