[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 file system #include “threads/init.h”

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#include “threads/init.h”
#include #include
#include “devices/kbd.h”
#include “devices/input.h”
#include “devices/serial.h”
#include “devices/shutdown.h”
#include “devices/timer.h”
#include “devices/vga.h”
#include “devices/rtc.h”
#include “threads/interrupt.h”
#include “threads/io.h”
#include “threads/loader.h”
#include “threads/malloc.h”
#include “threads/palloc.h”
#include “threads/pte.h”
#include “threads/thread.h”
#include “userprog/process.h”
#include “userprog/exception.h”
#include “userprog/gdt.h”
#include “userprog/syscall.h”
#include “userprog/tss.h”
#include “tests/threads/tests.h”
#ifdef FILESYS
#include “devices/block.h”
#include “devices/ide.h”
#include “filesys/filesys.h”
#include “filesys/fsutil.h”

/* Page directory with kernel mappings only. */
uint32_t *init_page_dir;

#ifdef FILESYS
/* -f: Format the file system? */
static bool format_filesys;

/* -filesys, -scratch, -swap: Names of block devices to use,
overriding the defaults. */
static const char *filesys_bdev_name;
static const char *scratch_bdev_name;
#ifdef VM
static const char *swap_bdev_name;
#endif /* FILESYS */

/* -ul: Maximum number of pages to put into palloc’s user pool. */
static size_t user_page_limit = SIZE_MAX;

static void bss_init(void);
static void paging_init(void);

static char **read_command_line(void);
static char **parse_options(char **argv);
static void run_actions(char **argv);
static void usage(void);

#ifdef FILESYS
static void locate_block_devices(void);
static void locate_block_device(enum block_type, const char *name);

int main(void) NO_RETURN;

/* Pintos main program. */
char **argv;

/* Clear BSS. */

/* Break command line into arguments and parse options. */
argv = read_command_line();
argv = parse_options(argv);

/* Initialize ourselves as a thread so we can use locks,
then enable console locking. */

/* Greet user. */
printf(“Pintos booting with %’”PRIu32″ kB RAM…
init_ram_pages * PGSIZE / 1024);

/* Initialize memory system. */

/* Segmentation. */

/* Initialize interrupt handlers. */

/* Start thread scheduler and enable interrupts. */

#ifdef FILESYS
/* Initialize file system. */

printf(“Boot complete.

/* Run actions specified on kernel command line. */

/* Finish up. */

/* Clear the “BSS”, a segment that should be initialized to
zeros.It isn’t actually stored on disk or zeroed by the
kernel loader, so we have to zero it ourselves.

The start and end of the BSS segment is recorded by the
linker as _start_bss and _end_bss.See kernel.lds. */
static void
extern char _start_bss, _end_bss;
memset(&_start_bss, 0, &_end_bss – &_start_bss);

/* Populates the base page directory and page table with the
kernel virtual mapping, and then sets up the CPU to use the
new page directory.Points init_page_dir to the page
directory it creates. */
static void
uint32_t *pd, *pt;
size_t page;
extern char _start, _end_kernel_text;

pd = init_page_dir = palloc_get_page(PAL_ASSERT | PAL_ZERO);
pt = NULL;
for (page = 0; page < init_ram_pages; page++) {uintptr_t paddr = page * PGSIZE;char *vaddr = ptov(paddr);size_t pde_idx = pd_no(vaddr);size_t pte_idx = pt_no(vaddr);bool in_kernel_text = &_start <= vaddr && vaddr < &_end_kernel_text;if (pd[pde_idx] == 0) {pt = palloc_get_page(PAL_ASSERT | PAL_ZERO);pd[pde_idx] = pde_create(pt);}pt[pte_idx] = pte_create_kernel(vaddr, !in_kernel_text);}/* Store the physical address of the page directory into CR3 aka PDBR (page directory base register).This activates our new page tables immediately.See [IA32-v2a] “MOV–Move to/from Control Registers” and [IA32-v3a] 3.7.5 “Base Address of the Page Directory”. */asm volatile (“movl %0, %%cr3” : : “r” (vtop(init_page_dir)));}/* Breaks the kernel command line into words and returns them as an argv-like array. */static char **read_command_line(void){static char *argv[LOADER_ARGS_LEN / 2 + 1];char *p, *end;int argc;int i;argc = *(uint32_t *) ptov(LOADER_ARG_CNT);p = ptov(LOADER_ARGS);end = p + LOADER_ARGS_LEN;for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {if (p >= end)
PANIC(“command line arguments overflow”);

argv[i] = p;
p += strnlen(p, end – p) + 1;
argv[argc] = NULL;

