[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 computer architecture Java compiler scheme RISC-V c++ assembler x86 flex data structure Lecture 3a:

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Lecture 3a:
Instructions: Language of the Computer (2/3)
John Owens
Introduction to Computer Architecture UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021

From last time …
▪ What instructions look like
-add, sub, ld, sw, addi
– RISC-V: 32 bit instructions, different types (R, I, S)
– RISC-V: Instructions either compute something or move something to/from memory
▪ Numbers
– Integers, signed/unsigned integers, sign extension
– Decimal, binary, hexadecimal
– Converting bits <-> numbers
31 UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Representing Instructions

Instructions are encoded in binary – Called “machine code”

RISC-V instructions
How do we get from add x5, x20, x21 to binary? ▪
– Encoded as 32-bit instruction words
– Big picture: We divide the 32-bit instruction word into “fields”, each of a few bits, and encode different pieces information from the instruction into each field
– Small number of formats encoding operation code (opcode), register numbers, …
– Regularity!
32 UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens
§2.5 Representing Instructions in the Computer

▪ Base 16
– Compact representation of bit strings
– 4 bits (“nibble”) per hex digit
– 0x means “I’m hexadecimal”
▪ Example: 0x eca8 6420
– 1110 1100 1010 1000 0110 0100 0010 0000
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

