[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 DNA data structure Java algorithm Search …

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File Name: CS代考计算机代写_DNA_data_structure_Java_algorithm_Search_….zip
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Computer Science Department
Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
.eman ssalc eht egnahc TON OD .stnemetats egakcap ro tcejorp eht dda TON OD .)(tixe.metsyS esu TON OD
:selur gniwollof eht evresbO .balotuA
no elfi eht timbus dna etadpU .
gniniatnoc ELIF PIZ siht edivorp eW
.stnemngissa ruoy timbus ot woh dna enil dnammoc eht esu ot woh ,edoCSV llatsni ot woh no snoitcurtsni rof QAF stnemngissA gnimmargorP ruo ot refeR
.segami fo egalloc a etaerc lliw uoy erehw ,egalloCtrA dellac epyt atad tcartsba na gnitaerc fo stsisnoc tnemngissa sihT
stniop esruoc 011 – egalloCtrA tnemngissA

ArtCollage art = new ArtCollage(args[0]);
rotcurtsnoC tnemugra-enO
.dohtem hcae fo noitpircsed eht rof avaj.egalloCtrA eeS .yllaudividni selit eht mrofsnart ot sdohtem sedivorp dna selit egami fo egalloc a etaerc ssalc egalloCtrA ehT .)stniop 011( egalloCtrA
.elfi piz eht ni dedivorp seirarbil eht fo yna ESU yam uoY .melborp hcae rof elpmaxe eht yb defiiceps sa tluser eht yalpsid YLNO .sdlefi ssalc wen yna dda TON OD .sdohtem nevig eht fo YNA fo sredaeh eht egnahc TON OD .elfi avaj.egalloCtrA eht ni ydaerla ssalc roloC eht naht rehto stnemetats tropmi dda TON OD

ArtCollage art = new ArtCollage(args[0], 200, 3);
rotcurtsnoC tnemugra-eerhT
.snmuloc 004 yb swor 004 sah )tfel eht no( rotcurtsnoc tnemugra-eno eht morf stluser taht egami egalloc ehT .snmuloc 9181 x swor 6351 sah )]0[sgra( egami lanigiro ehT

// Creates a collage of 3×3 tiles.
// Each tile dimension is 200×200 pixels.
ArtCollage art = new ArtCollage(args[0], 200, 3);
.snmuloc 006 yb swor 006 sah )tfel eht no( rotcurtsnoc tnemugra-eerht eht morf stluser taht egami egalloc ehT .snmuloc 9181
x swor 6351 sah )]0[sgra( egami lanigiro ehT
dohtem egalloCekaM

// Creates a default collage of 4×4 tiles.
// Each default tile dimension is 100×100 pixels.
ArtCollage art = new ArtCollage(args[0]);

// Creates a collage of 3×3 tiles.
// Each tile dimension is 200×200 pixels
ArtCollage art =
new ArtCollage(args[0], 200, 3);
// Colorize tile at col 2, row 2
// to only show the red component
// Creates a collage of 3×3 tiles.
// Each tile dimension is 200×200 pixels
ArtCollage art =
new ArtCollage(args[0], 200, 3);
// Colorize tile at col 2, row 1
// to only show the blue component
sdohteM eliT egnahC

// Creates a collage of 3×3 tiles.
// Each tile dimension is 200×200 pixels
ArtCollage art =
new ArtCollage(args[0], 200, 3);
// Colorize tile at col 0, row 0
// to only show the green component

// Creates a collage of 3×3 tiles. Each tile dimension is
ArtCollage art =
new ArtCollage(args[0], 200, 3);
// Converts the tile at col 1, row 0

// Creates a collage of 3×3 tiles.
// Each tile dimension is 200×200 pixels
ArtCollage art =
new ArtCollage(args[0], 200, 3);
// Replace tile at col 1, row 1 with
// args[1] image
// from color to greyscale
art.grayscaleTile(1, 0);

.egami tnereffid a sah elit hcae erehw egalloc a gnisu )(eliTelacsyerg dna )(eliTeziroloc tset ot erus ekaM :etoN

ArtCollage art = new ArtCollage(args[0], 200, 2);
// Replace 3 tiles
eht kcilc ,siht od oT .balotuA dellac metsys noissimbus bew eht aiv avaj.egalloCtrA
timbuS .tnemngissa eht gnittimbuS .4 .diten dna liame ,eman ruoy htiw selfi eht
fo gat rohtua@ eht etadpU .rohtua@ etadpU .3 .ereh ycilop
noitaroballoc ruo daeR .ycilop noitaroballoC .2 noissimbus erofeB

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.etisbew esruoc eht morf knil ffatS eht gnikcilc yb sruoh ecffio srotcurtsni dniF .azzaiP no noitseuq a tsop ro sruoh ecffio yb pord ot etatiseh t’nod ,raelcnu si gnihtyna fI
.tnemngissa taht rof knil timbuS eht kcilc ;etisbew esruoc eht morf knil stnemngissA
pleh gnitteG


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 DNA data structure Java algorithm Search …
30 $