[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 #ifndef THREADS_IO_H

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#ifndef THREADS_IO_H
#define THREADS_IO_H


/* Reads and returns a byte from PORT. */
static inline uint8_t
inb(uint16_t port) {
/* See [IA32-v2a] “IN”. */
uint8_t data;
asm volatile (“inb %w1, %b0” : “=a” (data) : “Nd” (port));
return data;

/* Reads CNT bytes from PORT, one after another, and stores them
into the buffer starting at ADDR. */
static inline void
insb(uint16_t port, void *addr, size_t cnt) {
/* See [IA32-v2a] “INS”. */
asm volatile (“rep insb” : “+D” (addr), “+c” (cnt) : “d” (port) : “memory”);

/* Reads and returns 16 bits from PORT. */
static inline uint16_t
inw(uint16_t port) {
uint16_t data;
/* See [IA32-v2a] “IN”. */
asm volatile (“inw %w1, %w0” : “=a” (data) : “Nd” (port));
return data;

/* Reads CNT 16-bit (halfword) units from PORT, one after
another, and stores them into the buffer starting at ADDR. */
static inline void
insw(uint16_t port, void *addr, size_t cnt) {
/* See [IA32-v2a] “INS”. */
asm volatile (“rep insw” : “+D” (addr), “+c” (cnt) : “d” (port) : “memory”);

/* Reads and returns 32 bits from PORT. */
static inline uint32_t
inl(uint16_t port) {
/* See [IA32-v2a] “IN”. */
uint32_t data;
asm volatile (“inl %w1, %0” : “=a” (data) : “Nd” (port));
return data;

/* Reads CNT 32-bit (word) units from PORT, one after another,
and stores them into the buffer starting at ADDR. */
static inline void
insl(uint16_t port, void *addr, size_t cnt) {
/* See [IA32-v2a] “INS”. */
asm volatile (“rep insl” : “+D” (addr), “+c” (cnt) : “d” (port) : “memory”);

/* Writes byte DATA to PORT. */
static inline void
outb(uint16_t port, uint8_t data) {
/* See [IA32-v2b] “OUT”. */
asm volatile (“outb %b0, %w1” : : “a” (data), “Nd” (port));

/* Writes to PORT each byte of data in the CNT-byte buffer
starting at ADDR. */
static inline void
outsb(uint16_t port, const void *addr, size_t cnt) {
/* See [IA32-v2b] “OUTS”. */
asm volatile (“rep outsb” : “+S” (addr), “+c” (cnt) : “d” (port));

/* Writes the 16-bit DATA to PORT. */
static inline void
outw(uint16_t port, uint16_t data) {
/* See [IA32-v2b] “OUT”. */
asm volatile (“outw %w0, %w1” : : “a” (data), “Nd” (port));

/* Writes to PORT each 16-bit unit (halfword) of data in the
CNT-halfword buffer starting at ADDR. */
static inline void
outsw(uint16_t port, const void *addr, size_t cnt) {
/* See [IA32-v2b] “OUTS”. */
asm volatile (“rep outsw” : “+S” (addr), “+c” (cnt) : “d” (port));

/* Writes the 32-bit DATA to PORT. */
static inline void
outl(uint16_t port, uint32_t data) {
/* See [IA32-v2b] “OUT”. */
asm volatile (“outl %0, %w1” : : “a” (data), “Nd” (port));

/* Writes to PORT each 32-bit unit (word) of data in the CNT-word
buffer starting at ADDR. */
static inline void
outsl(uint16_t port, const void *addr, size_t cnt) {
/* See [IA32-v2b] “OUTS”. */
asm volatile (“rep outsl” : “+S” (addr), “+c” (cnt) : “d” (port));

#endif /* threads/io.h */


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 #ifndef THREADS_IO_H
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