ReaD CYCLE upper Half I RDCYCLEH rd
RISC-V R-format Instructions
▪ Instruction fields
– opcode: operation code
– rd: destination register number
OR OR Immediate AND
– funct3: 3-bit function code (additional opcode)
– rs1: the first source register numberAND Immediate Compare Set <- rs2: the second source register numberSet < Imm UnsignedBranches Branch = SB – funct7: 7-bit function code (additional opcode)Shift Left Immediate SLLI rd,rs1,shamt Shift Right ImmediateShift Right ArithmeticShift Right Arith ImmShift RightR I R ISRL rd,rs1,rs2SRLIrd,rs1,shamtSRA rd,rs1,rs2SRAIrd,rs1,shamt Arithmetic ADD ADD Immediate SUBtractLoad Upper Imm Add Upper Imm to PCR I RU UADD rd,rs1,rs2ADDIrd,rs1,immSUB rd,rs1,rs2LUI rd,immAUIPC rd,imm Logical XOR XOR ImmediateR IR I R I R I R IXOR rd,rs1,rs2XORIrd,rs1,immORrd,rs1,rs2ORI rd,rs1,immAND rd,rs1,rs2ANDIrd,rs1,immSLT rd,rs1,rs2SLTIrd,rs1,immSLTUrd,rs1,rs2SLTIU rd,rs1,immBEQ rs1,rs2,immBNE rs1,rs2,immBLT rs1,rs2,immBGE rs1,rs2,immBLTUrs1,rs2,imm ,rs2,immJAL rd,immJ7AbLitRs rd,rs1,imm FENCEFENCE.ISCALLSBREAKSet < Immediate Set < UnsignedBranch ≠ SB funct7 rs2 rs1 funcBtr3anc h ≥ Unrsdigned SB oBpGcEoUders17bits5bits5bitsBranch <Branch ≥ Branch < UnsignedJump & Link J&L 3Jbuitmsp&LinkR5ebgitisterSynch Synch thread Synch Instr & DataSystem System CALL System BREAKSB SB SBUJ UJ I I I I34Counters ReaD CYCLE IUC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John OwensRDCYCLE rd R-format Exampleadd x9,x20,x217 bits 5 bits 5 bits 3 bits 5 bits 7 bits funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode 0 21 20 0 9 51 0000000 10101 10100 000 01001 01100110000 0001 0101 1010 0000 0100 1011 0011two = 015A04B31635UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode R-typeOpcode Mapimm[11:0] imm[11:5] rs2rs1 funct3 rdrs1 funct3 imm[4:0] rs1 funct3 imm[4:1|11]rd rdopcode opcode opcode opcode opcodeI-type S-type B-type U-type J-typeLUI AUIPC JAL JALR BEQ BNE BLT BGE BLTU BGEU LBLH LW LBU LHU SBSH SW ADDI SLTI SLTIU XORI ORI ANDI SLLI SRLI SRAISUBSLLSLTUC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens imm[12|10:5] rs2imm[11:0]imm[11:0]imm[11:0]imm[11:0]imm[31:12] imm[20|10:1|11|19:12]RV32I Base Instruction Set imm[31:12] imm[31:12]rd imm[20|10:1|11|19:12]rdrd1101111 imm[11:0]rs1000rd1100111 000rs1010rd rdimm[4:0]rd0000011imm[11:0]rs11000000011imm[11:0]rs1101rd0000011 imm[11:5]rs2rs10000100011 imm[11:5]rs2rs1001imm[4:0]0100011 imm[11:5]rs2rs1010imm[4:0]0100011imm[11:0]rs1000rd0010011rs10100010011 rs1011rd rd0010011imm[11:0]rs11000010011 imm[11:0]rs1110rd0010011 imm[11:0]rs1111rd00100110000000 0100000shamtshamtrs1rs1001101rdrdrd0010011 0000000shamtrs110100100110010011 0000000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 0110011 ADD0100000rs2rs1000rd01100110000000 rs2 rs1 001rd 01100110000000 rs2 0000000 rs2 0000000 rs2rs1 010 rs1 011rs1 100rd rd rd011001101100110110011SLTU36XORrd01101110010111 imm[12|10:5]imm[12|10:5]rs2rs1imm[4:1|11]imm[4:1|11]1100011 imm[12|10:5]rs2rs1001imm[4:1|11]1100011 imm[12|10:5]rs2rs1100imm[4:1|11]1100011 rs2rs11011100011 imm[12|10:5]rs2rs1110imm[4:1|11]1100011 imm[12|10:5]rs2rs1111imm[4:1|11]1100011imm[11:0]rs1000rd0000011rs100100000110000000 rs2 rs1 101 rd 0110011 SRL Shift Right Arithmetic R SRA rd,rs1,rs2- immediate: constant operand, or offset added to baseaddress- 2s-complement, sign extended- How big can this immediate be?- Why did they pick this size?Set < Unsigned Set < Imm UnsignedBranches Branch = Branch ≠ Branch < Branch ≥ Branch < Unsigned Branch ≥ UnsignedJump & Link J&L Jump & Link RegisterR SLTU I SLTIUSB BEQ SB BNE SB BLT SB BGE SB BLTU SB BGEU UJ JALUJ JALR I FENCE- Advantages/disadvantages of making it bigger/smaller?Arithmetic ADD ADD Immediate SUBtractLoad Upper Imm Add Upper Imm to PCI ANDI Compare Set< R SLTSet < Immediate I SLTIR I RU UADD rd,rs1,rs2ADDIrd,rs1,immSUB rd,rs1,rs2LUI rd,immAUIPC rd,imm ▪ Immediate arithmetic and load instructions- rs1: source or base address register numberShift Right Arith Imm ISRAIrd,rs1,shamtRISC-V I-format Instructions Logical XOR RXOR XORIOR ORI ANDrd,rs1,rs2rd,rs1,immrd,rs1,rs2rd,rs1,immrd,rs1,rs2rd,rs1,immrd,rs1,rs2rd,rs1,immrd,rs1,rs2rd,rs1,immrs1,rs2,immrs1,rs2,immrs1,rs2,immrs1,rs2,immrs1,rs2,immrs1,rs2,immrd,immrd,rs1,immXOR Immediate I OR RI ROR Immediate AND AND Immediate Synch Synch thread Synch Instr & DataI System System CALL I SCALLFENCE.I immediate rs1 funct3 R ReaD TIMErd eaDTIME I RDTopcodepper Half IRDT12 bits5 bits3 bitsRDCYCLE rd RDCYCLEH rd IME rd IMEH rd I RDINSTRET rd37R UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John OwensISystem BREAK I SBREAKCounters ReaD CYCLE ReaD CYCLE upper HalfuReaD INSTR RETiredI I5 bits 7 bitsReaD INSTR upper Half I RDINSTRETH rd32-bit Instruction Formats RISC-V I-format vs. R-format▪ ▪▪I-format:R-format:7 bits12 bits5 bits3 bits5 bits7 bits immediate rs1 funct3 rd opcode funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode5 bits5 bits3 bits5 bits7 bitsDesign Principle 3: Good design demands good compromises- Different formats complicate decoding, but allow 32-bitinstructions uniformly- Keep formats as similar as possible38 UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens RISC-V S-format Instructions▪ Different immediate format for store instructions- rs1: base address register number- rs2: source operand register number- immediate: offset added to base address- Split so that rs1 and rs2 fields always in the same place imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] opcode7 bits 5 bits 5 bits 3 bits 5 bits 7 bits 39 UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens RISC-V I-format vs. R-format vs. S-format ▪ I-format: immediate rs1 funct3 rd opcode▪ R-format: 7 bits▪ S-format: 7 bits5 bits5 bits3 bits5 bits7 bits12 bits5 bits3 bits5 bits7 bits funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] opcode5 bits5 bits3 bits5 bits7 bits40UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John OwensLogical Operations▪ Instructions for bitwise manipulationOperationCJavaRISC-VShift left<<<<slliShift right>>
Bit-by-bit AND
and, andi
Bit-by-bit OR
or, ori
Bit-by-bit XOR
xor, xori
Bit-by-bit NOT
■ Useful for extracting and inserting groups of bits in a word
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens
§2.6 Logical Operations

