[SOLVED] CS database case study SQL FIT2094-FIT3171 Databases


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FIT2094-FIT3171 Databases
Session 5 Tutorial Suggested Solution
FIT Database Teaching Team
FIT2094-FIT3171 2021 Summer B
FIT2094-FIT3171 Databases
Author: FIT Database Teaching Team
License: Copyright Monash University, unless otherwise stated. All Rights Reserved.
This material is protected by copyright. For use within Monash University only. NOT FOR RESALE. Do not remove this notice.
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Remember, before starting any tutorial activity which involves working with files, first use SQL
Developer to pull from the FIT GitLab server so as to ensure your local and server files are in sync. 5.1 Steps on Normalisation Tutor Explanation
APPOINTMENT(dentist_no, dentist_name, patient_no, patient_name, app_datetime, surgeryroom_no)
APPOINTMENT(dentist_no, dentist_name, patient_no, patient_name, app_datetime, surgeryroom_no)
*note that there are 3 candidate keys:
(dentist_no, app_datetime),
(patient_no, app_datetime)
(surgeryroom_no, app_datetime)
and (dentist_no, app_datetime) is picked as PK
Partial dependencies: dentist_no dentist_name patient_no patient_name
*note that we use general definition, partial dependency is based on PK and all candidate keys
APPOINTMENT(dentist_no, patient_no, app_datetime, surgeryroom_no) DENTIST(dentist_no, dentist_name)
PATIENT(patient_no, patient_name)
Transitive dependencies:
No transitive dependency
There is no transitive dependency, the 3NF is the same as the 2NF. Note that you are required to show all forms, even if they are the same as a previous form.
APPOINTMENT(dentist_no, patient_no, app_datetime, surgeryroom_no) DENTIST(dentist_no, dentist_name)
PATIENT(patient_no, patient_name)
Full Dependencies:
dentist_no, app_datetime pat_no, surgeryroom_no dentist_no dentist_name
patient_no patient_name
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5.2 Multiple Forms Normalisation Part 1 APPROVED UNITS REPORT
UNIT (unit_no, unit_name, unit_desc, unit_value)
UNIT (unit_no, unit_name, unit_desc, unit_value) Partial Dependencies:
No Partial Dependency
UNIT (unit_no, unit_name, unit_desc, unit_value) Transitive Dependencies:
No Transitive Dependency
UNIT (unit_no, unit_name, unit_desc, unit_value) Full Dependencies:
unit_no unit_name, unit_desc, unit_value
LECTURER (lect_no, lect_name, lect_office, lect_phone, (unit_no, unit_name))
LECTURER (lect_no, lect_name, lect_office, lect_phone) *Note: lect_phone is one of the candidate keys
ADVICE (lect_no, unit_no, unit_name) Partial Dependencies:
unit_no -> unit_name
LECTURER (lect_no, lect_name, lect_office, lect_phone) ADVICE (lect_no, unit_no)
UNIT (unit_no, unit_name)
Transitive Dependencies:
No Transitive Dependency
*Note: There is no transitive dependency here related to lect_phone as lect_phone is a candidate key transitive dependency is about the removal of non-key dependencies ie. dependencies between non-key attributes (lect_phone is not a non-key attribute)
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LECTURER (lect_no, lect_name, lect_office, lect_phone) ADVICE (lect_no, unit_no)
UNIT (unit_no, unit_name)
Full Dependencies:
lect_no lect_name, lect_office, lect_phone unit_no unit_name
STUDENT (stu_no, stu_name, stu_address, stu_crse, stu_mode, lect_no, lect_name, (unit_no, unit_name, year, semester, grade))
Note: replacement of mentor details with lecturer details a mentor is a lecturer this prevents the introduction of synonyms (attributes with different names but representing the same thing)
STUDENT (stu_no, stu_name, stu_address, stu_crse, stu_mode, lect_no, lect_name)
AC_REC (stu_no, unit_no, year, semester , unit_name, grade)
Partial Dependencies: unit_no -> unit_name
STUDENT (stu_no, stu_name, stu_address, stu_crse, stu_mode, lect_no, lect_name) AC_REC (stu_no, unit_no, year, semester, grade)
UNIT (unit_no, unit_name)
Transitive Dependencies:
lect_no lect_name
STUDENT (stu_no, stu_name, stu_address, stu_crse, stu_mode, lect_no) LECTURER (lect_no, lect_name)
AC_REC (stu_no, unit_no, year, semester, grade)
UNIT (unit_no, unit_name)
Full Dependencies:
stu_no stu_name, stu_address, stu_crse, stu_mode, lect_no
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lect_no lect_name
stu_no, unit_no, year, semester grade unit_no unit_name
1. UNIT (unit_no, unit_name, unit_desc, unit_value)
2. LECTURER (lect_no, lect_name, lect_office, lect_phone )
3. ADVICE (lect_no, unit_no)
4. UNIT (unit_no, unit_name)
5. STUDENT (stu_no, stu_name, stu_address, stu_crse, stu_mode, lect_no) 6. LECTURER (lect_no, lect_name)
7. AC_REC (stu_no, unit_no, year, semester, grade)
8. UNIT (unit_no, unit_name)
Join together relations, which have an identical PK ie. represent the same entity: 1. 4. & 8.
