[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 #include

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#include “cstring.h”// implemented in workshop 1 part 2 (DIY)
#include “Employee.h”
#include “File.h”
using namespace std;
namespace sdds {

int noOfEmployees;
Employee* employees;

void sort() {
int i, j;
Employee temp;
for (i = noOfEmployees – 1; i > 0; i–) {
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {if (employees[j].m_empNo > employees[j + 1].m_empNo) {
temp = employees[j];
employees[j] = employees[j + 1];
employees[j + 1] = temp;

// TODO: Finish the implementation of the 1 arg load function which
// reads one employee record from the file and loads it into the employee reference
// argument
bool load(……………) {
bool ok = false;
char name[128];
/* if reading of employee number, salay and name are successful
allocate memory to the size of the name + 1
and keep its address in the name of the Employee Reference

copy the name into the newly allocated memroy

make sure the “ok” flag is set to true
end if
return ok;
// TODO: Finish the implementation of the 0 arg load function
bool load() {
bool ok = false;
int i = 0;
if (openFile(DATAFILE)) {
Set the noOfEmployees to the number of recoreds in the file.
dyanamically allocated an array of employees into the global
Employee pointer; “employees” to the size of the noOfEmployees.

In a loop load the employee records from the file into
the dynamic array.

If the number of the records does not match the number of reads
print the message
“Error: incorrect number of records read; the data is possibly corrupted”
set the ok flag to true
End if

close the file
else {
cout << “Could not open data file: ” << DATAFILE<< endl;}return ok; } // TODO: Implementation for the display functions go here // TODO: Implementation for the deallocateMemory function goes here}


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 #include
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