Category Name Fmt RV32I Base
Shift Operations
▪ immed: how many positions to shift
▪ Shift left logical
– Shift left and fill with 0 bits
Loads Load Byte Load Halfword Load Word Load Byte Unsigned Load Half Unsigned
Stores Store Byte Store Halfword Store Word
Shifts Shift Left Shift Left Immediate Shift Right Shift Right Immediate Shift Right Arithmetic Shift Right Arith Imm
Arithmetic ADD ADD Immediate SUBtract
Load Upper Imm Add Upper Imm to PC
Logical XOR XOR Immediate
rd,rs1,imm rd,rs1,imm rd,rs1,imm L rd,rs1,imm rd,rs1,imm L rs1,rs2,imm rs1,rs2,imm rs1,rs2,imm S
rd,rs1,rs2 A rd,rs1,imm A
SLL rd,rs1,rs2
SRL rd,rs1,rs2
SRA rd,rs1,rs2

▪ Shift right logical
i slliby i bits multiplies by 2
– Shift right and fill with 0 bits
rd,imm rd,rs1,rs2 L rd,rs1,imm
– –
OR Immediate srliby i bits divides by 2i (unsigned only) OR
Set < Immediate Set < Unsigned Set < Imm UnsignedCompare Set < R SLT Also arithmetic right shifts that fill with sign bit (srai)- Why not an arithmetic left shift?R ISLTU SLTIUBEQBGE6 bits6 bits5 bits3 bitsBranch ≥ Branch < Unsigned Branch ≥ UnsignedJump & Link J&LSB42UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John OwensAND AND ImmediateI ANDIBranches Branch = SBrd,rs1,rs2S funct6 immed rs1 funct3 rdBra Bra nch≠ SBBNE opcodench < SB BLT5 bits7 bitsSBSB BGEU rs1,rs2,immBLTUUJ JAL rd,immJump & Link Register UJ JALR rd,rs1,immCSA AND Operations▪ Useful to mask bits in a word- Select some bits, clear others to 0▪ and x9,x10,x11 x10x11 x900000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001101 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00111100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001100 0000000043UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens OR Operations▪ Useful to include bits in a word- Set some bits to 1, leave others unchanged or x9,x10,x11x10 x11x900000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 044UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens0001101 110000000111100 000000000111101 11000000XOR Operations+RV{64,128}Free & OpenBase Integer Instructions: RV32I, RV64I, and RV128ICategory Name Fmt RV32I Base ▪ Differencing operationCategCSR AAtAtom Atomic Chang EnRMMULoads Load Byte I LB rd,rs1,imm Load Halfword I LH rd,rs1,imm- Set some bits to 1, leave others unchanged Load Word I LW rd,rs1,immL{D|Q}L{W|D}US{D|Q}SLL{W|D}rd,rs1,immrd,rs1,immrs1,rs2,immrd,rs1,rs2Load Byte Unsigned I LBU rd,rs1,imm Load Half Unsigned I LHU rd,rs1,immxor x9,x10,x12// NOT operationStores Store Byte S SB rs1,rs2,immShiftsShift Left R RStore Halfword S Store Word SSH SWSLLrs1,rs2,immrs1,rs2,immrd,rs1,rs2 Shift Left Immediate I SLLI rd,rs1,shamt SLLI{W|D} rd,rs1,shamt T 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001101 11000000 x10x12 nrShift Right SRL rd,rs1,rs2 SRL{W|D} rd,rs1,rs2 Shift Right Immediate I SRLI rd,rs1,shamt SRLI{W|D} rd,rs1,shamt HShift Right Arithmetic R SRA rd,rs1,rs2 SRA{W|D} rd,rs1,rs2 I 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111Shift Right Arith Imm I SRAI rd,rs1,shamt SRAI{W|D} rd,rs1,shamt Arithmetic ADD R ADD rd,rs1,rs2 ADD{W|D} rd,rs1,rs2Redir ypervix9SUBtractLoad Upper Imm Add Upper Imm to PCR SUB U LUIU AUIPCXOR rd,rs1,rs2 XORI rd,rs1,imm ORrd,rs1,rs2 ORI rd,rs1,imm AND rd,rs1,rs2 ANDIrd,rs1,imm11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11110010 00111111 Logical XOR XOR ImmediateOR OR Immediate AND AND ImmediateR IR I R ICompareSet <R SLTrd,rs1,rs2Stores Store Word CS C.SWADD Immediate I ADDI rd,rs1,imm ADDI{W|D} rd,rs1,immrd,rs1,rs2rd,immSUB{W|D}rd,rs1,rs2rd,immOptional Compressed (1 Category Name FmtLoads Load Word CL C.LWrapter 45Load Quad SPLoad Word SPLoad DoubleLoad Double SPLoad QuadCI C.LWSP CL C.LDCI C.LDSPCL C.LQCI C.LQSP UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens Set < ImmediateI SLTI rd,rs1,immStore Word SP CSS C.SWSPRocA ieveesu6 Up to this point, we’ve made an assumption: what happens after we run instruction n?46 UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John OwensConditional Operations▪ Branch to a labeled instruction if a condition