UNIT (unit_no, unit_name, unit_desc, unit_value) 2. & 6.
LECTURER (lect_no, lect_name, lect_office, lect_phone ) 3.
ADVICE (lect_no, unit_no) 5.
STUDENT (stu_no, stu_name, stu_address, stu_crse, stu_mode, lect_no) 7.
AC_REC (stu_no, unit_no, year, semester, grade)
Prior to building the logical model, so as to maintain relation name prefixes to attributes AC_REC
attributes year, semester and grade will be renamed to: AC_REC (stu_no, unit_no, ar_year, ar_semester, ar_grade)
Please note that the above steps show the standard of the normalisation process and the format that we expect all students to produce in their assignment submissions.
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5.3 Normalise Multiple Forms Part 2 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE REPORT
*Note: in normalisation you have to decompose attribute when it is necessary (i.e. stated either in case study or in the form/report)
PROPERTY(prop_no, prop_address, owner_no, owner_title, owner_givname, owner_famname, owner_address, (maint_datetime, maint_desc, maint_cost))
PROPERTY(prop_no, prop_address, owner_no, owner_title, owner_givname, owner_famname, owner_address)
MAINTENANCE(prop_no, maint_datetime, maint_desc, maint_cost) Partial Dependencies:
No Partial Dependency
PROPERTY(prop_no, prop_address, owner_no, owner_title, owner_givname, owner_famname, owner_address)
MAINTENANCE(prop_no, maint_datetime, maint_desc, maint_cost) Transitive dependencies:
owner_no owner_title, owner_givname, owner_famname, owner_address
OWNER(owner_no, owner_title, owner_givname, owner_famname, owner_address) PROPERTY(prop_no, prop_address, owner_no)
MAINTENANCE(prop_no, maint_datetime, maint_desc, maint_cost)
Full Dependencies:
owner_no owner_title, owner_givname, owner_famname, owner_address prop_no prop_address, owner_no
prop_no, maint_datetime maint_desc, maint_cost
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PROPERTY_TENANT(prop_no, prop_address, rent_lease_startdate, rent_weekly_rate, rent_bond, tenant_no, tenant_title, tenant_givname, tenant_famname, (pay_no, pay_date, pay_type, pay_amount, pay_paidby))
PROPERTY_TENANT(prop_no, prop_address, rent_lease_startdate, rent_weekly_rate, rent_bond, tenant_no, tenant_title, tenant_givname, tenant_famname)
*note: prop_no and rent_lease_startdate is the only candidate key, hence the PK. The combination of tenant_no and prop_no is not unique since a tenant can rent the same property more than once. The combination of tenant_no and rent_lease_startdate is also not unique since a tenant may rent more than two properties at the same time.
PAYMENT(prop_no, rent_lease_startdate, pay_no, pay_date, pay_type, pay_amount, pay_paidby)
*note: pay_no is unique for each payment, thus this new relation brings along prop_no and rent_lease_startdate (PROPERTY_TENANT PK) as part of repeating group removal, but these attributes are not part of PAYMENT PK
Partial dependencies: prop_no prop_address
PROPERTY(prop_no, prop_address)
PROPERTY_TENANT(prop_no, r ent_lease_startdate, rent_weekly_rate, rent_bond, tenant_no, tenant_title, tenant_givname, tenant_famname)
PAYMENT(prop_no, rent_lease_startdate, pay_no, pay_date, pay_type, pay_amount, pay_paidby) Transitive dependencies:
tenant_no tenant_title, tenant_givname, tenant_famname 3NF
PROPERTY(prop_no, prop_address)
TENANT(tenant_no, tenant_title, tenant_givname, tenant_famname) PROPERTY_TENANT(prop_no, r ent_lease_startdate, rent_weekly_rate, rent_bond, tenant_no) PAYMENT(prop_no, rent_lease_startdate, pay_no, pay_date, pay_type, pay_amount, pay_paidby)
Full dependencies:
prop_no prop_address
tenant_no tenant_title, tenant_givname, tenant_famname
prop_no, rent_lease_startdate rent_weekly_rate, rent_bond, tenant_no
pay_no prop_no, rent_lease_startdate, pay_date, pay_type, pay_amount, pay_paidby
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1. OWNER(owner_no, owner_title, owner_givname, owner_famname, owner_address)
2. PROPERTY(prop_no, prop_address, owner_no)
3. MAINTENANCE(prop_no, maint_datetime, maint_desc, maint_cost)
4. PROPERTY(prop_no, prop_address)
5. TENANT(tenant_no, tenant_title, tenant_givname, tenant_famname)
6. PROPERTY_TENANT(prop_no, r ent_lease_startdate, rent_weekly_rate, rent_bond,
7. PAYMENT(prop_no, rent_lease_startdate, pay_no, pay_date, pay_type, pay_amount,
Join together relations, which have an identical PK ie. represent the same entity: 1.