/* Print kernel command line. */
printf(“Kernel command line:”);
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)if (strchr(argv[i], ‘ ‘) == NULL)printf(” %s”, argv[i]);elseprintf(” ‘%s'”, argv[i]);printf(”
“);return argv;}/* Parses options in ARGV[] and returns the first non-option argument. */static char **parse_options(char **argv){for (; *argv != NULL && **argv == ‘-‘; argv++) {char *save_ptr;char *name = strtok_r(*argv, “=”, &save_ptr);char *value = strtok_r(NULL, “”, &save_ptr);if (!strcmp(name, “-h”))usage();else if (!strcmp(name, “-q”))shutdown_configure(SHUTDOWN_POWER_OFF);else if (!strcmp(name, “-r”))shutdown_configure(SHUTDOWN_REBOOT);#ifdef FILESYSelse if (!strcmp(name, “-f”))format_filesys = true;else if (!strcmp(name, “-filesys”))filesys_bdev_name = value;else if (!strcmp(name, “-scratch”))scratch_bdev_name = value;#ifdef VMelse if (!strcmp(name, “-swap”))swap_bdev_name = value;#endif#endifelse if (!strcmp(name, “-rs”))random_init(atoi(value));else if (!strcmp(name, “-mlfqs”))thread_mlfqs = true;#ifdef USERPROGelse if (!strcmp(name, “-ul”))user_page_limit = atoi(value);#endifelsePANIC(“unknown option `%s’ (use -h for help)”, name);}/* Initialize the random number generator based on the system time.This has no effect if an “-rs” option was specified. When running under Bochs, this is not enough by itself to get a good seed value, because the pintos script sets the initial time to a predictable value, not to the local time, for reproducibility.To fix this, give the “-r” option to the pintos script to request real-time execution. */random_init(rtc_get_time());return argv;}/* Runs the task specified in ARGV[1]. */static voidrun_task(char **argv){const char *task = argv[1];printf(“Executing ‘%s’:
“, task);#ifdef USERPROGprocess_wait(process_execute(task));#elserun_test(task);#endifprintf(“Execution of ‘%s’ complete.
“, task);}/* Executes all of the actions specified in ARGV[] up to the null pointer sentinel. */static voidrun_actions(char **argv){/* An action. */struct action {char *name; /* Action name. */int argc; /* # of args, including action name. */void (*function) (char **argv); /* Function to execute action. */};/* Table of supported actions. */static const struct action actions[] = {{“run”, 2, run_task},#ifdef FILESYS{“ls”, 1, fsutil_ls},{“cat”, 2, fsutil_cat},{“rm”, 2, fsutil_rm},{“extract”, 1, fsutil_extract},{“append”, 2, fsutil_append},#endif{NULL, 0, NULL},};while (*argv != NULL) {const struct action *a;int i;/* Find action name. */for (a = actions;; a++)if (a->name == NULL)
PANIC(“unknown action `%s’ (use -h for help)”, *argv);
else if (!strcmp(*argv, a->name))

/* Check for required arguments. */
for (i = 1; i < a->argc; i++)
if (argv[i] == NULL)
PANIC(“action `%s’ requires %d argument(s)”, *argv, a->argc – 1);

/* Invoke action and advance. */
argv += a->argc;


/* Prints a kernel command line help message and powers off the
machine. */
static void
Command line syntax: [OPTION…] [ACTION…]

“Options must precede actions.

“Actions are executed in the order specified.

Available actions:

”run ‘PROG [ARG…]’ Run PROG and wait for it to complete.

”run TEST Run TEST.

#ifdef FILESYS
”ls List files in the root directory.

”cat FILE Print FILE to the console.

”rm FILEDelete FILE.

“Use these actions indirectly via `pintos’ -g and -p options:

”extractUntar from scratch device into file system.

”append FILEAppend FILE to tar file on scratch device.



”-h Print this help message and power off.

”-q Power off VM after actions or on panic.

”-r Reboot after actions.

#ifdef FILESYS
”-f Format file system device during startup.

”-filesys=BDEVUse BDEV for file system instead of default.

”-scratch=BDEVUse BDEV for scratch instead of default.

#ifdef VM
”-swap=BDEV Use BDEV for swap instead of default.

”-rs=SEED Set random number seed to SEED.

”-mlfqs Use multi-level feedback queue scheduler.

”-ul=COUNTLimit user memory to COUNT pages.


#ifdef FILESYS

/* Figure out what block devices to cast in the various Pintos roles. */
static void
locate_block_device(BLOCK_FILESYS, filesys_bdev_name);
locate_block_device(BLOCK_SCRATCH, scratch_bdev_name);
#ifdef VM
locate_block_device(BLOCK_SWAP, swap_bdev_name);

/* Figures out what block device to use for the given ROLE: the
block device with the given NAME, if NAME is non-null,
otherwise the first block device in probe order of type
ROLE. */
static void
locate_block_device(enum block_type role, const char *name)
struct block *block = NULL;

if (name != NULL) {
block = block_get_by_name(name);
if (block == NULL)
PANIC(“No such block device ”%s””, name);
} else {
for (block = block_first(); block != NULL; block = block_next(block))
if (block_type(block) == role)

if (block != NULL) {
printf(“%s: using %s
”, block_type_name(role), block_name(block));
block_set_role(role, block);


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 file system #include “threads/init.h”
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