is true – Otherwise, continue sequentially▪ beq rs1, rs2, L1- if (rs1 == rs2) branch to instruction labeled L1▪ bne rs1, rs2, L1- if (rs1 != rs2) branch to instruction labeled L147UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens§2.7 Instructions for Making Decisions Compiling If Statements ▪ C code:if (i==j) f = g+h;else f = g-h;- f, g, … in x19, x20, … ▪ Compiled RISC-V code:bne x22, x23, Elseadd x19, x20, x21beq x0, x0, Exit // unconditionalElse: sub x19, x20, x21Exit: …48UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John OwensAssembler calculates addressesCompiling Loop Statements ▪ C code:while (save[i] == k) i += 1;- i in x22, k in x24, address of save in x25 ▪ Compiled RISC-V code:Loop: slli x10, x22, 3addx10, x10, x25ld x9, 0(x10) // could we optimize this with an immediate? bne x9, x24, Exitaddi x22, x22, 1beqx0, x0, LoopExit: …49UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens $ Aside on addressing modesThe addressing mode determines, for an instruction that accesses a memory location, how theaddress for the memory location is specified.To summarize, the following diagram (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86#Addressing_modes) shows the possible ways an address could▪ x86 has many more addressing modes than RISC-V$be specified:Each square bracket in the above diagram indicates an optional These parts (from left to right) are: A register used as a base add width (or scale) value to multiply the register by, and an displac integer. The address is computed as the sum of: the base registe the displacement.The Intel & AT&T syntax for various addressing modes, depend diagram are used, is shown in the table below from $▪ RISC-V can do:integer. The address is computed as the sum of: the base register, the index times the width, andhttp://simon.baymoo.org/universe/tools/symset/symset.txt (sligh Each square bracket in the above diagram indicates an optional part of the address specification. – register| Absolute | Register | Reg + Off| MOV EAX, [0100] | MOV EAX, [ESI]| MOV EAX, [EBP-8]the displacement.+————-+—————————-+—-These parts (from left to right) are: A register used as a base address, a register used as an index, a| Mode | Intel | AT&width (or scale) value to multiply the register by, and an displacement (aka offset) which is an+————-+—————————-+—- | mov | mov | movThe Intel & AT&T syntax for vari|ouRs*aWdd+resOsfinfg mo|deMs,OdVepEeAnXd,ing[oEnBXw*h4ich+p0ar1t0s0o]f the ab|ovmeov- reg+offdiagram are used, is shown in the table below fromhttps://cs.nyu.edu/courses/fall10/V22.0201-002/addressing_modes.pdf50UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens| B + R*W + O | MOV EAX, [EDX + EBX*4 + 8] | movhttp://simon.baymoo.org/universe/tools/symset/symset.txt (slightly modified):$ – (small) absolute+————-+—————————-+—-+————-+—–N-o-t-e-t-h-a-t-,-g-i-v-e-n-t-h-e–d-e-f-in-i-t+io-n–o-f-a–l-a-b-e-l$-x-$-in–t-h-e-$.–d-a-t–a-$-se-c-t+ion | Mode | Intel | AT&T || Register(%esi), %eax |to indicate the memory location, as in+————-+—————————-+—————————–+| Absolute| MOV EAX, [0100] | movl0x0100, %eax || MOVmEoAvX, [eESaIx],x #Intel| movl | Reg + Off| MOV EAX, [EBP-8]| movl-8(%ebp), %eax |p re rt- T – l l l l l – Basic Blocks▪ A basic block is a sequence of instructions with- No embedded branches (except at end)- No branch targets (except at beginning)■ ■A compiler identifies basic blocks for optimizationAn advanced processor can accelerate execution of basic blocks51UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens More Conditional Operations▪ blt rs1, rs2, L1- if (rs1 < rs2) branch to instruction labeled L1▪ bge rs1, rs2, L1- if (rs1 >= rs2) branch to instruction labeled L1
▪ Example
-if (a > b) a += 1; // a in x22, b in x23
bgex23, x22, Exit// branch if b >= a
addi x22, x22, 1
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Signed vs. Unsigned
▪ Signed comparison: blt, bge
▪ Unsigned comparison: bltu, bgeu ▪ Example
– x22 = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
– x23 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001