OWNER(owner_no, owner_title, owner_givname, owner_famname, owner_address) 2. & 4.
PROPERTY(prop_no, prop_address, owner_no) 3.
MAINTENANCE(prop_no, maint_datetime, maint_desc, maint_cost) 5.
TENANT(tenant_no, tenant_title, tenant_givname, tenant_famname) 6.
PROPERTY_TENANT(prop_no, r ent_lease_startdate, rent_weekly_rate, rent_bond, tenant_no) 7.
PAYMENT(prop_no, rent_lease_startdate, pay_no, pay_date, pay_type, pay_amount, pay_paidby)
REMINDER: Again, the above steps show the standard of the normalisation process and the format that we expect all students to produce in their assignment submissions.
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5.4 Additional Normalisation Exercise
BOOKING (booking_no, client_no, client_name, (flight_no, dep_date,dep_time,dep_air_code, dep_air_name, arr_date, arr_time, arr_air_code, arr_air_name, flight_duration))
BOOKING (booking_no, client_no, client_name)
BOOKING_LEG (booking_no, flight_no, dep_date, dep_time,dep_air_code,
dep_air_name, arr_date, arr_time, arr_air_code, arr_air_name, flight_duration)
booking_no, flight_no, dep_date booking_no, flight_no, arr_date
Partial Dependencies:
flight_no dep_time, dep_air_code, dep_air_name, arr_time, arr_air_code, arr_air_name, flight_duration
flight_no, dep_date arr_date*
flight_no, arr_date dep_date*
*Note: these two partial dependency removals create two relations which have the same structure which is (flight_no, dep_date, arr_date) in 2NF, the difference is only the PK choice, so we need to pick one of them.
BOOKING (booking_no, client_no, client_name)
BOOKING_LEG (booking_no, flight_no, dep_date)
FLIGHT_INSTANCE (flight_no, dep_date, arr_date)*
FLIGHT (flight_no, dep_time, dep_air_code, dep_air_name, arr_time, arr_air_code, arr_air_name, flight_duration)
Transitive Dependencies: client_no client_name dep_air_code dep_air_name arr_air_code arr_air_name
CLIENT (client_no, client_name)
BOOKING (booking_no, client_no) BOOKING_LEG (booking_no, flight_no, dep_date)
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FLIGHT_INSTANCE (flight_no, dep_date, arr_date)
FLIGHT (flight_no, dep_time, dep_air_code, arr_time, arr_air_code, flight_duration)
DEP_AIRPORT (dep_air_code, dep_air_name)
ARR_AIRPORT (arr_air_code, arr_air_name)
Combined DEP_AIRPORT and ARR_AIRPORT into AIRPORT(airport_code, airport_name) attribute synthesis:
CLIENT (client_no, client_name)
BOOKING (booking_no, client_no)
BOOKING_LEG (booking_no, flight_no, dep_date)
FLIGHT_INSTANCE (flight_no, dep_date, arr_date)
FLIGHT (flight_no, dep_time, dep_air_code, arr_time, arr_air_code, flight_duration) AIRPORT (airport_code, airport_name)
Full dependencies:
client_no client_name
booking_no client_no
flight_no, dep_date arr_date
flight_no dep_time, dep_air_code, arr_time, arr_air_code airport_code airport_name
Prior to building the logical model, so as to maintain relation name prefixes for the attributes the 3NF above will be renamed for the attributes in flight and flight_instance as follows:
CLIENT (client_no, client_name)
BOOKING (booking_no, client_no)
BOOKING_LEG (booking_no, flight_no, fi_dep_date) FLIGHT_INSTANCE (flight_no, fi_dep_date, fi_arr_date)
FLIGHT (flight_no, flight_dep_time, flight_dep_air_code, flight_arr_time, flight_arr_air_code, flight_duration)
AIRPORT (airport_code, airport_name)
After you have completed your current lab activities, at the end of each session remember to add, commit and push any changes you have made to the FIT GitLab server.
You need to get into the habit of establishing this as a standard FIT2094-FIT3171 workflow Pull at the start of your working session, work on the activities you wish to/are able to complete during this session, add files (stage)/commit changes and then Push the changes back to the FIT GitLab server.
Remember you should also regularly use the Web UI (login to the web interface of the server) to check that your files are correctly being pushed.
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[SOLVED] CS database case study SQL FIT2094-FIT3171 Databases