[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 chain #ifndef __image_h__

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#ifndef __image_h__
#define __image_h__

#include // uint8_t

namespace graphics101
struct ColorRGBA8 {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
uint8_t a;

// When specifying a color, alpha defaults to opaque.
ColorRGBA8( uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t alpha = 255 )
: r( red ), g( green ), b( blue ), a( alpha ) {}
// By default, a color is transparent black.
ColorRGBA8() : r(0), g(0), b(0), a(0) {}

class Image
// An empty constructor creates an empty image with width and height set to 0
// and data set to nullptr.
// Create a copy of another Image.
Image( const Image& );
// Create a “copy” of another Image more efficiently when the other image is a temporary value.
Image( Image&& );
// Create an image with undefined contents. Use .fill() or the next constructor to set a color.
Image( int width, int height );
// Create an image filled with the given pixel color.
Image( int width, int height, ColorRGBA8 color );
// Create an image from memory.
Image( const ColorRGBA8* data, int width, int height );
// Create an image from memory with extra padding between rows.
// The first pixel of each row is separated by pixels_per_row pixels.
Image( const ColorRGBA8* data, int width, int height, int pixels_per_row );


// Assignment constructor
Image& operator=( const Image& );
// Move operator
Image& operator=( Image&& rhs );

// Returns true if the images are the same size and have the same data (for r,g,b,a).
bool same( const Image& rhs ) const;
// Returns true if the images are the same size and have the same data for r,g,b (ignoring alpha).
bool same_rgb( const Image& rhs ) const;

// Saves a PNG image.
bool save( const std::string& fname ) const;
bool load( const std::string& fname );

// NOTE: Methods which modify the image return a reference to the image itself so
// you can chain methods, as in: img.clear().resize( 100, 100 ).fill( color ).flip();

// Sets the width and height to 0 and data to nullptr.
Image& clear();
// Fills the image with the specified color.
Image& fill( ColorRGBA8 color );

// Access the pixel data starting from the first pixel.
ColorRGBA8* data();
const ColorRGBA8* data() const;

// Access the pixel data starting from the first pixel of the given row.
ColorRGBA8* scanline( int row );
const ColorRGBA8* scanline( int row ) const;

ColorRGBA8& pixel( int row, int column );
const ColorRGBA8& pixel( int row, int column ) const;

int width() const;
int height() const;
bool empty() const;

// Resizes the image as in a window or canvas resize.
// Preserves as much as possible the old image (in the upper left).
// Newly visible pixels are set to `clear`, which defaults to transparent black.
Image& resize( int width, int height, ColorRGBA8 clear = ColorRGBA8(0,0,0,0) );
// Resizes the image by scaling it to fit in the new dimensions.
Image& rescale( int width, int height );

// flip vertically
Image& flip();
// flip horizontally
Image& mirror();

int m_width = 0;
int m_height = 0;
ColorRGBA8* m_data = nullptr; // raw image data

#endif /* __image_h__ */


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 chain #ifndef __image_h__
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