– –1 < +1×22 < x23 // signed x22 > x23 // unsigned

– +4,294,967,295 > +1
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Let’s say you write an awesome procedure in RISC-V and I want to call it. You use registers, I use registers. What could go wrong?
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Procedure Calling
▪ Steps required
– Place parameters in registers x10 to x17
– Transfer control to procedure
– Acquire storage for procedure
– “Storage” may be both register and memory space
– Perform procedure’s operations
– Place result in register for caller
– Return to place of call (address in x1)
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens
§2.8 Supporting Procedures in Computer Hardware

Procedure Call Instructions ▪ Procedure call: jump and link
jal x1, ProcedureLabel
– Address of following instruction put in x1
– Jumps to target address
▪ Procedure return: jump and link register
jalr x0, 0(x1)
– Like jal, but jumps to 0 + address in x1
– Use x0 as rd (x0 cannot be changed)
– Can also be used for computed jumps
– e.g., for case/switch statements
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Aside: Data Types in C
▪ The actual size of the integer types varies by implementation. The standard only requires size relations between the data types and minimum sizes for each data type:
▪ The relation requirements are that the long long is not smaller than long, which is not smaller than int, which is not smaller than short. As char’s size is always the minimum supported data type, no other data types (except bit-fields) can be smaller.
▪ The minimum size for char is 8 bits, the minimum size for short and int is 16 bits, for long it is 32 bits and long long must contain at least 64 bits.
▪ The type int should be the integer type that the target processor is most efficiently working with. This allows great flexibility: for example, all types can be 64-bit. However, several different integer width schemes (data models) are popular. Because the data model defines how different programs communicate, a uniform data model is used within a given operating system application interface.
▪ In practice, char is usually eight bits in size and short is usually 16 bits in size (as are their unsigned counterparts). This holds true for platforms as diverse as 1990s SunOS 4 Unix, Microsoft MS-DOS, modern Linux, and Microchip MCC18 for embedded 8-bit
PIC microcontrollers. POSIX requires char to be exactly eight bits in size.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_data_types 57 UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Leaf Procedure Example

“leaf procedures” make no function calls
C code:
long long int leaf_example (
long long int g, long long int h,
long long int i, long long int j) {
long long int f;
f = (g + h) – (i + j);
return f;
long long int
guarantees at least a 64-bit integer
– f in x20
– temporaries x5, x6
– Arguments g, …, j in x10, …, x13
– Callee needs to save x5, x6, x20 on “stack” (magic data structure, we will describe shortly)
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Leaf Procedure Example ▪ RISC-V code:
addi sp,sp,-24
sd x5,16(sp)
sd x6,8(sp)
sd x20,0(sp)
addi x10,x20,0
ld x20,0(sp)
ld x6,8(sp)
ld x5,16(sp)
addi sp,sp,24
jalr x0,0(x1)
Save x5, x6, x20 on stack (caller might need those values)
x5 = g + h
x6 = i + j
f = x5 – x6
copy f to return register Restore x5, x6, x20 from stack
Return to caller
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

What could a compiler do to optimize the previous code?
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Local Data on the Stack
▪ In RISC-V:
– The stack pointer points to the “top” of the stack (the most recently
used item)
– The stack grows downward
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Register Usage (RISC-V Convention)
▪ x5 – x7, x28 – x31: temporary registers – Not preserved by the callee
▪ x8 – x9, x18 – x27: saved registers
– If used, the callee saves and restores them
▪ Big picture: When a procedure call is made, some tasks are the responsibility of the caller and some are the responsibility of the callee
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Non-Leaf Procedures
▪ Procedures that call other procedures
▪ For nested call, caller needs to save on the stack:
– Its return address
– Any arguments and temporaries needed after the call ▪ Restore from the stack after the call
63 UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Non-Leaf Procedure Example ▪ C code:
long long int fact (long long int n)
if (n < 1) return 1;else return n * fact(n – 1);}- -Argument n in x10 Result in x1064 UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens Non-Leaf Procedure Example▪ RISC-V code:fact:addi sp,sp,-16sd x1,8(sp)sd x10,0(sp)addi x5,x10,-1bgex5,x0,L1addi x10,x0,1addi sp,sp,16jalr x0,0(x1)L1: addi x10,x10,-1jalx1,factaddi x6,x10,0ld x10,0(sp)ld x1,8(sp)addi sp,sp,16 mulx10,x10,x6jalr x0,0(x1)long long int fact (long long int n){if (n < 1) return 1;else return n * fact(n – 1);} Save return address and n on stackx5 = n – 1if n >= 1, go to L1
Else, set return value to 1
Pop stack, don’t bother restoring values
n = n -1
call fact(n-1), write next instruction’s address into x1, result will be in x10 move result of fact(n – 1) to x6
Restore caller’s n
Restore caller’s return address
Pop stack
return n * fact(n-1)
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Memory Layout
▪ Text: program code
▪ Static data: global variables
– e.g., static variables in C, constant arrays and strings
– x3 (global pointer) initialized to address allowing ±offsets into this segment
▪ Dynamic data: heap
– E.g., malloc in C, new in Java
▪ Stack: automatic storage
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Local Data on the Stack
▪ Local data allocated by callee – e.g., C automatic variables
▪ Procedure frame (activation record)
– Used by some compilers to manage stack storage
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

Character Data
▪ Byte-encoded character sets – ASCII: 128 characters
– 95 graphic, 33 control – Latin-1: 256 characters
– ASCII, +96 more graphic characters ▪ Unicode: 32-bit character set
– Used in Java, C++ wide characters, …
– Most of the world’s alphabets, plus symbols
– UTF-8, UTF-16: variable-length encodings
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens
§2.9 Communicating with People

Byte/Halfword/Word Operations

RISC-V byte/halfword/word load/store
– Load byte/halfword/word: Sign extend to 64 bits in rd
-lb rd, offset(rs1) -lh rd, offset(rs1) -lw rd, offset(rs1)
– Load byte/halfword/word unsigned: Zero extend to 64 bits in rd
-lbu rd, offset(rs1) -lhu rd, offset(rs1) -lwu rd, offset(rs1)
– Store byte/halfword/word: Store rightmost 8/16/32 bits
-sb rs2, offset(rs1) -sh rs2, offset(rs1) -sw rs2, offset(rs1)
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

String Copy Example ▪ C code:
– Null-terminated string
void strcpy (char x[], char y[]) {
size_t i;
i = 0;
while ((x[i]=y[i]) != ‘′)
i += 1; }
// C idiom: while (*x++ = *y++);
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens

String Copy Example ▪ RISC-V code:
addi sp,sp,-8 // adjust stack for 1 doubleword sd x19,0(sp) // push x19
add x19,x0,x0 // i=0 (x19 contains i)
L1: add x5,x19,x10 // x10 = &y x5 = addr of y[i]
lbu x6,0(x5) add x7,x19,x11 sb x6,0(x7) beq x6,x0,L2 addi x19,x19,1 jal x0,L1
L2: ld x19,0(sp)
addi sp,sp,8
jalr x0,0(x1)
// x6 = y[i]
// x11 = &x x7 = addr of x[i]
// x[i] = y[i]
// if y[i] == 0 then exit
// i = i + 1
// next iteration of loop
// restore saved x19
// pop 1 doubleword from stack
// and return
UC Davis EEC 170, Winter 2021 / © John Owens


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